Adverbs. Degrees of comparison. Наречия. Степени сравнения
Роль наречия в предложении
Наречия могут относиться к глаголам, прилагательным и другим наречиям, наделяя их дополнительным значением. Наречия могут отвечать на вопросы как?, когда?, где? и до какой степени?.
Когда: soon, early, late, tomorrow, yesterday, now, etc.
Как: well, badly, quickly, fast, high(ly), carefully, etc.
Где: everywhere, here, there, inside, up, near, etc.
До какой степени (на сколько): extremely, very, really, rather, quite, almost, etc.
Ella sings beautifully. (how?)
Spring will come soon. (when?)
You can leave your things here. (where?)
She is quite a pretty girl. (to what extent?)
Практическое задание
Практическое задание. Найдите в тексте наречия:
Some great discoveries are made accidentally. In Egypt in 1799 a French army officer was walking slowly. He looked down, saw a highly unusual stone, and examined it quite carefully. The flat, rather large stone was partially buried in the mud. It was quickly pulled from the mud and thoroughly cleaned.
Inscriptions in three languages had been painstakingly carved on the stone. The first inscription was in ancient Egyptian. The second inscription was in somewhat later Egyptian language. The third one was in a more familiar language, Greek. The message was identically stated in the three languages.
Ancient Egyptian writings had previously puzzled scholars. The easily readable Greek finally gave them the needed key. Eventually, the ancient Egyptian writing was translated. Now scholars can read the language fairly easily. Today, the historically important Rosetta Stone is permanently displayed in London’s British Museum.
Проверьте себя:
Some great discoveries are made accidentally. In Egypt in 1799 a French army officer was walking slowly. He looked down, saw a highly unusual stone, and examined it quitecarefully. The flat, rather large stone was partially buried in the mud. It was quickly pulled from the mud and thoroughly cleaned.
Inscriptions in three languages had been painstakingly carved on the stone. The first inscription was in ancient Egyptian. The second inscription was in somewhat later Egyptian language. The third one was in a more familiar language, Greek. The message was identically stated in the three languages.
Ancient Egyptian writings had previously puzzled scholars. The easily readable Greek finally gave them the needed key. Eventually, the ancient Egyptian writing was translated. Now scholars can read the language fairlyeasily. Today, the historically important Rosetta Stone is permanently displayed in London’s British Museum.
Практическое задание
Однако, не все слова, заканчивающиеся на -ly, являются наречиями. Большинство таких слов является прилагательными.
cowardly, friendly, silly, ugly, lonely
Если же нам все-таки нужно наречие, то мы используем наречный оборот.
They greeted us in a friendly way.
He behaved in a silly manner.
Некоторые слова, заканчивающиеся на -ly, могут быть как прилагательными, так и наречиями.
hourly, daily, nightly, weekly, monthly
This is a daily magazine. (adjective)
The magazine is delivered daily. (adverb)
Наречные обороты с прилагательным на –ly
Наречия в английском языке образуются путем добавления суффикса -ly к прилагательным.
clean – cleanly
careful – carefully
Обратите внимание на некоторые особенности:
если прилагательное заканчивается на -y, то при образовании наречия -y меняется на i и только потом добавляется -ly;
happy – happily
clumsy – clumsily
noisy – noisily
dry – dryly
sly – slyly
wry – wryly
если прилагательное заканчивается на -le, то при образовании наречия мы отбрасываем конечную -е и добавляем -y;
simple – simply
miserable – miserably
subtle – subtly
если прилагательное заканчивается на -е, то при образовании наречия мы добавляем -ly;
complete – completely
true – truly
whole – wholly
если прилагательное заканчивается на -ic, то при образовании наречия мы добавляем -ally;
automatic – automatically
dramatic – dramatically
emphatic – emphatically
если прилагательное заканчивается на -ful, то при образовании наречия мы добавляем -ly.
