Adverbs with 2 forms and Different in meaning

 Наречия, имеющие 2 формы с разными значениями

В ан­глий­ском языке су­ще­ству­ют на­ре­чия, ко­то­рые имеют 2 формы, но при этом от­ли­ча­ют­ся зна­че­ни­я­ми.

Рас­смот­рим эти пары на­ре­чий на при­ме­рах и срав­ним их между собой.

The treasure was buried deep underground. (= a long way down)

He is deeply in love with her. (= very)

The hotel guests can use the swimming pool free. (= without payment)

The animals in the safari park can roam freely. (= without limit or restriction)

The kite flew high in the sky. (= at/to a high level)

He is a highly respected doctor. (= very much)

She arrived late for the meeting. (= not early)

He hasn’t been feeling well lately. (= recently)

Which of his songs do you like most? (= superlative degree of much)

I’m mostly interested in modern art. (= mainly)

As he came near, I realized that something was wrong. (= close)

She nearly fainted when she heard the news. (= almost)

He is a pretty strange man. (= rather)

The bridesmaids were prettily dressed in pink. (= in a pretty way)

He is working hard these days. (= with a lot of effort)

They hardly go anywhere now that they have children. (= almost never)

He arrived last. (= after all others)

We had been waiting for 2 hours and she lastly arrived. (= finally)

The soldier was hit full in the chest. (= exactly)

He fully recovered from his illness. (= completely)

Do you agree? – Sure! (= certainly)

I’m surely happy to meet you. (= without doubt)

 Практическое задание

По­тре­ни­ру­ем­ся раз­ли­чать эти пары на­ре­чий на прак­ти­ке:

The soldier near/nearly died. He was deep/deeply embarrassed. Don’t come near/nearly him. The arrow flew high/highly in the air. Sam lost the race. He came last/lastly. We haven’t seen him late/lately. He is never late/lately.

Про­верь­те себя:

The soldier nearly died. He was deeply embarrassed. Don’t come near him. The arrow flew high in the air. Sam lost the race. He came last. We haven’t seen him lately. He is never late.

Мы можем ис­поль­зо­вать на­ре­чия для того, чтобы уси­лить или осла­бить зна­че­ния неко­то­рых при­ла­га­тель­ных. В ан­глий­ском языке при­ла­га­тель­ные де­лят­ся на gradable и non-gradable. Gradable – это при­ла­га­тель­ные, ко­то­рые имеют сте­пе­ни срав­не­ния и зна­че­ние ко­то­рых может быть уси­ле­но. В роли уси­ли­ва­ю­щих и ослаб­ля­ю­щих на­ре­чий могут вы­сту­пать сле­ду­ю­щие:

very, extremely, really, terribly (emphatic) pretty, fairly, rather, quite (weaker than very) a bit/a little (makes weaker)


I feel terribly upset.

She is extremely weak.

The story is a little silly.

 Предельные и непредельные прилагательные, усиливающие их наречия

Non-gradable –это пре­дель­ные при­ла­га­тель­ные. Они не имеют сте­пе­ней срав­не­ния. 
Нель­зя ска­зать «бо­же­ствен­ный» в срав­ни­тель­ной или пре­вос­ход­ной сте­пе­ни. Пре­дель­ны­ми при­ла­га­тель­ны­ми яв­ля­ют­ся: impossible, marvelous, superb, wonderful, amazing, disastrous, fantastic, etc.

Их могут уси­ли­вать такие на­ре­чия: absolutely, utterly, completely, really, etc.


It was an utterly amazing experience!

It’s completely impossible!

You are really wonderful!

She looks absolutely gorgeous!

 Прилагательные и наречия после глаголов

Гла­го­лы дей­ствия в ан­глий­ском языке тре­бу­ют за собой на­ре­чия, как и в рус­ском языке.


He dances beautifully.

Об­ра­ти­те осо­бое вни­ма­ние, что гла­го­лы-связ­ки тре­бу­ют за собой при­ла­га­тель­ные, а не на­ре­чия: appear, be, become, get, feel, look, seem, smell, stay, taste.


It tastes delicious.

You look great in this dress. 

Вопросы к конспектам

1. Вы­бе­ри­те пра­виль­ный ва­ри­ант:

She lives near/nearly to school. The prisoners can move around free/freely. His story sound high/highly unlikely. Roger was late/lately for work last week. He tried hard/hardly to solve the problem, but he couldn’t do it. Jack near/nearly crashed his car yesterday. I got this pen free/freely with a magazine. We could see the bird’s nest high/highly up in the tree. I haven’t been feeling very well late /lately. The music was so loud that I could hard/hardly hear what he was saying.

Последнее изменение: Воскресенье, 8 Октябрь 2017, 02:33