Времена года

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English word








сезон, время года


[jɪə ], [jɜː]


You can easily answer the questions:

How many seasons are there in a year? Сколь­ко се­зо­нов в году?

How many months are there in a year? Сколь­ко ме­ся­цев в году?

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

There are four seasons in a year.

There are twelve months in a year.

There are four seasons in a year. They are winter, spring, summer, autumn (рис. 1). In the USA people say fall instead of autumn.

How many seasons are there in a year? Сколь­ко се­зо­нов в году?

Рис. 1. Вре­ме­на года

English word















fall (Am.)



Про­чи­тай­те ин­те­рес­ные факты о вре­ме­нах года. Read some fun facts about seasons.

Animals have thicker coats of fur in winter. They are preparing for cold winter months. Children grow faster in spring. During spring kids are in the sun much more. They are also usually doing some kind of activity or sport, all the sun and activities is a major help. Many people enjoy throwing Frisbees in summer, but they were originally designed as pie plates in the 1870s. Students started throwing them in the 1940s. In the USA peoplecelebrate Halloween in autumn. People celebrate Halloween on October, 31.

Про­чи­тай­те и вы­учи­те вы­ра­же­ния:

What can you do in every season? Чем вы мо­же­те за­ни­мать­ся в каж­дое время года?

In winter you can

- go ice skating (ка­тать­ся на конь­ках)

There is a new skating rink near my house, let’s go skating on Sunday.

- go skiing (ка­тать­ся на лыжах)

We go skiing in the mountains every winter.

- go sledging (ка­тать­ся на санях)

It is a good idea to go sledging.

- build a snowman (ле­пить сне­го­ви­ка)

The tallest snowman was about 35 meters tall in 1999.

-play snowballs (иг­рать в снеж­ки)

We always play snowballs outside in winter.

In spring you can

 - plant some flowers (са­жать рас­те­ния)

I always plant roses in spring in my garden.

- go for a picnic (идти на пик­ник)

On Sundays we go for a picnic in spring.

- ride a bike (ка­тать­ся на ве­ло­си­пе­де)

It is a good idea to ride a bike, because the weather is beautiful.

- take a long walk (пойти на дол­гую про­гул­ку)

Let’s take a long walk it is so good for you.

In summer you can

- swim in the sea or lake (пла­вать в море или озере)

I like swimming in the sea in summer.

- go on holiday (по­ехать на ка­ни­ку­лы/ в от­пуск)

My parents always go on holiday in summer.

-sunbathe ['sʌnbeɪθ] (за­го­рать)

I like sunny days because I can sunbathe.

In autumn you can

- pick apples (со­би­рать яб­ло­ки)

There a lot of apple trees in our garden and we pick a lot of apples in autumn.

- collect colorful fall leaves (со­би­рать цвет­ные опав­шие ли­стья)

I like going to the park and collect colorful fall leaves in autumn.

- carve a pumpkin for Halloween (вы­ре­зать тыкву на Хэл­ло­уин)

I carve my pumpkin for Halloween every year.

Вре­ме­на года

Рис. 2. Вре­ме­на года

There are twelve months in a year.

English word







































В ме­ся­цах не оди­на­ко­вое ко­ли­че­ство дней! Вот стиxо­тво­ре­ние, ко­то­рое по­мо­жет за­пом­нить сколь­ко дней в каж­дом ме­ся­це.

Thirty days have September, April, June and November 
February has 28 alone

All the rest have thirty-one

Excepting leap year that’s the time

When February’s days are 29.

В сен­тяб­ре, ап­ре­ле, июне и но­яб­ре 30 дней

И толь­ко в фев­ра­ле 28.

Во всех осталь­ных ме­ся­цах 31,

А если год ви­со­кос­ный, тогда в фев­ра­ле 29.


Про­чи­тай­те ин­те­рес­ные факты о ме­ся­цах, об­ра­щая вни­ма­ние на про­из­но­ше­ние на­зва­ний.

1. January and February are the hottest months in Australia as it is in the Southern hemisphere. People go to the beach and have picnics.

2. Do you know that there are two days in a year when day and night are the same length. These dates are called equinox. There are vernal equinox or spring equinox about on March 20 and autumnal equinox on September 22.

*equinox['i:kwɪnɔks ] рав­но­ден­ствие 3. Our universe is unique so we also have the longest and the shortest daytime in a year. It is called summer solstice when it is the longest day, it is commonly on 21 of June and winter solstice is the shortest day in the year, it is about December 21.

*solstice['sɔlstɪs] солн­це­сто­я­ние 4. Can you tell me the month of your birthday? Your sign of Zodiac depends on the date of your birthday. I was born in November.

5. Do you often eat ice cream in summer? July is National Ice Cream Month. More Americans buy ice cream in July than any other month.

6. April starts on the same day of the week as July in all years, and January in leap years. April ends on the same day of the week as December every year.

* leap year ви­со­кос­ный год

7. May 4 is considered a holiday by Star Wars fans to celebrate Star Wars culture and honor the films.

8. Because of its warm weather August is the busiest month for travel and tourism.

9. Libra and Scorpio are the astrological signs for October. Birthdays from October 1st through the 22nd fall under the sign of Libra while birthdays that fall on the 23rd through the 31st are under the sign of Scorpio.

* Libra ['li:brə] весы (аст­ро­лог. знак)


Вопросы к конспектам

1. Ска­жи­те, какое лю­би­мое время года у вас и чле­нов вашей семьи.

I like…

My mother likes…

My father likes…

My brother/sister likes…

2. Рас­ска­жи­те, чем вы обыч­но за­ни­ма­е­тесь в ваше лю­би­мое время года. Ска­жи­те, в каком ме­ся­це ро­ди­лись вы и члены вашей семьи.

I was born in…

My mother was born in…

My father was born in…

My brother/sister was born in…

Последнее изменение: Понедельник, 2 Октябрь 2017, 17:02