Reporting verbs. Reporting a conversation. Reported statement


Кос­вен­ная речь может быть пред­став­ле­на кос­вен­ны­ми утвер­жде­ни­я­ми, во­про­са­ми, при­ка­за­ми и прось­ба­ми.

Reported speech can be given in reported statements, reported questions, orders and requests.

На этом уроке вы по­зна­ко­ми­тесь с кос­вен­ны­ми утвер­жде­ни­я­ми. Reported statements.


По­втор пра­ви­ла со­гла­со­ва­ния вре­мен и из­ме­не­ние на­ре­чий вре­ме­ни

Если вы пе­ре­ска­зы­ва­е­те чьи-то слова, об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние на три пунк­та, ко­то­рые, ве­ро­ят­нее всего, вам при­дет­ся из­ме­нить:

Эти из­ме­не­ния про­ис­хо­дят в со­от­вет­ствии с пра­ви­лом со­гла­со­ва­ния вре­мен (Sequence of Tenses Rule) и ло­ги­кой по­вест­во­ва­ния.

verb tense ( backshift) (гла­голь­ная форма)

adverbs of time and place/demonstrative pronouns (на­ре­чия вре­ме­ни и места/ука­за­тель­ные ме­сто­име­ния)

pronouns (ме­сто­име­ния)

David said, “I saw her yesterday.” – David said he had seen her the day before.

They said, “We are not eating now.” – They said they were eating then.

Change in tenses (backshift)

Direct speech

Reported speech

Present Simple
My friend said, “I want to go to England.”

Past Simple
My friend said that he wanted to go to England.

Present Continuous
He said, “She is playing tennis.”

He said that she was playing tennis.

Present Perfect
He said, “You haven't told us the truth.”

Past Perfect
He said that she hadn't told them the truth.

Present Perfect Continuous
She said, “I have been working all morning.”

Past Perfect Continuous
She said that she had been working all morning.

Past Simple
She said, “Dan left for Moscow yesterday.”

Past Perfect
He said that Dan had left for Moscow the day before.

Past Continuous
He said, “She was walking alone.”

Past perfect Continuous 
He said that she was walking alone.

Past Perfect
He said, “She had painted the house.”

Past Perfect
He said that she had painted the house.

Future Simple (will)
He said, “It will snow.”

Future-in-the-Past (would)
He said that it would snow.


She said, “I can read English books without a dictionary.”


She said she could read English books without a dictionary.”

Change in adverbs of place and time and demonstrative pronouns.

Direct speech

Reported speech


(on) that day

this morning/ afternoon/tonight

that morning/ afternoon/ that night




the following day/ the next day

next week/ month

the following week/ month

in a few days

a few days later


the day before

last week/ month/year

the week/ month/year before

5 minutes/three days / a week ago

5 minutes/ three days / a week before









Хо­ро­шо, что в ан­глий­ском языке много гла­го­лов, ко­то­рые по­мо­га­ют пе­ре­да­вать чьи-то слова, иначе речь зву­ча­ла бы скуч­но: Она ска­за­ла…, он ска­зал….(She/he/they SAID ...)

Такие гла­го­лы со­об­ще­ния по­мо­га­ют точ­нее вы­ра­зить, что че­ло­век чув­ству­ет, его точку зре­ния или что ду­ма­ет го­во­ря­щий o чьих-то сло­вах.

Чтобы пра­виль­но пе­ре­дать чью-то речь, необ­хо­ди­мо ис­поль­зо­вать гла­гол со­об­ще­ния с пра­виль­ным зна­че­ни­ем.

Самые рас­про­стра­нен­ные гла­го­лы со­об­ще­ния – say и tell. У них оди­на­ко­вое зна­че­ние – го­во­рить; од­на­ко ис­поль­зу­ем мы их по-раз­но­му.



we say something

She said that she was tired.

BUT we tell someone something

She told him that she was tired.

we sometimes use say to someone

She said (to him) that she was tired.




Вставь­те said или told в пред­ло­же­ния.

Put said /told in the sentence.

She _____ me (that) she loved John.

They ______ (that) they were happy.

He ________ everybody (that) he had to leave.

Anne _______me (that) her brother was buying a car.

Alice ______ to Mike (that) he was wearing a nice suit.

She ______ (that) it was raining.

Lisa _____ me (that) she would call at 2p.m.

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

She told me (that) she loved John.

They said (that) they were happy.

He told everybody (that) he had to leave.

Anne told me (that) her brother was buying a car.

Alice said to Mike (that) he was wearing a nice suit.

She said (that) it was raining.

Lisa told me (that) she would call at 2 p.m.



Пе­ре­пи­ши­те пред­ло­же­ния в кос­вен­ной речи.

Dave said, “I was playing tennis from 3 to 5 p.m. yesterday.”

