Adverbs. Наречия

 Примеры использования наречий

Why are you studying English now? Would you like to speak English fluently and know the Grammar rules well? The words “now”, “fluently”, “well” are adverbs.

Зачем вы сей­час учите ан­глий­ский? Хо­ти­те ли вы го­во­рить по-ан­глий­ски бегло и знать грам­ма­ти­ку хо­ро­шо? Слова «сей­час», «бегло» и «хо­ро­шо» – это на­ре­чия.

При­ме­ры ан­глий­ских на­ре­чий

Рис. 1. При­ме­ры ан­глий­ских на­ре­чий

The story about Mike

Mike and his friend Sam are at the park. It’s the last day of their summer holidays. Mike tells Sam, “The holidays seemed to be short.”  Sam adds, “Yes, the holidays seemed to be extremely short!” Mike says, “The holidays went by quickly.” Sam adds, “The holidays went by really quickly.” Mike tries to cheer up, “We will have fun at school.” Sam agrees, “We will definitely have fun at school.” Mike is confused and asks his friend, “What are you doing?” Sam answers, “I’m adding adverbs to all your sentences!”

Майк и его друг Сэм гу­ля­ют в парке. Се­год­ня по­след­ний день их лет­них ка­ни­кул. Майк го­во­рит Сэму: «Ка­ни­ку­лы ока­за­лись ко­рот­ки­ми». Сэм до­бав­ля­ет: «Да, ка­ни­ку­лы ока­за­лись очень ко­рот­ки­ми». Майк го­во­рит: «Ка­ни­ку­лы про­ле­те­ли быст­ро». Сэм до­бав­ля­ет: «Ка­ни­ку­лы про­ле­те­ли очень быст­ро». Майк пы­та­ет­ся под­бод­рить: «Мы будем ве­се­лить­ся в школе». Сэм со­гла­ша­ет­ся: «Мы, без­услов­но, будем по­ве­се­лить­ся в школе». Майк спра­ши­ва­ет в за­ме­ша­тель­стве: «Что ты де­ла­ешь?» На что Сэм от­ве­ча­ет: «Я до­бав­ляю на­ре­чия во все твои пред­ло­же­ния!»

На­ре­чия в ан­глий­ском языке

Рис. 2. На­ре­чия в ан­глий­ском языке

 Определение наречия

Adverbs describe words but they describe how something happens or is done. They describe actions, NOT people, places or things. Adverbs describe how, when, where, why, how often or how much something is or happens. Adverbs tell us more about verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. They answer the questions When? Where? How?

На­ре­чия опи­сы­ва­ют слова, но они опи­сы­ва­ют, как что-то про­ис­хо­дит. Они опи­сы­ва­ют дей­ствия, а не людей, места или вещи. На­ре­чия опи­сы­ва­ют, как, когда, где, по­че­му, как часто и как много что-то про­ис­хо­дит. На­ре­чия рас­ска­зы­ва­ют нам боль­ше о гла­го­лах, при­ла­га­тель­ных или дру­гих на­ре­чи­ях. Они от­ве­ча­ют на во­про­сы «когда?», «где?», «как?».


We are studying adverbs now. (When?)

You’ve heard the story about Mike once. (How many times?)

Jane can cook beautifully. (How?)

Слу­чаи упо­треб­ле­ния на­ре­чий

Рис. 3. Слу­чаи упо­треб­ле­ния на­ре­чий


How often do you feel?

Complete the worksheet and use: always, usually, often, sometimes, never.

E.g. How often do you feel amused? – I usually feel amused when I watch TV.




How often do you feel energetic?



How often do you feel upset after a poor test mark?



How often do you feel tired during the week?



How often do you exercise at school?



How often are you impressed by someone?




The boy reads quickly.

How does the boy read? Quickly tells how the boy reads.

The opera singer sang melodiously.

How did the opera singer sing? Melodiously tells how the singer sang.

Joe quickly ate three apples.

How did Joe eat three apples? Quickly tells how Joe ate apples.

Jill suddenly fell on the wet grass.

How did Jill fall? Suddenly tells how Jill fell.

Таким об­ра­зом, чтобы найти на­ре­чие, необ­хо­ди­мо опре­де­лить гла­гол (в дан­ных пред­ло­же­ни­ях это слова “reads”, “sang”, “ate”, “fell”) и за­дать к нему во­прос «как?».

Дру­гие при­ме­ры на­ре­чий: badly, loudly, well, timidly.

 Упражнение 1

Read the sentence. Then read the question. Guess which adverb to put on the line.

Choose from the following: always / today / later / often / tomorrow

Remember: An adverb is a word that tells when an action happens.

Joe ______ reads a book.

When does Joe read a book?

We will eat lunch ____________.

When will we eat lunch?

Alex fed the dog

When did Alex feed the dog?

She _________ talks on the phone.

