Past simple and Past Continuous
Пример употребления Past Simple и Past Continuous
Поговорим сегодня о прошедших и длительных прошедших событиях, то есть о таких временах, как the Past Simple и the Past Continuous Tenses.
What did you do last weekend?
I visited my brother in London last weekend. We were talking when his wife came home.His wife cooked a wonderful dinner at eight o’clock in the evening. We were having dinner when we decided to go to the London Eye. Did you go there?
Что ты делал на прошлых выходных?
Я навестил своего брата в Лондоне на прошлых выходных. Мы разговаривали, когда его жена пришла домой. Его жена приготовила великолепный ужин в восемь часов вечера. Мы ужинали, когда решили покататься на колесе обозрения (the London Eye). Ты был там?
В примере мы использовали два основных прошедших времени – the Past Simple и the Past Continuous. Эти два времени отличаются друг от друга. Слушайте, читайте и следуйте правилам.
Употребление Past Simple
The Past Simple используется, когда мы говорим о событии, которое произошло в какой-то момент в прошлом. Например:
I visited my brother in London last weekend. (Я навестил брата в Лондоне на прошлых выходных.)
She cooked a wonderful dinner at eight o’clock in the evening. (Она приготовила великолепный ужин в восемь часов вечера.)
Употребление Past Continuous
The Past Continuous обычно используется, когда мы хотим подчеркнуть продолжительность действия. Например:
They were talking when she arrived. (Они разговаривали, когда она пришла.)
When we were having dinner we decided to go to the London Eye. (Когда мы ужинали, мы решили покататься на колесе обозрения (the London Eye).
The Past Continuous также используется, чтобы подчеркнуть то, что происходило в определенный момент в прошлом. Например:
I was attending my English class at 2.30 yesterday afternoon. (Я занимался английским в 2.30 вчера днём).
Alice was preparing a Power Point project at six yesterday evening. (Алиса готовила презентацию в Power Point в шесть вечера вчера.)
Образование Past Simple
The Past Simple образуется следующим образом:
Утвердительная форма:
I went to the London Eye in the evening.
He decided to go to the London Eye.
Отрицательная форма:
We didn’t go to London last weekend.
Вопросительная форма (рис. 1):
Рис. 1. Образование вопроса в Past Simple
Why did you go to London last weekend? – Почему ты ездил в Лондон на прошлых выходных?
Did you go to London last weekend? – Ты ездил в Лондон на прошлых выходных?
Рис. 2. Сравнительная характеристика Past Simple и Past Continuous
Если необходимо показать, что новое действие имеет место в середине другого, используются оба времени:
Past Simple указывает на факт появления нового события, Past Continuous - на факт его продолжительности.
Рис. 3. Сравнительная характеристика Past Simple и Past Continuous
Рис. 4. Сравнительная характеристика Past Simple и Past Continuous
Рис. 5. Глаголы, употребляемые только в Past Simple
Рис. 6. Ключевые слова времен
Стих о правильных и неправильных глаголах
Прочитаем стихотворение о правильных и неправильных глаголах:
Our friend Ed doesn’t speak, except after T!
Started, wanted, planted Ed.
Our friend Ed doesn’t speak, except after T!
Played, listened, watched Ed.
Our friend Ed has some friends, who don’t fit in.
Go-went, buy-bought,
Pup-put, think-thought.
What can we do? Learn those verbs!
Рис. 7. Правило добавления окончания ed
Рис. 8. Правило добавления окончания ing
Образование Past Continuous
Рассмотрим the Past Continuous Tense.
Образуется оно следующим образом:
be+verb+ -ing
Вопросительная (рис. 8):
Рис. 9. Образование вопроса в Past Continuous
What were you doing at seven o’clock yesterday?
What was he doing at seven o’clock yesterday?
Упражнение 1
Прочитайте и соедините части предложений:
1. They arrived early while I |
a) she was driving too fast |
2. Paul cooked dinner while we |
b) was still sleeping |
3. The door bell rang |
c) were having tea in the garden |
4. She had a car accident because |
d) was standing outside the church |
5. We took a lot of photos while the bride |
e) while I was watching the cartoons |
Ответы: 1b, 2c, 3e,4a, 5d
Упражнение 2
Распределите предложения по правильным колонкам (рис. 10)
Рис. 10. Задание к упражнению 2
Ответы к упражнению 2:
Past Simple |
Past Continuous |
She wrote six poems |
I was sleeping. |
Last night Mike cooked dinner. |
We were having a drink. |
They took a lot of pictures. |
I was watching TV. |
He was driving too fast. |
Упражнение 3
Раскройте скобки в правильном времени (рис. 11)
Рис. 11. Задание к упражнению 3
Ответы к упражнению 3:
Рис. 12. Ответы к упражнению 3
This is the tale of Mister Morton
Mister Morton is who?
He is the subject of our tale
And the predicate tells what Mister
Morton must do
Mister Morton walked down the street
Mister Morton walked
Mister Morton talked to his cat
Mister Morton talked
(Hello, cat. You look good.)
Mister Morton was lonely
Mister Morton was
Mister Morton is the subject of the
Sentence, and what the predicate says,
He does
Mister Morton knew just one girl
Mister Morton knew
Mister Morton grew flowers for Pearl
Mister Morton grew
Mister Morton was very shy
Mister Morton was
Mister Morton is the subject of the
Sentence, and what the predicate says,
He does
The subject is a noun,
That's a person, place or thing
It's who or what the sentence is about
And the predicate is the verb
That's the action word
That gets the subject up and out
Mister Morton wrote Pearl a poem
Mister Morton wrote
Pearl replied in the afternoon
Pearl replied by a note
Mister Morton was very nervous
Mister Morton was
Mister Morton is the subject of the
Sentence, and what the predicate says,
He does!
The cat stretched,
The sun beat down,
A neighbor chased his kid.
(Come here kid – come on!)
Each sentence is completed when
You know what the subject did.
Mister Morton knocked on her door
Mister Morton knocked
Mister Morton sat on her porch
Yes, he just sat there and rocked.
Mister Morton was a nervous man;
When she opened up the door he ran.
Mister Morton climbed up his stairs
Mister Morton climbed
Mister Morton rhymed pretty words
Mister Morton rhymed
Mister Morton was lonely
Mister Morton was
Until Pearl showed up with a single rose.
Who says women can't propose?
Now Mister Morton is happy
And Pearl and the cat are too
They're the subjects of the sentence
And what the predicate says, they do
Вопросы к конспектам
Раскройте скобки, используя Past Simple или Past Continuous.
Bob _________________ his homework. (not understand)
The police _________________ the criminal while he _________________. (arrest, shout)
I _________________ jam when the postman _________________. (cook, come)
She _________________ the window when her neighbour _________________ ‘Hello’. (open, say)
As they _________________ for the bus, it _________________ to rain. (wait, start)
While we ______________________ the Christmas tree, we ____________to Christmas carols. (decorate, listen)
We _________________ in Monaco 5 years ago. (live)