Reporting verbs. Questions. Orders and requests

По­втор пра­ви­ла со­гла­со­ва­ния вре­мен и из­ме­не­ние на­ре­чий вре­ме­ни и ме­сто­име­ний

Если вы хо­ти­те пе­ре­дать чьи-то слова, вы ис­поль­зу­е­те кос­вен­ную речь. Вспом­ни­те ос­нов­ные пра­ви­ла для пе­ре­во­да из пря­мой речи в кос­вен­ную.

Если со­бы­тие, ко­то­рое вы пе­ре­ска­зы­ва­е­те, про­изо­шло в про­шлом, ис­поль­зуй­те про­шед­шее время гла­го­лов со­об­ще­ния (на­при­мер: said/told) и из­ме­ни­те пред­ло­же­ние пря­мой речи сле­ду­ю­щим об­ра­зом.

verb tense ( backshift) (гла­голь­ная форма)

adverbs of time and place/demonstrative pronouns (на­ре­чия вре­ме­ни и места/ука­за­тель­ные ме­сто­име­ния)

pronouns (ме­сто­име­ние)

Эти из­ме­не­ния про­ис­хо­дят в со­от­вет­ствии с пра­ви­лом со­гла­со­ва­ния вре­мен (Sequence of Tenses Rule) и ло­ги­кой по­вест­во­ва­ния.

Direct speech: Mary said, "We went to school yesterday".

Reported speech: Mary said (that) they had gone to school the day before.

Change in tenses (backshift)

Direct speech

Reported speech

Present Simple
My friend said, “I want to go to England.”

Past Simple
My friend said that he wanted to go to England.

Present Continuous
He said, “She is playing tennis.”

He said that she was playing tennis.

Present Perfect
He said, “You haven't told us the truth.”

Past Perfect
He said that she hadn't told them the truth.

Present Perfect Continuous
She said, “I have been working all morning.”

Past Perfect Continuous
She said that she had been working all morning.

Past Simple
She said, “Dan left for Moscow yesterday.”

Past Perfect
He said that Dan had left for Moscow the day before.

Past Continuous
He said, “She was walking alone”

Past perfect Continuous 
He said that she was walking alone.

Past Perfect
He said, “She had painted the house.”

Past Perfect
He said that she had painted the house.

Future Simple (will)
He said, “It will snow.”

Future-in-the-Past (would)
He said that it would snow.


She said, “I can read English books without a dictionary.”


She said she could read English books without a dictionary.”

Change in adverbs of place and time and demonstrative pronouns.

Direct speech

Reported speech


(on) that day

this morning/ afternoon/tonight

that morning/ afternoon/ that night




the following day/ the next day

next week/ month

the following week/ month

in a few days

a few days later


the day before

last week/ month/year

the week/ month/year before

5 minutes/three days / a week ago

5 minutes/ three days / a week before







Кос­вен­ная речь может быть пред­став­ле­на кос­вен­ны­ми утвер­жде­ни­я­ми, во­про­са­ми, при­ка­за­ми и прось­ба­ми. Reported speech can be given in reported statements, reported questions, orders and requests.

На этом уроке вы по­зна­ко­ми­тесь с кос­вен­ны­ми во­про­са­ми, при­ка­за­ми и прось­ба­ми. Reported questions, orders and requests.


Общие во­про­сы в кос­вен­ной речи

Нач­нем со зна­ком­ства с об­щи­ми во­про­са­ми (теми, ко­то­рые тре­бу­ют от­ве­та да/нет), а затем про­дол­жим со спе­ци­аль­ны­ми во­про­са­ми.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ме­ры, об­ра­щая вни­ма­ние на струк­ту­ру кос­вен­ных во­про­сов:

Direct question: “Did you turn off the TV?” 
Reported question: She asked if / whether I had turned off the TV.   Direct question: “Are you busy now?”
Reported question: He asked her if/whether she was busy then.   Direct question: Susan asked her friend, “Do you like my new skirt?”
Reported question: Susan wanted to know if/ whether her friend liked her new skirt.  