He told us, “My mother has called me today."

She said, “Ken doesn’t want to do this exercise.”

Mary told her father, “I’ll be late tonight.”

Jim said “I gave her this book two days ago.”

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

Dave said he had been playing tennis from 3 to 5p.m. the day before.

He told us his mother had called that day.

She said Ken didn’t want to do this exercise.

Mary told her father she would be late that night.

Jim said that he had given her that book two days before.


Reporting verbs

Су­ще­ству­ют еще гла­го­лы со­об­ще­ния, ко­то­рые можно ис­поль­зо­вать вме­сто say и tell.

Од­на­ко с ними нужно быть вни­ма­тель­ны­ми при пе­ре­хо­де из пря­мой речи в кос­вен­ную, так как эти гла­го­лы вли­я­ют на струк­ту­ру пред­ло­же­ния, ко­то­рое за ним сле­ду­ет.

Вот несколь­ко струк­тур.


После неко­то­рых гла­го­лов можно ис­поль­зо­вать раз­ные струк­ту­ры.

Гла­гол со­об­ще­ние + (союз that) при­да­точ­ное пред­ло­же­ние

(ис­поль­зу­ем пра­ви­ло со­гла­со­ва­ния вре­мен)

Verb (that) clause. (This is the same as with the verb SAY)

She said, “I will marry you.”

She agreed that she would marry him.

John said, “I will see him on Sunday.”

John decided that he would meet him on Sunday.

The teacher said: “This is the rule of Sequence of tenses.”

The teacher explained that was the rule of Sequence of tenses.

David said, “I will take you to the station.”

David promised that he would take me to the station.

Сле­ду­ю­щая струк­ту­ра от­ли­ча­ет­ся! Здесь вам не по­на­до­бит­ся пра­ви­ло со­гла­со­ва­ния вре­мен, так как после гла­го­ла со­об­ще­ния нужно ис­поль­зо­вать ИН­ФИ­НИ­ТИВ.


После неко­то­рых гла­го­лов можно ис­поль­зо­вать раз­ные струк­ту­ры.

Гла­гол со­об­ще­ние + ин­фи­ни­тив гла­го­ла из пред­ло­же­ния пря­мой речи.

Verb + to infinitive

She said, “I will marry you.”

She agreed to marry him.

John said, “I will see him on Sunday.”

John decided to see him on Sunday.

David said, “I will take you to the station.”

David promised to take me to the station.

Camilla said, “Let’s go to the cinema.”

Camilla offered to go to the cinema.

He said, “I do not want to go with you.”

He refused to go with me.

Вы по­зна­ко­ми­тесь с еще несколь­ки­ми струк­ту­ра­ми, изу­чая при­ка­зы и прось­бы в кос­вен­ной речи.



Пе­ре­пи­ши­те пред­ло­же­ние в кос­вен­ной речи, за­пол­няя про­пус­ки гла­го­ла­ми из таб­ли­цы.

promise decide explain agree offer refuse

1. “I promise I'll take you to Prague,” said Mary.

Mary _________ to take me to Prague.

2. “I am not going to do it,” she said.

She _______ to do it.

3. “Would you like some tea,” she said.

 She _______ to have a cup of tea.

4. Chris said, “Yes, it was a great film.”
Chris ________that the film had been great.

5. Angela said, “I will be an architect.”

Angela _____ that she would be an architect.

6. Tom said: “I am late because I missed the bus.”

Tom _______that he was late because he had missed the bus.

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

1. “I promise I'll take you to Prague,” said Mary.

 Mary promised to take me to Prague. / Mary promised that she would take me to Prague.

2. “I am not going to do it,” she said.

She refused to do it.

3. “Would you like some tea,” she said.

 She offered to have a cup of tea.

4. Chris: Yes, it was a great film.
Chris agreed that the film had been great.

5. Angela said, “I will be an architect.”

Angela decided (that) she would be an architect. / Angela decided to be an architect.

6. Tom said: “I am late because I missed the bus.”

Tom explained that he was late because he had missed the bus.



Вопросы к конспектам

Вставь­те say или tell в пред­ло­же­ния:

Anthony_____ that he was hungry.

Tara_____ me that you were ill.

He______ everybody that he is French.

The doctor _______ her: “Lie on the couch.”

She ______, “That's a great idea!”

Пе­ре­пи­ши­те пред­ло­же­ние в кос­вен­ной речи, ис­поль­зуя гла­го­лы из таб­ли­цы как гла­го­лы со­об­ще­ния.

told refused offered promised agreed

She said: “I won’t give you any money.”

He said: “I will the washing up.”

We said to them: “We were happy to see you.”

I said: “Will you have a cup of coffee?”

He said: “I’ll bring this book to you tomorrow.”

Последнее изменение: Пятница, 6 Октябрь 2017, 22:24