The past perfect tense. Прошедшее совершенное время

 Время Present Perfect опи­сы­ва­ет на­сто­я­щую си­ту­а­цию, ко­то­рая яв­ля­ет­ся ре­зуль­та­том ка­ко­го-то про­шед­ше­го дей­ствия (describes a present situation which is a result of the past action).


I have been to Australia twice. (Present Perfect)

Время Past Simple опи­сы­ва­ет факт в про­шлом (describes a fact in the past).


I spent my summer holiday in Australia last year. (Past Simple)

Past Simple и Present Perfect

Рис. 1. Past Simple и Present Perfect

Время Present Perfect ис­поль­зу­ет­ся для опи­са­ния на­сто­я­щей си­ту­а­ции, ко­то­рая яв­ля­ет­ся ре­зуль­та­том дей­ствия, слу­чив­ше­го­ся в некий мо­мент в про­шлом (is used to talk about a present situation which is a result of something that happened at an unspecified time in the past).


I have given your article to the professor.

«Сиг­наль­ные слова» для Present Perfect







This morning





For ages

Как видно, для вре­ме­ни Present Perfect ха­рак­тер­ны «сиг­наль­ные слова» just, ever, never. Кон­крет­ное время при этом не ука­зы­ва­ет­ся (the exact time is not mentioned). Важен лишь жиз­нен­ный опыт.


You cannot meet Ms. Jones. She has just left.

Have you ever worked abroad?

I have never been to China.

Время Present Perfect ис­поль­зу­ет­ся со сло­ва­ми already (в утвер­ди­тель­ных пред­ло­же­ни­ях) и yet (в от­ри­ца­ни­ях и во­про­сах).


She has already printed this page.

Have you talked to Peter yet?

I have not talked to him yet.

Также время Present Perfect ис­поль­зу­ет­ся со сло­ва­ми for (для ука­за­ния на пе­ри­од вре­ме­ни) и since (если нужно ска­зать, когда на­ча­лось дей­ствие).


ten minutes / six days / two months / three years / a long time / ages / etc.


9.30 / Monday / the 14th / last week / August / 1998 / I graduated from university / etc.


I have been with my company for three years.

I have been in this company since 2010.

 Образование Past Perfect

Времена группы Past

Рис. 2. Вре­ме­на груп­пы Past

Past Perfect = had + Past Participle (V3)


I had eaten.

We had eaten.

You had eaten.

He had eaten.

She had eaten.

It had eaten.

They had eaten.


I hadn’t eaten.

We hadn’t eaten.

You hadn’t eaten.

He hadn’t eaten.

She hadn’t eaten.

It hadn’t eaten.

They hadn’t eaten.


Had I eaten?

Had we eaten?

Had you eaten?

Had he eaten?

Had she eaten?

Had it eaten?

Had they eaten? 

Об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние: 3 форма гла­го­ла (V3/Past Participle) ис­поль­зу­ет­ся во всех фор­мах Past Perfect.

Формы непра­виль­ных гла­го­лов

Рис. 3. Формы непра­виль­ных гла­го­лов

Simple Past

Время Simple Past ис­поль­зу­ет­ся для опи­са­ния за­кон­чен­ных дей­ствий в про­шлом (is used to talk about completed actions in the past). The Simple Past часто ис­поль­зу­ет­ся с вы­ра­же­ни­я­ми, ко­то­рые ука­зы­ва­ют на время в про­шлом (is often used with expressions that refer to points of time in the past).

«Сиг­наль­ные слова» для Past Simple


4 o’clock / 2.12 / the end of the year / Christmas


Tuesday / 19th March / the 21st / New Year’s Day


January / 1999 / the 1990s / summer

no prepositions

yesterday / yesterday morning / last Monday / next April / a few days ago / the day before yesterday / when I was young

 Использование Past Perfect

Время Past Perfect ис­поль­зу­ет­ся:

для опи­са­ния дей­ствий, слу­чив­ших­ся ранее дру­го­го дей­ствия в про­шлом, при этом более позд­нее дей­ствие вы­ра­жа­ет­ся вре­ме­нем Past Simple;


When I arrived at the airport, my plane had already flown away.

She started writing the letter after her children had gone to school.

для опи­са­ния дей­ствий, за­кон­чив­ших­ся к опре­де­лен­но­му мо­мен­ту в про­шлом.


I had finished doing my project by 4 o’clock.

We had all arrived by 10 o’clock.

 Упражнение 1

Чтобы лучше по­нять и усво­ить осо­бен­но­сти упо­треб­ле­ния вре­ме­ни Past Perfect, необ­хо­ди­мо вы­пол­нить сле­ду­ю­щие упраж­не­ния.

Со­ставь­те из сле­ду­ю­щих про­стых пред­ло­же­ний одно слож­ное, ос­но­вы­ва­ясь на пра­ви­ле об­ра­зо­ва­ния Past Perfect.

I took a bus to school. Before that I ate breakfast.

I came to this class. Before that I didn’t study English.

I left the house. Before that I turned off the lights.