Direct question: “Did you enjoy the party?”

Reported question: She asked me if/whether I had enjoyed the party.

Какие из­ме­не­ния про­изо­шли?

В во­про­сах не ис­поль­зу­ют гла­го­лы со­об­ще­ния say/tell, вме­сто них ис­поль­зу­ют ask/wanted to know.

Чтобы со­ста­вить кос­вен­ный во­прос не нужно ис­поль­зо­вать вспо­мо­га­тель­ный гла­гол, ис­поль­зуй­те if или whether, а затем пря­мой по­ря­док слов, то есть под­ле­жа­щее и ска­зу­е­мое.

Пом­ни­те об из­ме­не­ни­ях гла­голь­ной формы, на­ре­чий вре­ме­ни и места и ме­сто­име­ний как лич­ных, так и ука­за­тель­ных.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ме­ры еще раз, ана­ли­зи­руя из­ме­не­ния:

She asked if / whether I had turned off the TV. He asked her if/whether she was busy then. Susan wanted to know if/ whether her friend liked her new skirt.

She asked me if/whether I’d enjoyed the party.


Jenny is a younger sister and she always asks her elder sister a lot of questions.

Jenny asked her sister, “Are you going to the party on Sunday?”

 “Will Sam go to the party with you?”

“Has he phoned you today?”

Two days later Jenny’s sister is reporting this conversation to her friend Lisa.

“Jenny asked me if I was going to the party and whether Sam would go to the party with her and if he had called me that day.”



Со­ставь­те кос­вен­ные во­про­сы из дан­ных слов.

She asked /they /if /her friend/ had seen.

whether /with them /he would go /they wanted to know.

then/ they were playing football/ if/ Jeremy wanted to know.

she was wearing/ if /he asked/ that ring /that night.

he left/ for Moscow / whether/ we wanted to know.

he could eat / if/ that cake/ Mike asked.

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

She asked if they had seen her friend.

They wanted to know whether he would go with them.

Jeremy wanted to know if they were playing football then.

 He asked if she was wearing that ring that night.

We wanted to know whether he left for Moscow.

Mike asked if he could eat that cake.


Спе­ци­аль­ные во­про­сы в кос­вен­ной речи

Спе­ци­аль­ные кос­вен­ные во­про­сы со­став­лять также неслож­но.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ме­ры, об­ра­щая вни­ма­ние на струк­ту­ру спе­ци­аль­ных кос­вен­ных во­про­сов:

Direct question: “What time does the film begin?”

Reported question: He asked what time the film began.

Direct question: “Where did you go to school?”

Reported question: She asked me where I had gone to school.

Direct question: “Why are you crying?”

Reported question: He asked her why she was crying.

Какие из­ме­не­ния про­изо­шли?

Чтобы со­ста­вить спе­ци­аль­ный кос­вен­ный во­прос, не нужно ис­поль­зо­вать вспо­мо­га­тель­ный гла­гол после гла­го­ла со­об­ще­ния, на­при­мер asked/wanted to know, ис­поль­зуй­те во­про­си­тель­ное слово, а затем пря­мой по­ря­док слов, то есть под­ле­жа­щее и ска­зу­е­мое.

Пом­ни­те об из­ме­не­ни­ях гла­голь­ной формы, на­ре­чий вре­ме­ни и места и ме­сто­име­ний как лич­ных, так и ука­за­тель­ных.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ме­ры еще раз, ана­ли­зи­руя из­ме­не­ния:

He asked what time the film began.

She asked me where I had gone to school.

He asked her why she was crying.


Kate is a little girl and she asks her father a lot of questions everyday. They are really funny.

Kate asks, “How much does Big Ben weigh?

Why do people need to sleep?

Where did Santa Claus live when he was a child?

When will the summer come?”


Two days later Kate’s father is reporting their conversation to her mother.

Father: “Kate asked me how much Big Benweighed.

