Complex object (let/make smb DO smth/be made /be allowed to do smth)

По­втор кон­струк­ции Complex Object

Complex Object – это су­ще­стви­тель­ное в име­ни­тель­ном па­де­же или ме­сто­име­ние в объ­ект­ном па­де­же, ко­то­рое обо­зна­ча­ет лицо или пред­мет, после чего стоит ин­фи­ни­тив гла­го­ла, ука­зы­ва­ю­щий на дей­ствие, ко­то­рое со­вер­ша­ет­ся этим лицом. 





Object (noun/objective pronoun)

До­пол­не­ние (су­ще­стви­тель­ное в име­ни­тель­ном па­де­же/ме­сто­име­ние в объ­ект­ном па­де­же)


Ин­фи­ни­тив гла­го­ла

Такую кон­струк­цию можно упо­треб­лять после ряда гла­го­лов, на этом уроке мы рас­смот­рим Complex Object с гла­го­ла­ми let/make smb do smth, be made /be allowed to do smth.

Make – force somebody to do something. За­став­лять, по­буж­дать (ко­го-л. сде­лать что-л.)

Let – give permission. Поз­во­лять, раз­ре­шать (ко­му-л. сде­лать что-л.).

Про­чи­тай­те при­ме­ры, об­ра­щая вни­ма­ние на вы­де­лен­ную кон­струк­цию.

The teacher makes pupils/us learn this text by heart. Учи­тель за­став­ля­ет уче­ни­ков/нас вы­учить этот текст на­и­зусть.

The parents let their son/him drive a car. Ро­ди­те­ли поз­во­ля­ют сво­е­му сыну/ему во­дить ма­ши­ну.






Object (noun/objective pronoun)

До­пол­не­ние (су­ще­стви­тель­ное в име­ни­тель­ном па­де­же/ме­сто­име­ние в объ­ект­ном па­де­же)

Infinitive without to

Ин­фи­ни­тив гла­го­ла

без TO

Complex Object после гла­го­лов make /let – это су­ще­стви­тель­ное в име­ни­тель­ном па­де­же или ме­сто­име­ние в объ­ект­ном па­де­же, после чего стоит ин­фи­ни­тив гла­го­ла БЕЗ ча­сти­цы TO.

The teacher makes pupils/us learn this text by heart.

The parents let their son/him drive a car.

Так как кон­струк­ция тре­бу­ет ис­поль­зо­ва­ния ме­сто­име­ний в объ­ект­ном па­де­же, про­чи­тай­те таб­ли­цу, чтобы их вспом­нить.



1. I – me


1. we – us


2. you – you


2. you – you


he – him

she – her

it – it

3. they – them

I will make her clean the room. – Я за­став­лю ее убрать в ком­на­те.

She can make him go to the theatre. – Она может за­ста­вить его пойти в театр.

The new teacher never makes us do our homework. – Новый учи­тель ни­ко­гда не за­став­ля­ет нас де­лать до­маш­нее за­да­ние.

The father doesn’t let me stay out late. – Отец не поз­во­ля­ет мне гу­лять до­позд­на.

He lets them play computer games all day. – Он раз­ре­ша­ет им иг­рать в ком­пью­тер­ные игры весь день.


Вве­де­ни­е гла­го­лов, упо­треб­ля­ю­щих­ся с ­кон­струк­ци­ей Complex Object (let/make smb do smth, be made /be allowed to do smth).

Про­чи­тай­те диа­лог, ана­ли­зи­руя упо­треб­ле­ние кон­струк­ции Complex Object.

Tom: Bill’s parents are great! They don’t make him clean his room. They don’t make him do his homework.

Dan: Really? But if he doesn’t do it by himself they won’t let him go out.

Рас­смот­рим ис­поль­зо­ва­ние кон­струк­ции Complex Object (слож­но­го до­пол­не­ния) с гла­го­ла­ми be made и be allowed.

Как об­ра­зо­ва­лись эти гла­голь­ные формы?

be made – форма гла­го­ла make в стра­да­тель­ном за­ло­ге (Passive Voice).

be allowed – форма гла­го­ла allow в стра­да­тель­ном за­ло­ге (Passive Voice). Так как гла­гол let обыч­но не ис­поль­зу­ют в стра­да­тель­ном за­ло­ге, то при­бе­га­ют к форме стра­да­тель­но­го за­ло­га его эк­ви­ва­лен­та – гла­го­ла allow.

be made– ко­го-то за­ста­ви­ли что-то сде­лать

be allowed– ко­му-то раз­ре­ши­ли что-то сде­лать





(be made/be allowed)


Ин­фи­ни­тив гла­го­ла



Не за­бы­вай­те из­ме­нять форму гла­го­ла to be в со­от­вет­ствии со вре­ме­нем, лицом и чис­лом. (Present am/is/are made/allowed; Past was/were made/allowed)

He is made to clean the house every Sunday. – Его за­став­ля­ют уби­рать в доме каж­дое вос­кре­се­нье.

