Фразовые глаголы. Непереходные и делимые переходные

 Фразовые глаголы: их структуры и виды

Фра­зо­вые гла­го­лы – это слож­ные (со­став­ные) гла­го­лы, со­сто­я­щие из несколь­ких слов (гла­гол + пред­лог или на­ре­чие), на­при­мер pickup, turn on, getonwith и др.

Воз­мож­ные струк­ту­ры фра­зо­вых гла­го­лов:

√ Verb + adverb (непо­сред­ствен­но фра­зо­вые гла­го­лы)


Break down – ло­мать­ся

Come back – воз­вра­щать­ся

Give away – от­да­вать

√ Verb + preposition (пред­лож­ные гла­го­лы)


Talk about – го­во­рить о…

Wait for – ждать

Look after –при­смат­ри­вать

√Verb + adverb + preposition (фра­зо­во-пред­лож­ные гла­го­лы)


Put up with – при­ми­рять­ся с…

Look forwardto – ожи­датьснетер­пе­ни­ем

Runoutof – из­рас­хо­до­вать


Phrasal verbs can be:

intransitive (have no direct object) – непе­ре­ход­ные,

transitive (have direct object) – пе­ре­ход­ные (см. рис. 1).


При­ме­ры пе­ре­ход­ных и непе­ре­ход­ных фра­зо­вых гла­го­лов

Рис. 1. При­ме­ры пе­ре­ход­ных и непе­ре­ход­ных фра­зо­вых гла­го­лов


⇒ Одни и те же гла­го­лы могут быть как пе­ре­ход­ны­ми, так и непе­ре­ход­ны­ми.


Get up – под­ни­мать­ся, вста­вать

I get up early in the morning. – Я встаю рано утром.

Get up – под­ни­мать (встре­ча­ет­ся реже)

I have to get the children up. – Мне нужно под­нять детей.


Пе­ре­ход­ные фра­зо­вые гла­го­лы

Пе­ре­ход­ные фра­зо­вые гла­го­лы раз­де­ля­ют на:

separable (раз­де­ля­е­мые);

inseparable (нераз­де­ля­е­мые).

 Делимые фразовые глаголы (Separable phrasal verbs)


Turn down my offer = turn my offer down


⇒ Од­на­ко если до­пол­не­ни­ем вы­сту­па­ет ме­сто­име­ние, то фра­зо­вый гла­гол все­гда раз­де­ля­ет­ся (то есть ме­сто­име­ние стоит по­се­ре­дине между гла­го­лом и на­ре­чи­ем) (см. рис. 2).

Место до­пол­не­ния в пред­ло­же­нии с фра­зо­вым гла­го­лом

Рис. 2. Место до­пол­не­ния в пред­ло­же­нии с фра­зо­вым гла­го­лом


I talked my mother into letting me borrow the car. – Я уго­во­рил маму одол­жить мне свою ма­ши­ну.

She looked the phone number up. – Она по­смот­ре­ла номер в те­ле­фон­ном спра­воч­ни­ке.

I made the story up. – Я вы­ду­мал эту ис­то­рию.



Look at the sentences with phrasal verbs and choose if they are correct or incorrect.

1. I woke several times up during the night.

2. My mother switched the radio off this morning.

3. The price of petrol has goneup again this year.

4. He was nice, but we turneddown him.

5. I forgot to buy milk; I need to go to the store back.

6. Our plane takesoff in 10 minutes.

7. A: What has happened to the wedding?

B: We have putoff it.

8. It’s so hot in here; I probably should take my sweater off.

9. He’s so tall. He takes his father after.

10. Are we going to get at this stop off or at the next?


От­ве­ты к упраж­не­нию:

1. incorrect (I woke up several times during the night.)

2. correct

3. correct

4. incorrect (He was nice, but we turned him down.)

5. incorrect (I forgot to buy milk; I need to go back to the store).

6. correct

7. incorrect (We put it off.)

8. correct

9. incorrect (He takes after his father.)

10. incorrect (Are we going to get off at this stop or at the next?)

 Список непереходных фразовых глаголов (The list of intransitive phrasal verbs)

Back down → retreat from a position in an argument

Back out → desert; fail to keep a promise

Back up → move backwards

Bear up → endure

Blow in → drop in to visit unexpectedly

Blow over → pass without doing harm

Blow up → explode; lose one’s temper

Call up → telephone

Calm down → become calm

Carry on → continue as before; misbehave

Catch on → understand

Catch up → cover the distance between oneself and a moving goal

Check up → investigate

Check out → leave; pay one’s bill

Cheer up → become cheerful

Clear out → leave

Clear up → become clear

Close down → close permanently

Close up → close temporarily

Come about → happen

Come along → accompany; make progress

Come back → return

Come by → visit someone in his home

Come out → appear; make a social debut

Come over → come to someone’s house

Come through → succeed

Come to → regain consciousness

Cut in → interrupt

Die away →fade; diminish

Die down → fade; diminish

Die off/out →disappear; become extinct

Dress up → don fancy or unusual clothes

Drive back → return by car

Drop in → visit someone casually without planning

Drop out → abandon some organized activity; leave; quit

Drop over → visit someone casually

Fall behind → not progress at required pace

Fall off → decrease; lose weight

Fall through → fail; not be accomplished

Fill in → substitute

Find out → learn

Fly back → return by air

Get around → circulate; move about

Get away → escape

Get by → manage; either just barely or with a minimum of effort

Get in → enter

Get off → descend from leave

Get on → enter (a vehicle); mount (a horse, etc.)

Get on/along → progress; be compatible

Get up → rise

Get through → finish

Give out → become exhausted

Give up → surrender; fail to finish

Go back → return

Go off → explode

Go on → happen; continue

Go out → stop burning; leave one’s residence

Go over → go; succeed

Grow up → mature

Hang around → remain idly; dawdle

Hang up → replace a telephone receive on its hook

Hold on → grasp tightly; persevere; wait while telephoning

Hold out → continue to resist; persist

Keep on → continue

Keep up → maintain the required pace or standard

Let up → diminish in intensity

Lie down → recline

Look on → be a spectator

Make out → progress; succeed

Make up → become reconciled

Move over → move to the side

Pan out → turn out well; be successful

Pass out → become unconscious

Pass on → die

Pick up → grow; increase

Pull in → arrive

Pull out → deport

Pull through → survive (barely)

Ride over → ride to where someone is

Run away → escape; leave quickly without permission

Run down → slowly lose power so as to stop functioning

Run off → depart running

Sell out → sell the ownership or responsibility

Settle up → pay one’s bills or debts

Show off → boast by words or actions

Show up → arrive

Shut up → stop talking

Slow up → reduce speed

Stand by → wait; be prepared to assist

Stand up → stand; rise from sitting; endure

Stay over → remain at someone’s house overnight or longer

Step aside → move to one side

Take off → leave the ground

Take over → assume command

Talk back → answer impolitely

Throw up → vomit

Turn around → turn so that one is facing another direction

Turn in → go to bed

Turn out → succeed; come; appear

Turn up → arrive

Wait up → remain awake in anticipation

Wake up → awaken

Walk back → return on foot to where one was

Walk over → walk to where someone is

Wash out → fade or disappear from washing

Watch out → be careful

Wear off → fade; disappear through use or time

Wear out → become unusable through use; become used up

Work out → be successful

Последнее изменение: Понедельник, 9 Октябрь 2017, 21:01