Infinite forms of the verb. Full and bare Infinitive

 Три основных неличных формы глагола; определение, признаки и функции инфинитива

Нелич­ная форма гла­го­ла – это неопре­де­лен­ная форма гла­го­ла, то есть она не вы­ра­жа­ет ни лицо, ни число, ни время. К этой форме от­но­сит­ся ин­фи­ни­тив, ге­рун­дий и при­ча­стие.

Ин­фи­ни­тив – это нелич­ная, неопре­де­лен­ная форма гла­го­ла, ко­то­рая не вы­ра­жа­ет лицо, число или на­кло­не­ние.

Пер­вым при­зна­ком ин­фи­ни­ти­ва яв­ля­ет­ся ча­сти­ца to, ко­то­рая стоит перед ним (см. ри­су­нок 1):

to make to run to jump


Рис. 1. Ин­фи­ни­тив

Ча­сти­ца to может опус­кать­ся в ряде слу­ча­ев. В пред­ло­же­нии ин­фи­ни­тив вы­пол­ня­ет те же функ­ции, что и су­ще­стви­тель­ное:

под­ле­жа­ще­го до­пол­не­ния об­сто­я­тель­ства опре­де­ле­ния имен­ной части ска­зу­е­мо­го

Ин­фи­ни­тив в функ­ции под­ле­жа­ще­го:

To play a game is a real pleasure.

Ин­фи­ни­тив в функ­ции до­пол­не­ния:

She likes to play hide-and-seek.

Ин­фи­ни­тив в функ­ции об­сто­я­тель­ства цели и след­ствия:

To know English well you have to work hard. The girl came to take the exam. She came in order to take the exam.

(in order to – для того, чтобы)

Speak up so as to be heard.

(so as to – с тем, чтобы)

You’re not tall enough to reach the upper shelf.

Ин­фи­ни­тив в функ­ции опре­де­ле­ния:

The book to be read in summer is in front of you. She was the last/first to come.

Ин­фи­ни­тив в со­ста­ве ска­зу­е­мо­го:

To understand is to forgive. We are to learn grammar today. We are about to leave.

Ти­пич­ным свой­ством как гла­го­ла, так и ин­фи­ни­ти­ва яв­ля­ет­ся спо­соб­ность вы­ра­жать ха­рак­тер дей­ствия, на­при­мер про­дол­жен­ность или пред­ше­ство­ва­ние, за­кон­чен­ность дей­ствия, а также залог – active или passive.

Ин­фи­ни­тив может быть ввод­ным чле­ном пред­ло­же­ния и об­ра­зо­вы­вать обо­ро­ты (complex object, complex subject, for-кон­струк­цию (неко­то­рых мы кос­нем­ся се­год­ня))

 Full and Bare Infinitive; случаи и примеры употребления

Ин­фи­ни­тив может упо­треб­лять­ся с ча­сти­цей to и без нее. Да­вай­те рас­смот­рим ряд слу­ча­ев.

Ин­фи­ни­тив, ко­то­рый ис­поль­зу­ет­ся с ча­сти­цей to, на­зы­ва­ет­ся Full Infinitive (или the to-infinitive).

Ин­фи­ни­тив без ча­сти­цы to на­зы­ва­ет­ся Bare Infinitive.

Мы ис­поль­зу­ем Full Infinitive:

to express purpose (см. ри­су­нок 2):

She went to the baker’s to buy some bread;


Рис. 2. Purpose

после would love, would like, would prefer:

 I’d love to see the Taj Mahal one day;

после неко­то­рых при­ла­га­тель­ных: glad, happy, difficult, sorry, willing, eager, etc.:

We are happy to help them;

после неко­то­рых гла­го­лов: advise, agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, learn, manage, offer, promise, refuse, seem, teach, want etc.:

I want to help you.

We decided to rest.

He offered to give me a lift;

в вы­ра­же­ни­ях: to tell (you) the truth, to begin with, to be honest, to start with, to sum up etc.:

To be honest, I dislike doing nothing;

после too и enough:

This book is too difficult for me to read in the original.