She wanted to know why people needed to sleep.

She asked where Santa Clause had lived when he had been a child.

Kate wanted to know when the summer would come.”



Ис­правь­те ошиб­ки в пред­ло­же­ни­ях.

1.  My friend asked me when had Mary talked to Kevin.

The man asked me if the post office was.

She asked me when got up Lucy had the day before.

My friend wanted to know when was I going swimming.

She asked her boyfriend which dress did he like best.

The mother asked her daughter she had been where.

George asked where did bears live.

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты.

My friend asked me when Mary had talked to Kevin.

The man asked me where the post office was.

She asked me when Lucy had got up the day before.

My friend wanted to know when I was going swimming.

She asked her boyfriend which dress he liked best.

The mother asked her daughter where she had been.

George asked where bears lived.


По­втор струк­тур с раз­лич­ны­ми гла­го­ла­ми со­об­ще­ния

Вы уже по­зна­ко­ми­лись с гла­го­ла­ми со­об­ще­ния, ко­то­рые можно ис­поль­зо­вать вме­сто say и tell.

Од­на­ко нужно быть вни­ма­тель­ны­ми при пе­ре­хо­де из пря­мой речи в кос­вен­ную, так как эти гла­го­лы вли­я­ют на струк­ту­ру пред­ло­же­ния, ко­то­рое за ними сле­ду­ет.

По­вто­ри­те струк­ту­ры:


После неко­то­рых гла­го­лов можно ис­поль­зо­вать раз­ные струк­ту­ры.

Гла­гол со­об­ще­ние + (союз that) при­да­точ­ное пред­ло­же­ние

(ис­поль­зу­ем пра­ви­ло со­гла­со­ва­ния вре­мен)

Verb (that) clause. (This is the same as with the verb SAY)

She said, “I will marry you.”–

She agreed that she would marry him.

David said, “I will take you to the station.”

David promised that he would take me to the station.

Сле­ду­ю­щая струк­ту­ра от­ли­ча­ет­ся! Здесь вам не по­на­до­бит­ся пра­ви­ло со­гла­со­ва­ния вре­мен, так как после гла­го­ла со­об­ще­ния нужно ис­поль­зо­вать ИН­ФИ­НИ­ТИВ.


После неко­то­рых гла­го­лов можно ис­поль­зо­вать раз­ные струк­ту­ры.

Гла­гол со­об­ще­ние + ин­фи­ни­тив гла­го­ла из пред­ло­же­ния пря­мой речи.

Verb+ to infinitive

He said, “I do not want to do the washing up.”

He refused to do the washing up.

She said, “Do you want a cup of tea.”

She offered to have a cup of tea.

При­ка­зы в кос­вен­ной речи

По­ми­мо кос­вен­ных утвер­жде­ний и во­про­сов необ­хо­ди­мо на­учить­ся со­став­лять при­ка­зы и прось­бы в кос­вен­ной речи.

При­ка­зы в кос­вен­ной речи.

При­каз – это когда кто-то го­во­рит ко­му-то, что необ­хо­ди­мо сде­лать, форма при­ка­за не яв­ля­ет­ся веж­ли­вой, это ко­ман­да.

Обыч­но ис­поль­зу­ют гла­гол tell для пе­ре­да­чи при­ка­зов в кос­вен­ной речи, и после него ис­поль­зу­ет­ся ин­фи­ни­тив гла­го­ла.

tell + (pro)noun + to + infinitive

The teacher toldMike to read the text.

The mother told her childnot to run.

Об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние! Ча­стич­ка not стоит перед ин­фи­ни­ти­вом.

The mother told her child not to run.

После гла­го­ла со­об­ще­ния ис­поль­зу­ет­ся ин­фи­ни­тив, мы не при­бе­га­ем к пра­ви­лу со­гла­со­ва­ния вре­мен. Од­на­ко, воз­мож­но, необ­хо­ди­мо будет из­ме­нить ме­сто­име­ния и на­ре­чия места и вре­ме­ни.

