Передача приказов, просьб и предложений в косвенной речи. Reported Commands(Orders)/ Requests/ Suggestions

 1. Просьбы и приказы в косвенной речи

Когда нам нужно пе­ре­ве­сти прось­бу или при­каз в кос­вен­ную речь, мы поль­зу­ем­ся сле­ду­ю­щей мо­де­лью:

verb + object + to infinitive


He told me to go away.

При­ка­зы и прось­бы можно вво­дить не толь­ко гла­го­лом tell. Рас­смот­ри­те спи­сок неко­то­рых гла­го­лов, ко­то­ры­ми можно за­ме­нить tell, чтобы более точно пе­ре­дать смысл вы­ска­зы­ва­ния:

1. order - при­ка­зы­вать

2. warn - пре­ду­пре­ждать

3. ask – спра­ши­вать, про­сить

4. advise - со­ве­то­вать

5. invite - при­гла­шать

6. beg - умо­лять

7. teach - учить

8. forbid - за­пре­щать


The doctor said to me, ‘Stop smoking!’ → The doctor told me to stop smoking.

‘Get out of the car!’ said the policeman. → The policeman ordered him to get out of the car.

The man with the gun said to us, ‘Don’t move!’ → The man with the gun warned us not to move.

За­пом­ни­те уни­вер­саль­ную фор­му­лу, ко­то­рая по­мо­жет вам из­бе­жать оши­бок в кос­вен­ной речи – He asked me to do something / He asked me not to do something.

 2. Просьбы об объектах в косвенной речи

Рас­смот­ри­те мо­дель ра­бо­ты с объ­ек­та­ми в прось­бах:

ask + for + object


‘Can I have an orange?’ she asked. → She asked for an orange.

‘Can I have the magazine, please?’ he asked. → He asked for the magazine.

‘May I have a glass of apple juice?’ he said. → He asked for a glass of apple juice.

‘Salt, please.’ → She asked for the salt.

 3. Предложения (suggestions) в косвенной речи

Те­перь да­вай­те рас­смот­рим пред­ло­же­ния (suggestions). Они пе­ре­во­дят­ся в кос­вен­ную речь по сле­ду­ю­ще­му об­раз­цу:

She said, ‘Why don’t you get a mechanic to look at the car?’ →

She suggested that I should get a mechanic to look at the car.


She suggested I get a mechanic to look at the car.

В таких слу­ча­ях также можно ис­поль­зо­вать гла­го­лы:

1. insist - на­ста­и­вать

2. recommend - ре­ко­мен­до­вать

3. demand - тре­бо­вать

4. request - за­пра­ши­вать

5. propose – пред­ла­гать

 4. Особенности глагола suggest

Рас­смот­ри­те еще при­ме­ры:

‘It would be a good idea to see the doctor,’ said my mother. →My mother suggested I see the doctor.

‘Why don’t you stay at my house?’ she said. →She suggested that I stay overnight at her house.

За гла­го­лом suggest может сле­до­вать ге­рун­дий (ing-form).


I suggested postponing the visit to the dentist.

Вопросы к конспектам

Change commands, requests and suggestions into indirect speech: Example: "Close the door," she asked me. — She asked me to close the door.

1. "Open the safe!" the raiders ordered the bank clerk.

2. "Please do as I say," he begged me.

3. "Help your mother, Peter," Mr. Pitt said.

4. "Don't make too much noise, children," he said.

5. "Do whatever you like," she said to us.

6. "Don't miss your train," she warned them.

7. "Read the document before you sign it," the lawyer said to his client.

8. "Fill in the blank again," he said.

9. "Buy a new car," I advised him.

10. "Don't drive too fast," she begged him.

11. "Don't put your bicycle near my window," said the shopkeeper to me.

12. "Come to the cinema with me," he asked her.

13. "Cook it in butter," I advised her.

14. "Send for the fire brigade," the manager said to the porter.

15. "Please pay at the desk," said the shop assistant to her.

16. "Don't argue with me," said the teacher to the boy.

17. "Pull as hard as you can," he said to her.

18. "Don't lend anything to her," he advised us.

19. "Stand clear off the door," a voice warned the people.

20. "Put down that gun. It's loaded," she warned him.

Последнее изменение: Понедельник, 9 Октябрь 2017, 17:33