You are not strong enough to carry this bag;

после what, where, why etc. (см. ри­су­нок 3):

 I don’t know what to do;

Кон­струк­ция How to…

Рис. 3. Кон­струк­ция How to…

су­ще­ству­ет также груп­па гла­го­лов, ко­то­рые тре­бу­ют после себя Full infinitive, и мы изу­ча­ем их с ча­сти­цей to: be to, have to, used to, ought to:

You are to learn English.

We used to travel a lot. Now we don’t.

They have to clean the room.

You ought to be careful!

Мы ис­поль­зу­ем Bare infinitive:

после мо­даль­ных гла­го­лов: can, could, may, might, should etc.:

You must call your mother immediately.

A good teacher should be patient and knowledgeable.

He can run fast.

после вспо­мо­га­тель­ных гла­го­лов: do, does, did, will, would:

Do you go to school?

He will arrive on time.

had better, would rather (см. ри­су­нок 4):

You’d better do it quickly.

He’d better hurry up.

I’d rather go home now.

She would rather go to London than Cardiff.

Кон­струк­ция Would rather

Рис. 4. Кон­струк­ция Would rather

после гла­го­лов: make, let, feel, hear, notice, watch, see in Complex Object:

He made the dog jump.

Mom never lets me watch a late movie.

I saw you dance there.

I felt her touch my hand.

Но за­пом­ни­те, что в пас­сив­ной форме be made/heard/seen будут ис­поль­зо­вать­ся с Full Infinitive:

He was made to wash his socks.

 Способы перевода инфинитива и типы инфинитива

Про­стой ин­фи­ни­тив от­но­сит­ся к бу­ду­ще­му вре­ме­ни, если он стоит после мо­даль­ных гла­го­лов may, should, ought to и гла­го­лов to hope, to intend, to think etc.:

They may travel the world. (Они, может быть, будут пу­те­ше­ство­вать по свету.) We hoped to be met at the airport. (Мы на­де­я­лись, что нас встре­тят в аэро­пор­ту.)

Continuous Infinitive пе­ре­во­дит­ся на рус­ский язык гла­го­лом несо­вер­шен­но­го вида:

 We are glad to be visiting your school. (Мы рады, что на­хо­дим­ся с ви­зи­том в вашей школе (по­се­ща­ем вашу школу сей­час.))

Perfect Infinitive пе­ре­да­ет пред­ше­ство­ва­ние дей­ствия и его за­кон­чен­ность, он пе­ре­во­дит­ся гла­го­лом со­вер­шен­но­го вида:

We are glad to have met you. (Мы рады, что встре­ти­ли вас.)

Passive Infinitive чаще всего пе­ре­во­дит­ся до­пол­ни­тель­ным при­да­точ­ным пред­ло­же­ни­ем с со­ю­за­ми что или чтобы:

I wanted to be invited. (Я хотел, чтобы меня при­гла­си­ли)

 The game «Find and name the infinitive if any»

Teacher (T): What is an infinitive?

Pupil (P1): It’s a verb?

T: Right you are. But what form of the verb? Nobody knows…? It’s the basic form of the verb such as make, run, go, often used with “to”: to make, to run, to go.

P2: So to is the sign of the infinitive?

T: Not always. It answers questions what? how? and why? I came (why?) to help. I like (what?) to dance. Now find the infinitives in the sentences.

The first: I can help you.

P1: No infinitive.

T: Sorry, wrong. Help is the one. But after modals can, may, must we use it without to.

The next sentence: I went to the country yesterday.

P2: To the country.

T: Sorry, wrong. To the country is the answer to where-question. The country is a noun. To is a preposition. The next sentence: He was seen to enter the house.

P1: To enter.

T: Yes, right you are. Very often infinitives are used after certain verbs. And now you can have a break…

 Other infinite forms; gerund and participles

Дру­ги­ми нелич­ны­ми фор­ма­ми гла­го­ла, как мы уже го­во­ри­ли, яв­ля­ет­ся ге­рун­дий и при­ча­стие. Ге­рун­дий – это нелич­ная форма гла­го­ла, ко­то­рая имеет при­зна­ки как су­ще­стви­тель­но­го, так и гла­го­ла. Это ing-овая форма гла­го­ла (traveling, doing, swimming (см. ри­су­нок 5)):

We enjoy listening to the music. Traveling broadens mind. Excuse my being late.

