Present Simple and Present Continuous

What do you do every day? You wake up early, you wash your face, brush your hair, have breakfast, you get dressed, you study and do sports. And what are you doing now? Are you having a shower or brushing your teeth? No! You are studying English now.

Раз­ли­чия в ис­поль­зо­ва­нии вре­мен

Рис. 1. Раз­ли­чия в ис­поль­зо­ва­нии вре­мен


He brushes his teeth. (Present Simple: an everyday activity)

He is brushing his teeth. (Present Continuous: an activity happeningright now)

 Present Simple Song

Planes fly. The wind blows.

Babies cry. The moon glows.

The Sun shines. Plants grow.

You ask me why. Don’t you know?

A bell rings. Bands play.

A bird sings. Wheels turn.

A door shuts. Fires burn.

Balls bounce. A dog barks.

Cats pounce. A car parks.

Pens write. A pie bakes.

Teeth bite. A glass breaks.

Mountains form. A hose sprays.

Models pose. A frog jumps.

Boxes stack. An elbow bumps.

Armies attack. Paper rips.

Trees shade. A cup chips.

Memories fade. Computers crash.

Paint peels. Colors clash.

A wound heals.

Planes fly. The wind blows.

You ask me why. Don’t you know?

 Формы Present Simple и Present Continuous

Present Simple / Present Continuous

I work / I am working

We read / We are reading

They write / They are writing

He, She, It writes / He, She, It is writing

Гла­голь­ные формы Present Simple и Present Continuous

Рис. 2. Гла­голь­ные формы Present Simple и Present Continuous

 Стихотворение про Present Simple: часть 1

The Present Simple. It’s not hard!

I am; he, she, it is; you are.

Repeat, relax, and don’t be tense.

The Present Simple will start to make sense.

 Использование Present Simple и Present Continuous

Ис­поль­зо­ва­ние Present Simple:

Repeated events, habits (Ре­гу­ляр­ные, по­все­днев­ные дей­ствия, при­выч­ки)


I swim on Fridays, I am not swimming now. I make tea every morning and I am drinking tea now.

Facts (Об­ще­из­вест­ные факты)


Babies cry but this baby is smiling now. The moon shines but now it is not shining.

Permanent States (По­сто­ян­ные со­сто­я­ния)


He lives near the circus but now he is walking in the park.

Опи­са­ние дей­ствия с по­мо­щью Present Continuous

Рис. 3. Опи­са­ние дей­ствия с по­мо­щью Present Continuous

Ис­поль­зо­ва­ние Present Continuous:

Actions happening now (Дей­ствия, про­ис­хо­дя­щие в дан­ный мо­мент)


He is not listening to the teacher at the moment but usually he does.

Actions true at the moment but not always (Дей­ствия, име­ю­щие вре­мен­ный ха­рак­тер)


They are preparing a project about England this week and they do this every month.

Plans for the near future (Планы на бли­жай­шее бу­ду­щее)


I am seeing my dentist today but I don’t like it.

 Present Continuous (be + -ing) vs Present Simple

Срав­ни­тель­ная таб­ли­ца вре­мен Present Simple и Present Continuous

Срав­ни­тель­ная таб­ли­ца вре­мен Present Simple и Present Continuous

Срав­ни­тель­ная таб­ли­ца вре­мен Present Simple и Present Continuous

Рис. 4. Срав­ни­тель­ная таб­ли­ца вре­мен Present Simple и Present Continuous

 Вопросительные и отрицательные формы

Questions in Present Simple and Present Continuous are formed by putting do/does (for Present Simple) and am/is/are (for Present Continuous) before the subject.


Do they play the drums? / Does he play the drums? (Present Simple)

Are they playing now? / Is he playing now? (Present Continuous)

Negatives in Present Simple and Present Continuous are formed by adding not  after do/does (for Present Simple) and am/is/are (for Present Continuous).


They do not play the drums. / He does not play the drums. (Present Simple)

They are not playing the guitars now. / He is not playing the guitar now. (Present Continuous)

Remember: in the Present Simple questions and negativesentences we use the first form of the main verb.

 Стихотворение про Present Simple: часть 2

How do we use it?

The most common way

Is to talk about the things

That we do every day!

I sleep. She thinks. You eat. He cleans.

These are our habits, our daily routines!

We use when something is always true,

Like geese fly south and cows can “moo”!

 What is happening now

Birds fly. And they are flying now.

Dogs bark. And it is barking at the moment.

He likes music. And he is listening to music now.

I am happy. And I am smiling at the moment.

Дей­ствия в на­сто­я­щем, ко­то­рые опи­сы­ва­ет Present Continuous

Рис. 5. Дей­ствия в на­сто­я­щем, ко­то­рые опи­сы­ва­ет Present Continuous

 Present Simple and Present Continuous crossword


Рис. 6. Кросс­ворд









 Упражнение 1

Match the beginning of the sentence with its ending.

Ben is a computer programmer and

Every day at 18.00

It’s 8.30 now and Ben

Every day he

Ben is not

There is a girl at his table. She is

he finishes work at the space station. Then he goes to the Matrix café.

is looking out of the café window at the space cars flying by.

he lives on the moon.

watches the same space cars, but today is different.


reading a digital magazine.


1c 2a 3b 4d 5e 6f.

 Упражнение 2

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Рис. 7. Ил­лю­стра­ция к упраж­не­нию 2


He is painting at the moment.

She is playing the guitar now.

They clean the room every Sunday.

She usually eats fruit salad for breakfast.

 The song

Listen, read and repeat.

What is she doing?

She is walking.

What is he doing?

He is running.

Walking, running.

She is walking. He is running.

What is he doing?

He is eating.

What is she doing?

She is drinking.

Eating, drinking.

He is eating. She is drinking.

What is she doing?

She is crying.

What is he doing?

He is smiling.

Crying, smiling.

She is crying. He is smiling.

What is she doing?

She is climbing.

What is he doing?

He is swinging.

Climbing, swinging.

She is climbing. He is swinging.

What are they doing?

They are sleeping.

What are they doing?

They are sleeping.


Вопросы к конспектам

Пе­ре­ве­ди­те на ан­глий­ский язык, упо­треб­ляя гла­го­лы в Present Continuous или Present Simple:

а) Мой муж очень вкус­но го­то­вит.

б) По­слу­шай! Кто-то поет!

в) Твоя ба­буш­ка на пен­сии?

г) Учи­те­ля по­сто­ян­но объ­яс­ня­ют новые пра­ви­ла.

д) Что твоя сест­ра сей­час де­ла­ет? – Она сти­ра­ет.

е) Пи­са­те­ли пишут ро­ма­ны, а врачи лечат людей.

ж) Смот­ри! Твоя по­дру­га вы­гу­ли­ва­ет со­ба­ку.

Последнее изменение: Понедельник, 2 Октябрь 2017, 21:02