Неопределённые местоимения Some, any, no и их производные

Неопределённые местоимения Some, any, no и их производные

Рис. 1. Тема урока



ка­кие-то, ка­кое-то ко­ли­че­ство


* часто не пе­ре­во­дят на рус­ский язык

Упо­треб­ля­ют­ся перед су­ще­стви­тель­ны­ми во мно­же­ствен­ном числе

some books , some pencils

I have some books.

any toys, any balls

I do not have any toys.


Упо­треб­ля­ют­ся перед неис­чис­ля­е­мы­ми су­ще­стви­тель­ны­ми

some water, some juice

I have some water.

any bread, any sugar

I do not have any water.

В утвер­ди­тель­ных пред­ло­же­ни­ях


She has some friends in England.

I have some ice-cream for you.

В от­ри­ца­тель­ных пред­ло­же­ни­ях

She does not have any friends

В во­про­сах

Do you have any ice-cream for me?

Об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние!

В боль­шин­стве слу­ча­ев SOME упо­треб­ля­ет­ся в УТВЕР­ДИ­ТЕЛЬ­НЫХ пред­ло­же­ни­ях, ANY – в ОТ­РИ­ЦА­ТЕЛЬ­НЫХ и ВО­ПРО­СИ­ТЕЛЬ­НЫХ.

He can tell some interesting stories.

Mother buys some toys for her daughter every Sunday.

Do you have any milk?

He does not like any chocolate.

Now, we can go to the shop and buy some food for the birthday party! Some and Any will help us!

You need some cheese and some vegetables. You can make some tasty cheeseburgers.

The weather is hot! Let’s buy some juice and some water! You’ll put some lemon into the water. It will be nice!

Do you need any meat? No, you do not need any meat, you have some meat at home! And you can make some tasty hamburgers or a pizza!

You do not need any cake because you can make it by yourself!

Now you are ready for the party!

При­шло время по­зна­ко­мить­ся со сло­вом NO.

Ме­сто­име­ние NO упо­треб­ля­ет­ся, когда вы хо­ти­те ска­зать, что ко­го-то или че­го-то нет.

Слово NO за­ме­ня­ет от­ри­ца­ние NOT ANY.


I do not have any English books. = I have no books.

There is not any chocolate. = There is no chocolate.

She does not have any computer. = She has no computer.

There are not any pupils in the classroom. = There are no pupils in the classroom.

У SOME, ANY и NO боль­шая семья. По­зна­комь­тесь с про­из­вод­ны­ми от этих ме­сто­име­ний (рис. 2).



body /one= somebody /someone


Look! There is somebody in our garden.

thing= something


Can you help me with the present? I want to give her something for her birthday






body /one= anybody/ anyone


There isn’t anybody/anyone in the classroom.

thing= anything


Is there anything to eat in the fridge?






body/one=nobody /no one


There is nobody in the room.

thing = nothing


There is nothing for you in this box.


Неопределённые местоимения Some, any, no и их производные

Рис. 2. Про­из­вод­ные ме­сто­име­ния

Пра­ви­ла упо­треб­ле­ния этих слов такие же, как и для some/ any/ no.

Somebody/someone, something –в утвер­ди­тель­ных пред­ло­же­ни­ях.

Somebody is near your car.

Something is in the bag. It is heavy.

Anybody/anyone, anything – в от­ри­ца­тель­ных пред­ло­же­ни­ях и во­про­сах.

I don’t know anybody of them.

Is there anything in the box?

Nobody /no one, nothing – воз­мож­но упо­треб­лять вме­сто not anybody/one, not anything, если вы хо­ти­те ска­зать, что кто-то или что-то от­сут­ству­ет.

There is nobody in the street. It is too late.

I have nothing for you.


Вставь­те в пред­ло­же­ния some/any/ no или их про­из­вод­ные.

I need ... sugar, ... water and ... tea to make a cup of tea. There is ... milk in the fridge, but there isn't ... butter. Are there ... eggs? – There aren't ... eggs. I need to buy a lot of food. There is ... time to sit at home. There is… in my eye! Can you help?– I can’t see … in it! My father does a lot of work in the office. He has ... time to rest. Are there ... English books on the shelf? My sister has many shirts in the wardrobe. You can take ... of them. This soup is awful! …. likes it. She was happy! … brought her a lot of flowers.

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

1. I need some sugar, some water and some tea to make a cup of tea.

2. There is some milk in the fridge, but there isn't any butter.

3. Are there any eggs? – There aren't any eggs.

4. I need to buy a lot of food. There is no time to sit at home.

5. There is something in my eye! Can you help? – I can’t see anything in it!

6. My father does a lot of work in the office. He has no time to rest.

7. Are there anyEnglish books on the shelf?

8. My sister has many shirts in the wardrobe. You can take some of them.

9. This soup is awful! Nobody likes it.

10. She was happy! Somebody brought her a lot of flowers.

Последнее изменение: Понедельник, 2 Октябрь 2017, 16:53