Future Simple, Present Continuous, going to, Present Simple to express future

Су­ще­ству­ет несколь­ко спо­со­бов вы­ра­же­ния бу­ду­ще­го вре­ме­ни:


to be going to

Present Simple

Present Continuous

Бу­ду­щее время в ан­глий­ском языке

Рис. 1. Бу­ду­щее время в ан­глий­ском языке

 Различие между will и going to

В боль­шин­стве слу­ча­ев обо­ро­ты с will и going to вза­и­мо­за­ме­ня­е­мы. Об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние: для вы­ра­же­ния бу­ду­ще­го вре­ме­ни с по­мо­щью going to необ­хо­дим вспо­мо­га­тель­ный гла­гол to be, а точ­нее – его форма am, is или are.


The next World Cup will take in Brazil.

The next World Cup is going to take in Brazil.

In the future people will watch more TV on the Internet.

In the future people are going to watch more TV on the Internet.

В дру­гих слу­ча­ях раз­ни­ца в упо­треб­ле­нии этих обо­ро­тов прин­ци­пи­аль­ная.

Willис­поль­зу­ет­ся для опи­са­ния ре­ше­ний, при­ня­тых в мо­мент речи (quick decisions), для обе­ща­ний и же­ла­ний, в то время как going to – для за­пла­ни­ро­ван­ных ре­ше­ний (planned decisions).

Ис­поль­зо­ва­ние will для вы­ра­же­ния бу­ду­ще­го вре­ме­ни

Рис. 2. Ис­поль­зо­ва­ние will для вы­ра­же­ния бу­ду­ще­го вре­ме­ни




Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.

I won’t tell anyone your secret.

I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party.


I will translate the e-mail to Mr. Graham.

Will you make dinner? / Will you help me move this heavy table?

Want/Do not want

I will not do your task for you.

I am so tired. – I’ll get you some coffee.

The phone is ringing. – I’ll get it.

Ис­поль­зо­ва­ние going to для вы­ра­же­ния бу­ду­ще­го вре­ме­ни

Рис. 3. Ис­поль­зо­ва­ние going to для вы­ра­же­ния бу­ду­ще­го вре­ме­ни



Do you know your plans for the summer? – No, I don’t know what I am going to do.

I am going to teach you grammar and you are going to like it.

My daughter is going to be an actress when she grows up.

My son is going to begin medical school next year.

 Going to и Present Continuous

Обо­ротbe going и времяPresent Continuous также ис­поль­зу­ют­ся для вы­ра­же­ния бу­ду­ще­го вре­ме­ни, опи­сы­вая планы и на­ме­ре­ния (plans or intentions).


This weekend I am going to visit my parents. I am going to help my dad in the garden.

What are you going to do this weekend?

Are you going to watch a video with your friend? – Yes. We are. / No, we aren’t.

Is your sister going to go swimming? – Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

Are your parents visiting your grandparents? – Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Are you going to the sports centre? – Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

При­ме­ры упо­треб­ле­ния обо­ро­та going to

Рис. 4. При­ме­ры упо­треб­ле­ния обо­ро­та going to


You're going to lose that girl
You're going to lose that girl
If you don't take her out tonight
She's going to change her mind
And I will take her out tonight
And I will treat her kind.
You're going to lose that girl
You're going to lose that girl
If you don't treat her right, my friend
You're going to find her gone
Cause I will treat her right, and then
You'll be the lonely one. 
You're going to lose that girl
You're going to lose that girl
I'll make a point
Of taking her away from you, yeah
The way you treat her what else can I do?
You're going to lose that girl
You're going to lose that girl
I'll make a point
Of taking her away from you, yeah
The way you treat her what else can I do? 
If you don't take her out tonight
She's going to change her mind
And I will take her out tonight
And I will treat her kind
You're going to lose that girl
You're going to lose that girl
You're going to lose that girl.


When I grow up, I am going to be a tennis player – a really good one. I play three times a week after school. But I’m going to train very hard, every day, so I can be really, really good. Roger Federer is my favorite player. First I’m going to play in the Wimbledon Juniors, and then I’m going to win all four Grand Slams. I’m going to travel all over the world and I’m going to be famous. I’m not going to marry until I’m very old – about 25. Then I want to have two sons. I’m going to play tennis until I’m 40 – that’s a very long time. And I’m going to teach my sons to play. I want them to be famous tennis players, too!

 Will для «предсказаний»

Обо­рот с will ис­поль­зу­ет­ся также для пред­ска­за­ний.

Вы­ра­же­ние пред­ска­за­ний с по­мо­щью обо­ро­та со сло­вом will

Рис. 5. Вы­ра­же­ние пред­ска­за­ний с по­мо­щью обо­ро­та со сло­вом will


In 2050…

Children will not go to school; they will e-mail their homework to the teachers and talk to them on a video-phone. Medical science will improve and there won’t be any illness. As a result people will live much longer – maybe, to 110. There will be a science laboratory on the Moon. It will be possible to take holidays in space. But first it may be very expensive. There won’t beany cars. Instead people will use trains which go under the city. They will also use the helicopters to fly from one part of the city to another. We will control the weather. It will rain during the night and not during the day. It will never be too hot or too cold. Computers will understand voice instructions. For example – if you say Good night – your computer will close the windows, turnoff the TV and central heating, set your alarm clock and switch off all the lights. Let’s hope there will not be any computer viruses in the future!

