Causative form

 Каузативная конструкция

Ка­у­за­тив­ная кон­струк­ция ис­поль­зу­ет­ся, когда го­во­ря­щий не сам вы­пол­ня­ет дей­ствие, а по­буж­да­ет ко­го-то дру­го­го его со­вер­шить.

Да­вай­те рас­смот­рим два при­ме­ра:


1. I paint my house every spring. (Do I paint it? Yes, I do it myself.)

2. I have my house painted every spring. (Do I paint it? No, I find some painters and they paint it for me.)

So, when we want to say that we cause (arrange, force, allow, convince) someone to do something for us, we use the causative form.

Су­ще­ству­ет 2 вида ка­у­за­тив­ных кон­струк­ций – ак­тив­ная и пас­сив­ная.

 Активный каузатив

Ак­тив­ный, или дей­стви­тель­ный, ка­у­за­тив озна­ча­ет рас­по­ря­же­ние, при­нуж­де­ние ко­го-ли­бо к де­я­тель­но­сти и упо­треб­ля­ет­ся с гла­го­ла­ми – let, make, have, get.

Об­ра­зу­ет­ся он по сле­ду­ю­щей мо­де­ли:

Subject + let/make/have/get + object + infinitive

1. Let ис­поль­зу­ет­ся для вы­ра­же­ния поз­во­ле­ния:


She lets me borrow her clothes.

2. Make ис­поль­зу­ет­ся для вы­ра­же­ния при­нуж­де­ния:


My mother makes me do the washing up.

3. Have ис­поль­зу­ет­ся, когда мы пе­ре­да­ем от­вет­ствен­ность за вы­пол­не­ние дей­ствия дру­го­му че­ло­ве­ку, даем при­ка­зы или ин­струк­ции.


I had my assistant type the report. – Мой сек­ре­тарь на­пе­ча­тал отчет. (По моему рас­по­ря­же­нию)

4. Get ис­поль­зу­ет­ся, когда мы хотим убе­дить или об­ма­ном за­ста­вить ко­го-то что-то сде­лать.


I got my daughter to eat the whole breakfast. – Я смог­ла уго­во­рить дочь съесть весь зав­трак.

При­ме­ча­ние: В кон­струк­ции с get ис­поль­зу­ет­ся ча­стич­ка to перед ин­фи­ни­ти­вом.

 Пассивный каузатив

Пас­сив­ный ка­у­за­тив озна­ча­ет устрой­ство (ор­га­ни­за­цию) че­го-ли­бо са­мо­сто­я­тель­но или с по­мо­щью дру­гих людей. Он упо­треб­ля­ет­ся с гла­го­ла­ми have и get.

Subject + have/get + object + past participle


They had their car repaired. (Someone repaired the car for them. They arranged it)


They repaired their car. (They did it themselves)

She got the plates washed. (She asked John to wash the plates.)

Если мы хотим ука­зать, кто вы­пол­ня­ет дей­ствие, то мы до­бав­ля­ем by + агент дей­ствия.


He’s having his tattoo done by one of the best experts in the city.


Have vs get

Гла­гол get в дан­ной кон­струк­ции счи­та­ет­ся более раз­го­вор­ным и, таким об­ра­зом, ис­поль­зу­ет­ся пре­иму­ще­ствен­но в раз­го­вор­ной речи. Кроме этого, get под­ра­зу­ме­ва­ет всю под­го­тов­ку к дей­ствию, а have – толь­ко ре­зуль­тат са­мо­го дей­ствия.


I got all my work done yesterday. – Вчера я раз­де­лал­ся со всей своей ра­бо­той.

Don’t get your family involved in the business. – Не впу­ты­вай свою семью в это дело.

He’s having her house painted. – Ее дом сей­час кра­сят.

My mother has had her letter published in the newspaper. – Пись­мо моей ма­те­ри на­пе­ча­та­ли в га­зе­те.

Ка­у­за­тив­ные кон­струк­ции могут ис­поль­зо­вать­ся вме­сто пас­сив­но­го за­ло­га, когда мы го­во­рим о несчаст­ных слу­ча­ях или неуда­чах.


Adam had his phone stolen. (Adam’s phone was stolen)

They had their garden destroyed by the storm.

В ка­у­за­тив­ных кон­струк­ци­ях можно ис­поль­зо­вать мо­даль­ные гла­го­лы:


You should have your hair cut.

I have to get children get up early in the morning.

 Практическое задание

Да­вай­те по­тре­ни­ру­ем­ся вы­пол­нять за­да­ния:

1. She ________________ that he wouldn’t tell anyone.

a) made him promise

b) made him promised

c) promised to make

2. My tooth still hurts. I have to get a dentist ___________ soon.

a) look at it

b) to look at it

c) to get it looked at it

3. I ______________ a couple of days ago.

a) had my bike to be fixed

b) had my bike fix

c) had my bike fixed

4. I will not ______________ with this!

a) make you get away

b) let you get away

c) get you get away

5. The movie _____________ sad.

a) made to feel

b) made him feel

c) made him to feel

6. I ______________ from my other address.

a) have my mail forwarded

b) make my mail forwarded

c) get my mail forwarded

7. Don’t _____________ these things about you!

a) let him say

b) let him to say

c) let him said

8. Have your assistant __________ these letters immediately.

a) to send

b) send

c) to be sent

9. He ____________ yesterday.

a) had his hair cut

b) got his hair to be cut

c) let hair to be cut

10. The professor __________ early.

a) to let the students leave

b) let the students leave

c) let the students to leave

Про­верь­те себя:










Вопросы к конспектам

Пе­ре­пи­ши­те пред­ло­же­ния по об­раз­цу:

1. Mike is going to ask a carpenter to put the doors up. – Mike is going to have the doors put up.

2. Tony asked a mechanic to fix the car.

3. You should ask a plumber to unblock the toilet.

4. Ask the maid to tidy your room.

5. Simon is going to ask a tailor to make a suit for him.

6. Did he ask the optician to test his eyes?

7. Tommy asks his brother to do his homework.

8. The girl asked her mother to read the story to me.

9. They will ask a chef to cook the meal.

10. The report is being typed by his secretary.

Последнее изменение: Понедельник, 9 Октябрь 2017, 04:34