Придаточные условия относящиеся к прошлому

 1. Придаточные условные предложения 3-го типа

Услов­ные пред­ло­же­ния 3го типа (conditional sentences III) ис­поль­зу­ют­ся, когда мы го­во­рим о не слу­чив­шем­ся факте в про­шлом. Ино­гда пред­ло­же­ния в этом услов­ном типе вы­ра­жа­ют со­жа­ле­ние о том, что не слу­чи­лось в про­шлом. В рус­ском языке на ре­аль­ность об­суж­да­е­мо­го ука­зы­ва­ет ча­сти­ца «бы».

Такие пред­ло­же­ния об­ра­зу­ют­ся сле­ду­ю­щим об­ра­зом: If + past perfect, would + present perfect


If I had bought a ticket, I would have visited the gallery of art yesterday. – Если бы я купил билет, я бы вчера по­се­тил кар­тин­ную га­ле­рею.

If I had bought a ticket, I would have visited the gallery of art yesterday. – Если бы я купил билет, я бы вчера по­се­тил кар­тин­ную га­ле­рею.

Рис. 1. Ил­лю­стра­ция к при­ме­ру


If I hadn’t forgotten my car keys, I wouldn’t have had to go on foot. - Если бы я не за­бы­ла ключи от ма­ши­ны, мне бы не при­ш­лось идти пеш­ком.

If I hadn’t forgotten my car keys, I wouldn’t have had to go on foot. - Если бы я не за­бы­ла ключи от ма­ши­ны, мне бы не при­ш­лось идти пеш­ком.

Рис. 2. Ил­лю­стра­ция к при­ме­ру

При­ме­ча­ние: вме­сто would могут сто­ять could и might.

 2. Практические задания

По­тре­ни­ру­ем­ся на за­да­ни­ях. Рас­крой­те скоб­ки:

1) If I had saved up the money, I (go) on holidays.

2) I (not to be) late for school, if I had got up earlier.

3) I (not to stay) longer in bed, if I hadn’t watched the late film.

4) If she hadn’t eaten so much ice-cream yesterday, she (not to catch) a cold.

5) If I (be) free yesterday, I would have gone with you.

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

1) If I had saved up the money, I would have gone on holidays.

2) I wouldn’t have been late for school, if I had got up earlier.

3) I wouldn’t have stayed longer in bed, if I hadn’t watched the late film.

4) If she hadn’t eaten so much ice-cream yesterday, she wouldn’t have caught a cold.

5) If I had been free yesterday, I would have gone with you.

Вопросы к конспектам

1. Рас­крой­те скоб­ки:

- She (notice) this mistake if she had been more attentive.

- I might have gone on an excursion with you if I (know) about it beforehand.

- If we (know) that you were there, we would have called on you.

- If I had known of his arrival, I (meet) him.

- Nobody told me about your trouble. I would have helped you if I (know) about it.

- If you had tried your best, you (get) the job.

- If he (not work) late, he would have caught his bus.

- If Mary had agreed to sit in for us, we (go) to the movie yesterday.

- He (pass) his exams well if he had studied hard.

- I would have prepared everything yesterday if I (receive) your message on Monday.

Последнее изменение: Воскресенье, 8 Октябрь 2017, 02:04