«But for» structure / Структура «если бы не...»

Рас­смот­рим при­мер:

If it were not so cold, we wouldn’t wear warm clothes. – Если бы не было так хо­лод­но, мы бы не на­де­ва­ли теп­лую одеж­ду (рис. 1).

If it were not so cold, we wouldn’t wear warm clothes. – Если бы не было так хо­лод­но, мы бы не на­де­ва­ли теп­лую одеж­ду

Рис. 1. Ил­лю­стра­ция ‘If it weren’t so cold…’

Это услов­ное пред­ло­же­ние 2-го типа, от­но­ся­ще­е­ся к на­сто­я­ще­му. То же самое можно ска­зать иначе:

But for the cold weather, we wouldn’t wear warm clothes.

Как можно уви­деть, фраза ‘but for the cold weather’ си­но­ни­мич­на услов­ной части ‘if it were not so cold’. На рус­ский язык это будет пе­ре­во­дить­ся сле­ду­ю­щим об­ра­зом:

Если бы не хо­лод­ная по­го­да, мы бы не на­де­ва­ли теп­лую одеж­ду.

Рас­смот­рим еще один при­мер:

If I hadn’t surfed the Internet, I wouldn’t have got a new job. – Если бы я не искал в Ин­тер­не­те, я бы не нашел новую ра­бо­ту (рис. 2).

If I hadn’t surfed the Internet, I wouldn’t have got a new job. – Если бы я не искал в Ин­тер­не­те, я бы не нашел новую ра­бо­ту

Рис. 2. Ил­лю­стра­ция ‘If I hadn’t ...’

But for the Internet, I wouldn’t have got a new job. – Если бы не Ин­тер­нет, я бы не нашел новую ра­бо­ту.

По­тре­ни­ру­ем­ся на за­да­ни­ях. Из­ме­ни­те пред­ло­же­ния так, как мы де­ла­ли выше:

1. If my friend had not given us advice, we wouldn't have found a new flat in this city.

2. If our grandpa didn’t have glasses, he wouldn’t be able to read newspapers.

3. If my parents hadn’t paid for my education, I wouldn’t be able to study at the university.

4. If Mike hadn’t been a talented actor, he would never have become a film star.

5. If Kelly weren’t so stubborn, I wouldn’t feel so worried about her.

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

1. But for my friend’s advice, we wouldn't have found a new flat in this city.

2. But for our grandpa’s glasses, he wouldn’t be able to read newspapers.

3. But for my parents, I wouldn’t be able to study at the university.

4. But for Mike’s talent, he would never have become a film star.

5. But for Kelly’s stubbornness, I wouldn’t feel so worried about her.

Вопросы к конспектам

1. Пе­ре­фра­зи­руй­те пред­ло­же­ния, ис­поль­зуя кон­струк­цию ‘But for…’

1. If I had known my friend wasn’t invited, I would have never come. 2. You would hardly recognize her with these glasses on if you met her. 3. If a passer-by hadn't helped us, we would not have found the way. 4. Mother would have had a short rest if the boy had gone to sleep. 5. We wouldn't have made friends with them if we hadn't stayed at the same hotel. 6. It wouldn't have been so cold in the morning if the wind had stopped blowing. 7. Peter would accept your invitation if he were free from his job. 8. They wouldn't have quarreled if they both had not been so impatient. 9. If they weren’t interested in each other, they wouldn't spend so much time together. 10. If it didn’t snow, the weather would get warmer.

Последнее изменение: Воскресенье, 8 Октябрь 2017, 02:22