I had a test. Before that I studied all the new words.

От­ве­ты к упраж­не­нию:

I had eaten breakfast before I took a bus to school.

I hadn’t studied English before I came to this class.

I had turned off the lights before I left the house.

I had studied all the new words before I had a test.

Об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние: Оба дей­ствия от­но­сят­ся к про­шло­му, но одно пред­ше­ству­ет дру­го­му.

 Past Perfect

Past Perfect об­ра­зу­ет­ся с по­мо­щью вспо­мо­га­тель­но­го гла­го­ла had и past participle.

Вы­ра­жа­ет за­вер­шен­ное дей­ствие, слу­чив­ше­е­ся ранее дру­го­го дей­ствия в про­шлом.


You had studied English before you moved to New York.

Had you studied English before you moved to New York?

You had not studied English before you moved to New York.

Когда в пред­ло­же­нии два ска­зу­е­мых, одно ска­зу­е­мое будет ис­поль­зо­вать­ся в Past Perfect, а дру­гое – в Past Simple.


By the time Alex finished his studies, he had been in London for over eight years.

She had never seen a bear before she moved to Alaska. 

 Упражнение 2

Пе­ре­пи­ши­те пред­ло­же­ния, об­ра­зо­вав из них во­прос. Дайте крат­кий ответ.

I had eaten breakfast before I took a bus to school.

I hadn’t studied English before I came to this class.

От­ве­ты к упраж­не­нию:

Had I eaten breakfast before I took a bus to school? – Yes, I had. /No, I hadn’t.

Had I studied English before I came to this class? – Yes, I had. /No, I hadn’t.

       Об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние: Со сло­ва­ми before и after ис­поль­зуй­те Past Perfect.


Упражнение 3

Вставь­те before или after, ис­хо­дя из по­яс­не­ний после пред­ло­же­ния.

They put out the fire ____________ the fire brigade arrived. The fire brigade was late.

They put out the fire ____________ the fire brigade arrived. The fire brigade was on time to put out the fire.

The car was repaired __________________ he sold it. The car was working well when he sold it.

The car was repaired __________________ he sold it. He sold it damaged.

От­ве­ты к упраж­не­нию:

They put out the fire BEFORE the fire brigade arrived. The fire brigade was late.

They put out the fire AFTER the fire brigade arrived. The fire brigade was on time to put out the fire.

The car was repaired BEFORE he sold it. The car was working well when he sold it.

The car was repaired AFTER he sold it. He sold it damaged.

 Упражнение 4

По­ставь­те гла­го­лы в нуж­ное время – Past Simple или Past Perfect.

It was Friday – the day for a famous party at Wellington School. When Jane came to the party, the music __________________ (already/start). Tim suddenly ____________ (notice) Jane and ____________ (feel) shocked. He _______________ (look for her) for 2 years. They __________ (meet) each other at a holiday camp in 2011, but mysteriously Jane ___________ (disappear) after a while. He _____________ (think) about her since then. At the party, Jane was talking to one of her friends while most of students were dancing. Tim ______________ (decide) to talk to her and ____________ (wait) for her friend to leave. When he ___________ (go) next to her, she was searching for something in her bag, so she __________ (not see) him. As soon as he ____________ (touch) her on the shoulder, she ___________ (raise) her head and couldn’t believe her eyes. She ____________ (never/forget) him. At the end of the party, no one _______ (be) happier than Jane and Tim as they ___________ (find) each other after two years.    

От­ве­ты к упраж­не­нию:

It was Friday – the day for a famous party at Wellington School. When Jane came to the party, the music had already started. Tim suddenly noticed Jane and felt shocked. He had looked for her for 2 years. They met each other at a holiday camp in 2011, but mysteriously Jane disappeared after a while.  He thought about her since then. At the party, Jane was talking to one of her friends while most of students were dancing. Tim decided to talk to her and waited for her friend to leave. When he went next to her, she was searching for something in her bag, so she didn’t see him. As soon as he touched her on the shoulder, she raised her head and couldn’t believe her eyes. She had never forgotten him. At the end of the party, no one was happier than Jane and Tim as they found each other after two years.     

Вопросы к конспектам

Пе­ре­ве­ди­те на ан­глий­ский язык, упо­треб­ляя гла­го­лы в Past Simple или Past Perfect:

а) Я уже за­ка­за­ла пиццу, когда при­шли гости.

б) Он от­пра­вил все пись­ма к 6 ве­че­ра вчера.

в) Когда ее муж вер­нул­ся, она уже на­кры­ла на стол.

г) Они про­да­ли дом, пре­жде чем мы узна­ли об их пла­нах.

д) Дети пе­ре­ве­ли текст к про­шлой пят­ни­це.  

е) Когда мы при­е­ха­ли на вок­зал, мы по­ня­ли, что за­бы­ли би­ле­ты дома.

ж) Она про­чи­та­ла 20 стра­ниц до того как при­ш­ла мама.

Последнее изменение: Воскресенье, 15 Октябрь 2017, 01:43