Аффиксация. Суффиксы существительных

 Существительные от прилагательных, глаголов и существительных (Nouns from adjectives/verbs/nouns)


Happy – happiness


Possible – possibility


Inform – information


Admit – admission


Enjoy – enjoyment


Independent – independence

Important – importance

Admit – admittance

Exist – existence


Member – membership


Neighbor – neighborhood

При­ме­ча­ния по пра­во­пи­са­нию: BrE и AmE

При­ме­ча­ние 1

BrE                               AmE

Centre                          Center

Calibre                          Caliber

Fibre                             Fiber

Litre                              Liter

Theatre                         Theater

Metre                            Meter

Manoeuvre                   Maneuver


При­ме­ча­ние 2

BrE                               AmE

Colour                           Color

Humour                         Humor

Behaviour                      Behavior

Favour                           Favor

Flavour                          Flavor

Honour                          Honor

Labour                           Labor

Rumour                         Rumor

Saviour                          Savior


I. Read the following words, identify if they are adjectives or verbs, then choose the right suffix to form nouns.

1. Weak

2. Tidy

3. Responsible

4. Probable

5. Decide

6. Describe

7. Alter

8. Appoint

9. Arrange

10. Partner

11. Relation

12. Child

13. Mother



1. Weakness

2. Tidiness

3. Responsibility

4. Probability

5. Decision

6. Description

7. Alteration

8. Appointment

9. Arrangement

10. Partnership

11. Relationship

12. Childhood

13. Motherhood


II. Read the text. Pay attention to the words in bold. Choose the right suffix to fit the context.

Air travel

International travel requires passing through airports and can be challenging. Making a (1) ______________________ (reserve) is mostly done online nowadays. The (2) ________________ (seat) is first come, first served, and it is important to plan early. On the day of your trip, you should plan an early (3) ____________ (arrive) to the airport. You should be there at least two hours before the (4) ____________ (depart) of an international flight. (5) The ______________ (process) of checking in can be very long. An agent will ask you to show your (6) __________________ (identify). A security agent will ask you a few (7) ______________ (quest) about the contents of your baggage. Then they will permit your (8) __________________ (enter) into the secure area of the airport. Another agent will announce the (9) _______________ (board) of the aircraft. At that time, you will walk down a long (10) ____________________ (pass) to the door of the airplane.



1. Reservation

2. Sitting

3. Arrival

4. Departure

5. Process

6. Identification

7. Questions

8. Entrance

9. Boarding

10. Passag

 Существительные с суффиксами -ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency, -acy, -sy

These are noun forming suffixes:






Read the words, say them aloud and write down them often.


Elegance – эле­гант­ность

Endurance – вы­нос­ли­вость

Expectance – ожи­да­ние

Significance – зна­че­ние, важ­ность



Expectancy – ожи­да­ние

Inhabitancy – про­жи­ва­ние

Occupancy – за­пол­не­ние



Absence – от­сут­ствие

Emergence – по­яв­ле­ние

Occurrence – яв­ле­ние

Preference – пред­по­чте­ние

Reference – связь, ссыл­ка

Sequence – по­сле­до­ва­тель­ность



Currency – де­неж­ное об­ра­ще­ние

Emergency – кри­ти­че­ская си­ту­а­ция

Fluency – бег­лость

Frequency – ча­сто­та

Urgency – без­от­ла­га­тель­ность



Accuracy – точ­ность

Delicacy – тон­кость

Illiteracy – негра­мот­ность

Intricacy – за­пу­тан­ность

Legacy – на­сле­дие

Literacy – гра­мот­ность

Privacy – уеди­не­ние



Controversy – раз­но­гла­сие

Courtesy – лю­без­ность

Hypocrisy – ли­це­ме­рие

Jealousy – рев­ность, за­висть

 Существительные с суффиксами -er/-or

Suffixes (or endings) -er/-or have their features (see fig. 1).

Существительные с суффиксами -er/-or

Fig. 1. Features of suffixes -er/-or


Baby-sitter – няня

Border – гра­ни­ца

Carrier – пе­ре­воз­чик

Customer – кли­ент, по­ку­па­тель

Dancer – тан­цов­щик, тан­цов­щи­ца

Defender – за­щит­ник

Explorer – ис­сле­до­ва­тель (мест­но­сти)

Hunter – охот­ник

Interpreter – ис­тол­ко­ва­тель

Jeweler – юве­лир

Lawyer – юрист, ад­во­кат

Manager – управ­ля­ю­щий

Painter – ху­дож­ник, маляр

Plumber – сле­сарь, сан­тех­ник

Prisoner – за­клю­чен­ный, плен­ник

Researcher – ис­сле­до­ва­тель

Retailer – роз­нич­ный тор­го­вец

Robber – гра­би­тель, раз­бой­ник



Ancestor – пре­док

Conqueror – за­во­е­ва­тель

Contractor – под­ряд­чик

Editor – ре­дак­тор

Elevator – лифт

Governor – пра­ви­тель, гу­бер­на­тор

Indicator – ука­за­тель

Inventor – изоб­ре­та­тель

Investor – вклад­чик

Protector – за­щит­ник

Sailor – моряк

Supervisor – смот­ри­тель

Survivor – остав­ший­ся в живых

Tutor – на­став­ник, учи­тель


Read the sentences and follow the example. Choose the right suffix to form the noun.

Example: It is indispensable to supervise aircraft checks. The _________________ of aircraft is indispensable. (SUPERVISION)

1. It is important to maintain an airplane. The ________________ is important.

2. It is necessary to inspect the engines. The _______________ of the engines is necessary.

3. It is desirable to employ good technicians. The _________________ of good technicians is desirable.

4. It’s essential to transport passengers safely. The safe ________________ of passengers is essential.

5. It’s dangerous for any part of the airplane to fail. The __________ of any part of the airplane is dangerous.

6. It is required to approve all work on the aircraft. The _____________ of all work on the aircraft is required.

7. It is logical to require safety updates. The ______________ for safety updates is logical.



От­ве­ты к упраж­не­нию:

1. Maintenance

2. Inspection

3. Employment

4. Transportation

5. Failure

6. Approval

7. Requirement

Вопросы к конспектам

1. Опре­де­ли­те, к какой части речи от­но­сят­ся сле­ду­ю­щие слова. Пе­ре­ве­ди­те их:

Achievement – achieve, resistance – resistant, assistance – assist – assistant, celebration – celebrate, difference – different, city – citizen, na­tion – national – nationality, measure – measurement, develop – develop­ment, act – active – activity, contain – container, discover – discovery – dis­coverer, literature – literary, graduate – graduation – undergraduate – post-graduate, educate – education, progress – progressive, act – action – activity – active, govern – governor – government.

2. Об­ра­зуй­те от дан­ных гла­го­лов су­ще­стви­тель­ные с по­мо­щью суф­фик­са -ment. Пе­ре­ве­ди­те на рус­ский язык:

Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip, govern, require, measure, announce, pave, amuse, argue, advertise, invest.

3. Об­ра­зуй­те от дан­ных гла­го­лов су­ще­стви­тель­ные с по­мощью суф­фик­са -еr или -or. Пе­ре­ве­ди­те на рус­ский язык:

To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to  conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.

Последнее изменение: Понедельник, 9 Октябрь 2017, 21:51