Про­чи­тай­те и про­ана­ли­зи­руй­те при­ме­ры, об­ра­щая вни­ма­ние на из­ме­не­ния при об­ра­зо­ва­нии при­ка­зов в кос­вен­ной речи.

Direct order: Mother said, "Eat your food now!"

Reported order: Mother told her son to eat his food right then.

Direct order: The teacher said, "You must finish this exercise before a break."

Reported order: The teacher told me to finish that exercise before a break.

Вме­сто гла­го­ла tell можно также ис­поль­зо­вать сле­ду­ю­щие гла­го­лы со­об­ще­ния

order – при­ка­зы­вать

command – ко­ман­до­вать

instruct – на­став­лять, да­вать ука­за­ния

The teacher said, “Stop talking.”

The teacher ordered the pupils to stop talking.

The sergeant said his soldiers, “Stand up straight.”

The sergeant commanded his soldiers to stand up straight.

He said, “Turn left at the traffic lights.”

He instructed us to turn left at the traffic lights.


Прось­бы в кос­вен­ной речи

Кос­вен­ная речь также может быть пред­став­ле­на в виде прось­бы.

Прось­ба – это когда кто-то чем-то вас веж­ли­во про­сит. Обыч­но гла­гол со­об­ще­ния для пе­ре­да­чи просьб – ask, и после него ис­поль­зу­ет­ся ин­фи­ни­тив гла­го­ла.

ask + (pro)noun + to + infinitive

Direct request: She said, “Could you open the window, please?”

Reported request: She asked me to open the window.

Direct request: He said, “Please don't smoke.”

Reported request: He asked them not to smoke.

Об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние! Ча­стич­ка not стоит перед ин­фи­ни­ти­вом.

He asked them not to smoke.

После гла­го­ла со­об­ще­ния ис­поль­зу­ет­ся ин­фи­ни­тив, мы не при­бе­га­ем к пра­ви­лу со­гла­со­ва­ния вре­мен. Од­на­ко, воз­мож­но, необ­хо­ди­мо будет из­ме­нить ме­сто­име­ния и на­ре­чия места и вре­ме­ни.

Про­чи­тай­те и про­ана­ли­зи­руй­те при­ме­ры, об­ра­щая вни­ма­ние на из­ме­не­ния при пе­ре­да­че просьб в кос­вен­ной речи.

She said, “Could you open the door now, please?”

She asked me to open the window then.


He said to them, “Please don't smoke here.”

He asked them not to smoke there.



Пе­ре­дай­те пред­ло­же­ния в кос­вен­ной речи.

She said to me, "Please help me carry this suit case.

The father said to his son, “Don’t play computer games, do your home task!”

She said to us, “Please sit down.”

He said to me, “Can you pass me the salt?”

The doctor said to the child, “Don’t drink cold juice.”

"Show me your driving license", the policeman told the driver.

 "Please come to my birthday party tomorrow", my friend Lisa said to me.

"Please switch off your mobile phone", the air hostess said to him.

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

She asked me to help her carry that suit case.

The father told his son not to play computer games and (to) do his home task.

She told us to sit down.

He asked me to pass him the salt.

The doctor told/instructed the child not to drink cold juice.

The policeman told/ordered the driver to show him his driving license.

My friend Lisa asked me to come to her birthday party the following day.

The air hostess asked him to switch off his mobile. 

Вопросы к конспектам

Ис­правь­те ошиб­ки в пред­ло­же­ни­ях.

He said to not open the window.

The teacher asked the boy why he was late this day.

She asked if/whether they could played the piano.

Mike asked his friend when would he return from London.

She asked me to brought her some interesting books.

He told me to drinking a cup of hot tea.

They commanded us leave in the morning.

Monica asked who had win the match.           

Carlos asked how much does it cost.

She asked me where was my book.

Последнее изменение: Пятница, 6 Октябрь 2017, 22:31