ing-овая форма гла­го­ла

Рис. 5. ing-овая форма гла­го­ла

При­ча­стие – это тоже нелич­ная форма гла­го­ла. В ан­глий­ском языке есть два при­ча­стия: при­ча­стие дей­стви­тель­но­го за­ло­га (Active Participle or Participle I):

- boiling water – ки­пя­щая вода

- smiling girl – улы­ба­ю­ща­я­ся де­воч­ка

- they stood talking – они сто­я­ли и го­во­ри­ли

-  they sat laughing – си­де­ли сме­ясь

 и при­ча­стие про­шед­ше­го вре­ме­ни, стра­да­тель­но­го за­ло­га (Participle II):

- boiled vegetables – ва­ре­ные овощи

- a written letter – на­пи­сан­ное пись­мо

- a broken chair – сло­ман­ный стул

Participle II – это тре­тья форма гла­го­ла.

 Complex subject

Complex subject или слож­ное под­ле­жа­щее – это еще одна кон­струк­ция в ан­глий­ском языке, в ко­то­рой ис­поль­зу­ет­ся ин­фи­ни­тив:

- He’s known to be a great artist. – под­ле­жа­щее he ослож­не­но ин­фи­ни­ти­вом to be; об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние, что ска­зу­е­мое is known ис­поль­зу­ет­ся в пас­си­ве. Это осо­бен­ность Complex Subject.

- They are believed to be funny. – По­ла­га­ют, что они смеш­ные.

- She is considered to be the best actress. – Счи­та­ет­ся, что она луч­шая ак­три­са.

- He is supposed to be late. – Пред­по­ла­га­ют, что он опоз­да­ет.

- They are said to be clever. – Го­во­рят, что они умные.

- The dolphins are thought to be intelligent. – Счи­та­ет­ся, что дель­фи­ны умны.

Гла­го­лы, ко­то­рые упо­треб­ля­ют­ся в ак­тив­ном за­ло­ге в слож­ном под­ле­жа­щем, сле­ду­ет за­учить на­и­зусть:

They happened to know the address. – Они слу­чай­но знали адрес. He appeared to be a nice person. – Он ока­зал­ся при­ят­ным че­ло­ве­ком.  She turned out to come late. – Ока­за­лось, что она при­дет позд­но. You proved to be smart. – Ока­за­лось, что ты смыш­лен. You seem to read a lot. – Ка­жет­ся, что ты много чи­та­ешь.

Об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние также на сле­ду­ю­щие сло­во­со­че­та­ния, ко­то­рые ис­поль­зу­ют­ся со слож­ным под­ле­жа­щим:

- You are likely to travel. – Ты, ве­ро­ят­но, бу­дешь пу­те­ше­ство­вать.

- He’s not likely/unlikely to win. – Он вряд ли по­бе­дит.

- They are sure to come. – Они, ко­неч­но, при­дут.

- They are certain to return. – Они обя­за­тель­но вер­нут­ся.


Read and translate the horoscopes. Find as much full and bare infinitives as you can and try to explain their usage.

Aries. The Ram. 20 March – 20 April.

People born between March 20 and April 20 are known to be brave and generous but they tend to be difficult to deal with at times. They are determined and make others follow them. Sometimes they can be very stubborn an it’s impossible to persuade them to do something if they think it to be wrong. This year they are destined to be a success.

Taurus. The Bull. 21 April – 21 May.

People born between April 20 and May 21 are believed to be hard-working. If they let you watch them work, they are lovely to watch. They are said to be confident and decisive. They like to arrange their home to make them comfortable and prefer to wear beautiful things. This year they can relax as they have deserved to rest.

Gemini. The Twins. 21 May – 21 June

People born between May 21 and June 21 are thought to be sociable, caring and intelligent. They can cope with difficult tasks and are good at games. To become friends with them one should be sincere and clever. But they are too secretive to reveal all the plans. This year they are not recommended to travel far as they may spend too much money during the trip.

Cancer. The Crab. 21 June – 23 July

People born between June 22 and July 22 are considered to be sensitive and responsible. You should be careful with words when talking to them in order not to hurt their feelings as their revenge can be awful. They want to know more and they are eager to study. This year they have to work hard to achieve their goals. They will be glad to be helped.