beautiful – beautifully
merciful – mercifully
careful – carefully
Давайте потренируемся перефразировать предложения, используя наречия вместо прилагательных:
1. He gave a brief answer.
2. The angry neighbour shouted.
3. There was a heavy rain yesterday.
4. Jack is a fatal dancer.
5. We expressed our whole agreement.
6. He gave us a dry look.
7. She was careful with the baby.
8. The drop of the temperature was dramatic.
9. Her touch is subtle.
Проверьте себя:
1. He answered briefly.
2. The neighbour shouted angrily.
3. It rained heavily yesterday.
4. Jack dances fatally.
5. We agreed wholly.
6. He looked at us dryly.
7. She acted carefully with the baby.
8. The temperature dropped dramatically.
9. She touched subtly.
Наречия частотности
Существует большая группа наречий частотности. Некоторые из них имеют суффикс -ly, но далеко не все. Расположим их в порядке от наиболее частого к наименее частому:
Almost always
Hardly ever/almost never/rarely/seldom
Место наречий частотности в предложении
после глагола to be, если это единственный глагол в предложении;
He was always afraid of darkness.
We are sometimes bored at weekends.
после вспомогательного глагола, если сказуемое состоит более чем из одного глагола;
I have never been to Paris.
She has always tried to be polite.
перед смысловым глаголом, если это единственный глагол в предложении;
I often help my mother with housework.
I seldom go to the cinema.
после подлежащего в вопросительных предложениях;
Do you usually get up at 6 o’clock?
в отрицательных предложениях частица not ставится перед наречиями частотности.
We do notoften see him.
Наречия времени:
Soon, today, yesterday, now, etc.
Наречия места:
Inside, outside, up, down, etc.
Степени сравнения наречий
Давайте вспомним с вами степени сравнения наречий. Правила образования степеней сравнения наречий очень похожи на правила образования степеней сравнения прилагательных. Большинство наречий английского языка состоят из двух и более слогов, таким образом, они образуют свои степени сравнения путем добавления слов more и most. Обратите внимание на наречие early. Оно является исключением.
Beautifully – more beautifully – most beautifully
Quickly – more quickly – most quickly
Early – earlier – earliest
I can read more quickly.
Will you speak more loudly?
Наречия, которые имеют такие же формы, как и соответствующие им прилагательные, образуют степени сравнения при помощи суффиксов -er и -est.
Fast – faster – fastest
Hard – harder – hardest
It takes longer to get home on foot.
We should work harder if we want to complete the task.
Практические задания
В разговорной речи для двусложных наречий часто используются оба способа образования степеней сравнения.
Clearly – clearer/more clearly – clearest/most clearest
Easy – easier/more easy – easiest/the most easy
В английском языке существуют наречия, которые имеют отклоняющиеся формы степеней сравнения:
Well – better – best
Badly – worse – worst
Many/much/a lot – more – most
Little – less –least
Far – farther/further – farthest/furthest
Потренируемся правильно использовать степени сравнения наречий:
The girls now meet (frequently) than a year before. Ann has written her test (well) than Kate. Nick lives (far) from school than I do. Elena is the best singer. She sings (beautifully). They will invite her to the interview (soon) than the other firms. It was a very difficult project. We worked (long) than ever.
Проверьте себя:
The girls now meet more frequently than a year before. Ann has written her test better than Kate. Nick lives farther / further from school than I do. Elena is the best singer. She sings most beautifully. They will invite her to the interview sooner than the other firms.
6. It was a very difficult project. We worked longest than ever.
Вопросы к конспектам
1. Раскройте скобки, ставя прилагательные и наречия в сравнительную или превосходную степень:
1. That is (incredible) story I have ever heard. 2. It is not always (bright) students who do well in tests. 3. Which is (deep), Lake Michigan or Lake Superior? 4. She is far (self-confident) than she used to be. 5. (tall) man among the guests is a basketball player. 6. I like both of them, but I think Kate is (easy) to talk to. 7. Most people are (well off) than their parents used to be. 8. She has a lot to be thankful for; but (sad) thing of all is that she does not realize it. 9. You look a lot (sad) than you did last time I saw you. 10. There is nothing (irritating) than locking yourself out of your own house. 11. Both roads lead to the city centre, but the left-hand one is probably a bit (short) and (direct). 12. As I get (old), I notice the policemen seem to be getting (young).