Remember: we use will for the affirmative sentences and won’t (will not) for the negatives. In questionswill comes before the subject.


Children will go to school in 2050.

Children will not go to school in 2050.

Will children go to school in 2050?

 Упражнение 1

Offer your help.

The phone is ringing.

I am hungry.

It’s hot here.

I’m thirsty.

I’m hungry.

The bag is heavy

I can’t do my Maths homework.


OK, I’ll answer it!

I’ll get you some fruit!

I’ll open the window!

I’ll get you a drink!

I’ll buy a sandwich!

I’ll carry it for you!

I’ll help you!

 Grammar Table Use


I’m going to


I will

Simple Present

Present Progressive


action in the future that cannot be influenced


action set by a timetable or schedule


action already arranged for the near future





decision made for the future

quick decision



Put the verbs into the correct form (will, going to, simple present, present progressive)

I love London. I (probably / go) there next year.

Our train (leave) at 4.47.

What (wear / you) at the party tonight?

I haven’t made up my mind yet. But I think I (find) something nice in my mom’s wardrobe.

This is my last day here. I (go) back to England tomorrow.

Hurry up! The conference (begin) in 20 minutes.

My horoscope says that I (meet) an old friend this week.

Look at these big black clouds! It (rain).

Here is the weather forecast. Tomorrow be (dry) and sunny.


I will probably go

Our train leaves

What are you going to wear?

I’ll find

I’m going to go

The conference begins

I’m meeting

It’s going to rain

It is going to be

 Present Simple для выражения будущего времени

Мы ис­поль­зу­ем Present Simple для офи­ци­аль­ных за­яв­ле­ний и рас­пи­са­ний, гра­фи­ков (official statements, timetables).

Мы ис­поль­зу­ем Present Simple для офи­ци­аль­ных за­яв­ле­ний и рас­пи­са­ний, гра­фи­ков (official statements, timetables).

Рис. 6. Рас­пи­са­ние


The new shopping center opens on 1 March.

The bus arrives at 6.55.

The train for London leaves at 9 (every day).

Classes start on September 10th.

 Упражнение 2

Read parts of the sentences and match them with their meaning.

I am going to the cinema tonight. – I will join you!

It’s Jane’s birthday today. – I’ll call her!

We are going to watch a football match tomorrow.

 I am going to have lunch with my parents on Monday.

You will marry an attractive, intelligent person!

Personal TVs will be as small as watches.

Hurry up! The train leaves in ten minutes.

The TV show starts tonight. 

Prediction about the future

A quick decision


A plan or an intention


1b 2d 3a 4c.


Рас­крой­те скоб­ки, по­ста­вив гла­го­лы в нуж­ную форму (Future Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous, be going to):

1) A: Why are you turning on the television?

B: (I/watch) the news.

2) A: Oh, I've just realized. I haven't got any money.

B: Haven't you? Well, don't worry. (I/lend) you some.

3) A: I've got a headache.

B: Have you? Wait there and (I/get) an aspirin for you.

4) A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?

B: (I/wash) the car.

5) A: I've decided to repaint this room.

B: Oh, have you? What colour (you/paint) it?

6) A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?

B: Yes, (I/buy) something for dinner.

7) A: I don't know how to use this camera.

B: It's quite easy. (I/show) you.

8) A: What would you like to eat?

B: (I/have) a sandwich, please.

9) A: Did you post that letter for me?

B: Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. (I/do) it now.

10) A: The ceiling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it?

B: No, it looks as if (it/fall) down.

Пе­ре­ве­ди­те на ан­глий­ский язык, упо­треб­ляя гла­го­лы в Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple или ис­поль­зуя кон­струк­цию going to:

а) К со­жа­ле­нию, он не может нас встре­тить. Он со­би­ра­ет­ся на­ве­стить свою по­дру­гу в боль­ни­це.

б) Я уве­ре­на, учи­тель нам все объ­яс­нит.

в) Кто-то зво­нит по те­ле­фо­ну. Ты от­ве­тишь?

г) Я не знаю, когда он при­дет.

д) Обе­щаю, что верну тебе день­ги как можно ско­рее.

е) Ка­жет­ся, будет дождь. На небе столь­ко туч!

ж) Ты по­мо­жешь мне сде­лать го­стям чай?

з) Они все ре­ши­ли. Они едут в от­пуск на сле­ду­ю­щей неде­ле.

д) Их поезд при­ез­жа­ет в 5 утра.

Последнее изменение: Четверг, 5 Октябрь 2017, 02:14