Leo. The Lion. 23 July – 23 August

People born between July 23 and August 23 are known to be brave, loyal and determined but they can be bossy at times. They like to tell you what and how to do. To win their hearts one should be patient and considerate to them. They want to be loved and admired. This year Lions are likely to find their love. They must be ready to change their lives completely.

Virgo. The Maiden. 23 August – 23 September

People born between August 23 and September 23 are believed to be modest and reserved. They are likely to make you fall in love with them easily. They are known to be creative and resourceful. They can become good artists and actors. This year they can get what they want to without any efforts.

Libra. The Scales. 23 September – 22 October

People born between September 23 and October 23 are said to be intelligent, calm and sensible. To get to know them well you’d better join the same hobby group or a sports club. They will make you feel extremely secure if you make friends with them. This year they are likely to change their habits and likes and dislikes.

Scorpio. The Scorpion. 23 October – 22 November

People born between October 23 and November 22 are known to be energetic and decisive. However, they can be aggressive at times. They are good friends as they would rather hurt themselves than let their friends down. This year they intend to find a new hobby so if you are planning to make friends with Scorpions, use your chance!

Sagittarius. The Archer. 22 November – 22 December

People born between 22 November and December 22 are considered to be helpful and reliable. If they promise to do something they will always keep their promise. They are glad to help their friends and relatives. They always remember to congratulate friends on their birthdays. However, they tend to be a bit shy. They would like to be in the shadows but life makes them remain in the spotlight. This year they are recommended to go on a trip. You can join them to share the experience.

Capricorn. Goat – Horned. 22 December – 20 January

People born between December 22 and January 20 are known to be independent and self- reliant. They don’t like to depend on others. They appear to be ambitious and they know well what they want to get. However, they can be quite stubborn. They are said to have a good sense of humour and you may expect them to tell you funny jokes. This year they will manage to achieve their goals.

Aquarius. The Water-Bearer. 20 January – 19 February

People born between January 20 and February 19 are said to be cheerful and easy-going so life is never boring with them around. You will have a lot of fun if you agree to share their interests. They are believed to be practical and can teach you to work with hands and build things. However, they can be careless at times. They may forget to call you back even if they promised to. So don’t get upset and forgive them so as to remain friends.

Pisces. The Fishes. 19 February – 20 March

People born between February 19 and March 20 are considered to be creative and secretive. They prefer to keep their secrets and intentions hidden from others. They have a good taste for clothing and can advise you what to wear. They may look great in elegant clothes but prefer to wear casual things. However, they are not patient enough to wait long. So, try to give them what they want immediately to become close friends. This year they will either make a fortune or come into a huge amount of money.

Вопросы к конспектам

Вы­бе­ри­те пра­виль­ный ва­ри­ант

We saw him to go/to going/go out of the gate. She doesn’t know what open/to open/opening it with. It was very nice of him congratulate/to congratulate/congratulating me on my promotion. A magnifying glass will to look/looking/look it larger. They’re unlikely to leave/leave/leaving us alone. To be happy you are forget/to forget/forgetting yourself. Greg’s wife gave him a long list of things buy/to be bought/buying at the supermarket. Can anybody show/be showing/to show me how to use a computer?

Рас­крой­те скоб­ки, упо­тре­бив гла­го­лы как Full или Bare Infifnitive

We were kept at police station for an hour and then they allowed us_________(go). I don’t know Jack but I’d like_________(meet) him. The film was very sad. It made me_______(cry). Can somebody help me_________(move) this table? Everyone heard her________(cry) and ran out of the room. 

Пе­ре­ве­ди­те сле­ду­ю­щие пред­ло­же­ния

Джим от­ка­зал­ся да­вать мне день­ги. Ка­жет­ся, она чем-то обес­по­ко­е­на. Они со­гла­си­лись по­мочь мне ку­пить этот дом. Ты ни­ко­гда не за­бу­дешь, как во­дить ве­ло­си­пед, если на­учишь­ся. Ты зна­ешь, что де­лать, если нач­нет­ся пожар? Я бы хо­те­ла прий­ти к вам на сва­дьбу. Ты пред­по­чла бы по­зав­тра­кать сей­час или позже?

Последнее изменение: Воскресенье, 8 Октябрь 2017, 03:03