They were made to do the exercise again. – Их за­ста­ви­ли де­лать это упраж­не­ние снова.

He was allowed to use Daddy’s car. – Ему поз­во­ли­ли ис­поль­зо­вать ма­ши­ну отца.

My cats are not allowed to sleep on the bed. – Котам не раз­ре­ше­но спать на кро­ва­ти.



От­крой­те скоб­ки, ис­поль­зуя кон­струк­цию Complex Object.

Example: The parents (let, she, watch) this film. – The parents let her watch this film.

She (make, he, promise) that he wouldn’t tell anyone.

They (be made, stay) at work till 9 p.m. every day.

Don't (let, she, say) these things about you!

Yesterday the student (be allowed, leave) early.

My sister refuses to (let, I, use) her computer.

We (be made, wear) school uniform last year.

Will you (let, I, go) home?

I (be made, go) there two days ago.

He (be allowed, watch) TV all day.

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

She made him promise that he wouldn’t tell anyone.

They are made to stay at work till 9p.m. every day.

Don't let her say these things about you!

Yesterday the student was allowed to leave early.

My sister refuses to let me use her computer.

We were made to wear school uniform last year.

Will you let me go home?

I was made to go there two days ago.

He is allowed to watch TV all day.



Со­ставь­те пред­ло­же­ния из дан­ных слов.

to use/ Is it allowed / inside the museum/ the camera?

He /to turn off /was made /on the plane/ his computer.

lets me/ My father/ drive /his car.

at the age of 14/ was made/ He /to earn his living.

me/ makes/ help/ My mother /her cooking.

 to enter the cinema/ We/ because /weren’t allowed/ we had lost our tickets.

makes / The sea voyage/ feel sick/ me.

go outside/ You/ let /can/ your baby /without a coat.

late/ I /to come home/ / am not allowed.

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

Is it allowed to use the camera inside the museum?

He was made to turn off his computer on the plane.

My father lets me drive his car.

He was made to earn his living at the age of 14.

My mother makes me help her cooking.

We weren’t allowed to enter the cinema because we had lost our tickets.

The sea voyage makes me feel sick.

You can let your baby go outside without a coat.

I am not allowed to come home late.



Пе­ре­пи­ши­те пред­ло­же­ния в стра­да­тель­ном за­ло­ге (Passive Voice).

Example: Mother lets her children play in the yard. – Children are allowed to play in the yard.

The doctor lets the child eat some ice-cream.

Lisa’s parents make her do sports.

The teacher let him come later.

John let his younger brother use his iPad.

The coach made the footballer come in time.

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты

The child is allowed to eat some ice-cream.

Lisa is made to do sports.

He was allowed to come later.

The younger brother was allowed to use John’s iPad.

The footballer was made to come in time



Пе­ре­пи­ши­те пред­ло­же­ния в дей­стви­тель­ном за­ло­ге (Active Voice).

Example: We were not allowed to go there. – They didn’t let us go there.

The pupils were made to write the test again.

He was allowed to bring this book back to the library on Tuesday.

She is allowed to eat this cake.

Tom is not made to clean the house by his parents.

Children are not allowed to read in bed.

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

The teacher made the pupils write the test again.

The librarian let him bring this book back on Tuesday.

They let her eat this cake.

Tom’s parents don’t make him clean the house.

Parents don’t let their children read in bed.

Вопросы к конспектам

Из­ме­ни­те пред­ло­же­ния, как по­ка­за­но на при­ме­ре:

A: His mother advised him to write a story.

B: His mother made him write a story.

His father advised him to go running every morning. 

His brother advised him to get a new job. 

Mary’s teacher advised her to take part in the writing contest. 

Her parents advised her to move to Chicago. 


За­пол­ни­те про­пус­ки, ис­поль­зуя let/make, be made /be allowed

Your brother’s trousers look terrible. You should _ _ _ _ him clean them.

I didn’t want to do the room. My father _ _ _ _ _ me help him.

I can’t come. My parents won’t _ _ _ _ _let me.

Why do you always _ _ _ _ _ your children do whatever they like?

We _ _ _ _ _ to write Exercise Five in class.

The children _ _ _ _ _ to take part in the show.

Последнее изменение: Суббота, 7 Октябрь 2017, 23:52