Verbs used with infinitive and gerund without difference in meaning

 Влияние инфинитива и герундия на смысл высказывания

People enjoy doing (gerund) their favourite activities in their free time and very often they begin to choose/begin choosing (infinitive/gerund) hobbies at an early age. Both boys and girls like playing (gerund → to express general preferences) sports games. They start to attend/start attending (infinitive/gerund) a gym or a stadium. Very many of them continue to do/continue doing (infinitive/gerund) sports when they are older. The boys and girls liked to play (infinitive → to express specific preferences) sports games when they came to the stadium.

Таким об­ра­зом, можно сде­лать вывод, что после опре­де­лен­ных гла­го­лов (на­при­мер, like) ис­поль­зо­ва­ние ин­фи­ни­ти­ва или ге­рун­дия вли­я­ет на смысл вы­ска­зы­ва­ния. Ино­гда раз­ни­ца незна­чи­тель­на, од­на­ко она есть. После гла­го­лов begin, start, continue можно ис­поль­зо­вать как ин­фи­ни­тив, так и ге­рун­дий, при этом смысл вы­ска­зы­ва­ния не из­ме­нит­ся.

 Примеры использования инфинитива и герундия без изменения значения

Она на­ча­ла тан­це­вать, когда ей было 5 лет. – She started dancing when she was five. = She started to dance when she was five.

Каж­дый год перед празд­ни­ком они на­чи­на­ют укра­шать но­во­год­нюю елку. – They begin decorating (=to decorate) the New Year tree before the holiday every year.

После по­ступ­ле­ния в уни­вер­си­тет он про­дол­жал прак­ти­ко­вать­ся в ан­глий­ском. – On entering university he continued practicing (=to practice) his English.


⇒ However, we never have two –ing forms together.


She began swimming/to swim.


It’s beginning to rain. (NOT It’s beginning raining.)


⇒ Ис­поль­зуй­те ин­фи­ни­тив в стра­да­тель­ном за­ло­ге и если после гла­го­ла идет до­пол­не­ние. При от­сут­ствии до­пол­не­ния воз­мо­жен толь­ко ге­рун­дий. Это ка­са­ет­ся гла­го­лов recommend (ре­ко­мен­до­вать), advise (со­ве­то­вать), allow (раз­ре­шать), permit (поз­во­лять), encourage (во­оду­шев­лять).


Teachers recommend reading many books to improve language skills. (нет до­пол­не­ния)

Students are recommended to read books. (стра­да­тель­ный залог)

Teachers recommend us to read books. (есть до­пол­не­ние)


Use infinitive or gerund.

1. The principal doesn’t permit (smoke) in the school.

2. Nancy advised me (take up) jogging.

3. We are not allowed (run) at school.

4. Many parents encourage their children (read) a lot.

5. I recommend (read) this book.

6. I will not permit my daughter (marry) you.

7. Teachers do not encourage (cheat) at the tests. 


1. smoking

2. to take up

3. to run

4. to read

5. reading

6. to marry

7. cheating


Fill in gerunds or infinitives:

A new school

Last month we moved house and I had to go to a new school. The rules in my new school are very strict!

For example, the teachers don’t allow (1) ___________ (talk) in class at all! We are only permitted (2) ___________ (speak) if we are asked a question. Naturally, we aren’t allowed (3) ___________ (use) mobile phones even during the breaks.

On the first day the headmaster advised us all (4) ______________ (work) very hard and he recommended (5) ____________ (study) for at least five hours a day. We are also not allowed (6) ___________ (leave) the school at lunchtime. However, we are encouraged (7) ____________ (join) the school library which is really rich! They also encourage (8) _________ (do) sports here. So I am going to take up tennis.

My classmates are quite friendly and they advised (9) ___________ (obey) the rules. Though they gave me several hints how to avoid being punished in some situations. So I am beginning (10) ______________ (look) on the bright side of life again.



1. Talking

2. To speak

3. To use

4. To work

5. Studying

6. To leave

7. To join

8. Doing

9. Obeying

10. To look


Использование инфинитива и герундия после want, need, require

The windows want washing. = The windows want to be washed.

The windows need washing. = The windows need to be washed.

The text requires translating. = The text requires to be translated.


Таким об­ра­зом, после гла­го­лов want, require и need можно ис­поль­зо­вать или про­стой ге­рун­дий в ак­ти­ве, или ин­фи­ни­тив в пас­си­ве без раз­ни­цы в зна­че­нии.

An old car

- My car is old. I’m afraid it needs repairing. Why is this warning light on?

- Oh, you need some more brake fluid. I advise you to have this car serviced in the Red Star garage. The brakes need checking and the battery wants checking too.

- And my tyres need to be checked. And the engine…

- Well, in fact, I would recommend you changing the car. Why don’t you buy a new one?

Вопросы к конспектам

1) Put the verb in the right form: ~ing or infinitive.

1. She doesn't allow ______________ in the house. (Smoke)

2. I'm in a difficult position. What do you advise me ____________? (Do)

3. We were kept at the police station for two hours and then we were allowed _______. (Go)

4. Where would you recommend me __________________ for my holidays? (Go)

5. I wouldn't recommend _____________ in that restaurant. The food is awful. (Eat)

6. Carol's parents always encouraged her ______________ hard at school. (Study)


2) Пе­ре­пи­ши­те сле­ду­ю­щие пред­ло­же­ния, ис­поль­зуя ге­рун­дий. Сде­лай­те необ­хо­ди­мые из­ме­не­ния.

1. He recommended us to wait.

2. She advised them to leave.

3. We allowed them to speak.

4. Father didn’t permit his son to use the car.

5. Doctors encourage their patients to eat healthy food.


3) При­ду­май­те свои пред­ло­же­ния с гла­го­ла­ми want, need, require. На­пи­ши­те по два пред­ло­же­ния с каж­дым гла­го­лом (одно пред­ло­же­ние с ин­фи­ни­ти­вом в пас­си­ве, и одно – с про­стым ге­рун­ди­ем в ак­ти­ве). В итоге у вас долж­но по­лу­чить­ся 6 пред­ло­же­ний.

Последнее изменение: Понедельник, 9 Октябрь 2017, 01:56