When does she talk on the phone?

He will go shopping _____________.

When will he go shopping?







 Rock and roll adverb song: часть 1

Listen, read and repeat the first part of the rock and roll adverb song.

Downtown, inside, off, out, upstairs, there –

All these words are adverbs because they tell us where.

Adverbs can describe a verb,

They don’t describe a noun.

They tell us when.

They tell us where.

They also tell us how.

 Упражнение 2

Read the sentence. Then read the question. Guess which adverb to put on the line.

Choose from the following: away / upstairs / everywhere / inside / nearby

Remember: An adverb is a word that tells where an action happens.

The kids go _____________ to skate.

Where do the kids go to skate?

You should not skate ______________.

Where shouldn’t you skate?

There is a skate park ____________.

Where is the skate park?

I keep my skateboard ______________.

Where do I keep my skateboard?

The skateboard rolled ______________.

Where did the skateboard roll?




Near by



 Rock and roll adverb song: часть 2

Tomorrow, often, never, once, sometimes, then –

All these words are adverbs

Because they tell us when.

Adverbs can describe a verb,

They don’t describe a noun.

They tell us when.

They tell us where.

They also tell us how.

What kind of word

Tells about a verb?

“Adverbs!” “Adverbs!” “When!” “Where!” “How!”

What kind of word

Tells about a verb now?

“Adverbs!” “Adverbs!” “When!” “Where!” “How!”

What kind of word

Tells about a verb?

“Adverbs!” “Adverbs!” “When!” “Where!” “How!”

What kind of word

Tells about a verb now?

“Adverbs!” “Adverbs!” “When!” “Where!” “How!”

Пра­ви­ла ис­поль­зо­ва­ния на­ре­чий

Рис. 4. Пра­ви­ла ис­поль­зо­ва­ния на­ре­чий

 Упражнение 3

Read the sentence. Then read the question. Guess which adverb to put on the line.

Choose from the following: easily / softly / loudly / high / quickly

Remember: An adverb is a word that tells how an action happens.

The boy ran _____________.

How did the boy run?

The girl talked ____________.

How did the girl talk?

The wind blew ___________.

How did the wind blow?

He _____________ lifted the ball.

How did he lift the ball?

The fire burned ____________.

How did the fire burn?








A word search

Read the words and then find them in the word search.





















A word search

A word search

Rock and roll adverb song: часть 3

Loudly, quickly, carefully, fast, sadly –

All these words are adverbs.

How is what they’re telling me.

Adverbs can describe a verb,

They don’t describe a noun.

They tell us when.

They tell us where.

They also tell us how.

What kind of word

Tells about a verb?

“Adverbs!” “Adverbs!” “When!” “Where!” “How!”

What kind of word

Tells about a verb now?

“Adverbs!” “Adverbs!” “When!” “Where!” “How!”

What kind of word

Tells about a verb?

“Adverbs!” “Adverbs!” “When!” “Where!” “How!”

What kind of word

Tells about a verb now?

“Adverbs!” “Adverbs!” “When!” “Where!” “How!”

Мно­го­об­ра­зий ан­глий­ских на­ре­чий

Рис. 5. Мно­го­об­ра­зий ан­глий­ских на­ре­чий

What are adverbs?

Many adverbs and “ly”, but lots of them do not, e.g.

fast, never, well, very, most, least, more, less, now, far, there.


Tara walks gracefully.

He runs fast.

You can set your watch by him. He always leaves at 5 o’clock.

The dinner guests arrived early.

She sometimes helps us.


Adverbs of time

Press the button now.

I have never been there.

Adverbs of place

Daisies grow everywhere.

I didn’t put it there.

Adverbs of manner

He passed the test easily.

Adverbs of degree

That is the farthest I have ever jumped.

He boxed more cleverly. 

Вопросы к конспектам

По­ставь­те на­ре­чие в скоб­ках в нуж­ное место.

My granny goes for a walk in the morning. (always)

I drink tea with sugar. (sometimes)

She listens to the radio. (often)

Monica gets angry. (never)

Jill helps her mother in the kitchen. (usually)

He is late. (never)

My brother drives a car. (seldom)


Об­ра­зуй­те на­ре­чия из при­ла­га­тель­ных в скоб­ках.

They ______________ (warm) smiled at me.

This film is _______________ (extreme) funny.

She ______________ (easy) finds new friends.

They often act _____________ (strange).

I am _____________ (absolute) alone.

The doctor examined me _______________ (careful).

Could you speak ____________ (quiet)?

Вы­бе­ри­те пра­виль­ный ва­ри­ант

They live near/nearly.

Your ideas sound great/greatly.

You think really slow/slowly.

Why are you so nervous/nervously?

It’s a big/bigly house.

The train is fast/fastly.

The talk clear/clearly.

Последнее изменение: Четверг, 5 Октябрь 2017, 03:20