Participle 1/2 (doing/done)

Вве­де­ние по­ня­тий Present/Past Participles

При­ча­стия про­ис­хо­дят от гла­го­лов. При­ча­стия могут быть на­сто­я­ще­го вре­ме­ни (Present Participle/Participle I) или про­шед­ше­го вре­ме­ни (Past Participle/Participle II).

Participle I окан­чи­ва­ют­ся на -ing (drinking water, laughing girl).

Participle II окан­чи­ва­ют­ся на -ed (decorated house), если гла­гол пра­виль­ный или если гла­гол непра­виль­ный, то при­ча­сти­ем про­шед­ше­го вре­ме­ни яв­ля­ет­ся III форма гла­го­ла из таб­ли­цы непра­виль­ных гла­го­лов (broken vase, written text).



Present (Verb + -ing)

Past (Verb + -ed/III)

drinking water laughing girl

decorated house

broken vase

written text

Про­чи­тай­те от­ры­вок из песни The winner takes it all (ABBA), об­ра­щая вни­ма­ние на вы­де­лен­ные при­ча­стия.

I don't wanna talk
about things we've gone through,
Though it's hurting me, now it's history.
I've played all my cards
and that's what you've done too,
Nothing more to say, no more ace to play.

The winner takes it all,
The loser standing small
beside the victory,
that' s her destiny.

I was in your arms thinking I belonged there,
I figured it made sense, building me a fence,
Building me a home, thinking I'd be strong there,
But I was a fool, playing by the rules.
The gods may throw a dice, their minds as cold as ice, 
And someone way down here loses someone dear.

The winner takes it all,
The loser has to fall
It's simple and it's plain
Why should I complain.

В таб­ли­це при­ве­де­ны при­ча­стия, ис­поль­зо­ван­ные в песне The winner takes it all (ABBA).



Present (Verb + -ing)

Past (Verb + -ed/III)





Про­чи­тай­те пред­ло­же­ния. На­зо­ви­те при­ча­стия на­сто­я­ще­го и про­шед­ше­го вре­ме­ни.

He has flown to London three times.

The sun was shining so I went for a walk.

The man wearing a black suit is our teacher.

The movie was extremely exciting.

That girl looks lost.

They have just arrived.

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

Present Participle– shining/wearing/ exciting

Past Participle – flown/ lost/ arrived


Функ­ции Present/Past Participles в пред­ло­же­нии

Если вы вни­ма­тель­но чи­та­ли пред­ло­же­ния, то об­ра­ти­ли вни­ма­ние, что при­ча­стия ак­тив­но ис­поль­зу­ют­ся для об­ра­зо­ва­ния неко­то­рых грам­ма­ти­че­ских вре­мен, а зна­чит, вы с ними уже давно были зна­ко­мы.

Про­чи­тай­те таб­ли­цу.

Present participle V-ing

Past Participle


Continuous tenses

I am speaking English now.

Yesterday he was playing tennis from 5 to 7 p.m.

Perfect tenses

He has written a novel.

They had left before I called.


Passive Voice

The dinner was made by the chef.

The ship was broken in the storm.

У при­ча­стий есть еще одна функ­ция в пред­ло­же­нии. Их можно ис­поль­зо­вать как при­ла­га­тель­ные, чтобы опи­сать су­ще­стви­тель­ное.

Present participle V-ing

Past Participle V-ed/III



A cowboy put on his ridingclothes yesterday.

It was a shocking secret for me.

The broken chair was used for firewood. 

The tired pupils wanted to go home.


Смыс­ло­вая раз­ни­ца между Present/Past Participles

Раз­ни­ца между при­ча­сти­ем на­сто­я­ще­го вре­ме­ни и про­шед­ше­го ощу­ти­мо видна и в их зна­че­ни­ях.

Если вы ис­поль­зу­е­те Participle I (V-ing), вы опи­сы­ва­е­те че­ло­ве­ка или вещь.

The teacher was boring I nearly felt asleep.

Если вы ис­поль­зу­е­те Participle II (V-ed), вы го­во­ри­те о том, что чув­ству­е­те вы или дру­гой че­ло­век.

Iwas bored at his lesson.

Про­чи­тай­те при­ме­ры:

exciting – excited

I think football is a very exciting game. Я думаю, фут­бол – увле­ка­тель­ная игра.

Everyone at the stadium is so excited. Все на ста­ди­оне были увле­че­ны.

Interesting – interested

I think being a nurse must be a very interesting job. Я думаю, ра­бо­та мед­сест­ры очень ин­те­рес­ная.

I am interested in looking after people. Мне ин­те­рес­но уха­жи­вать за лю­дь­ми.

Annoying – annoyed

My neighbors are very annoying. Мои со­се­ди очень на­до­ед­ли­вые.

They always play loud music and I am annoyed. Они все­гда очень гром­ко му­зи­ци­ру­ют, и я раз­дра­жен.

Frightening – frightened

That horror film was too frightening for me. Этот фильм ужа­сов был очень пу­га­ю­щим для меня.

I was frightened even with the music in it. Меня пу­га­ла даже му­зы­ка в нем.    

That TV programme is really amusing.

He was amused to hear his little son singing in the bath.

I've never seen such a boring film!

The students looked bored as the teacher talked and talked.

I find these instructions very confusing! Could you come and help me?

I was confused, because I asked two people and they told me two different things.

This weather is depressing! Is it ever going to stop raining?

I was feeling depressed, so I stayed at home with hot chocolate and a good book.

That is the most embarrassing photo! I look terrible!

John was really embarrassed when he fell over in front of his new girlfriend.

It's a really exciting book. I couldn't wait to find out what happened at the end.

I'm so excited! I'm going on holiday tomorrow!

I hate doing housework! It's exhausting!

Julie was so exhausted after her exams, she spent the next three days sleeping.

The brain is fascinating, isn't it? It's amazing how much it can do.

Joan was fascinated by her grandmother's stories of life in the 1920s.

What a frightening film! I don't want to walk home on my own now!

I was really frightened of bees when I was little, but I don't mind them now.

It's frustrating when you want to say something in another language, but you don't know the word.

I tried all morning to send an email, but it wouldn't work. I was so frustrated!

That was a very interesting book.

She's interested in animals, so she's thinking of studying to be a vet.

I find London a bit overwhelming. It's so busy and noisy.

Julie felt overwhelmed. She'd moved house, got a new job and was learning to drive, all at the same time.

A nice hot bath is so relaxing after a long day.

She was so relaxed, sitting in front of the fire, that she didn't want to move.

John loves his new job as a teacher. He says it's very satisfying when he makes a student


I'm very satisfied that I managed to order the meal in French.

What a shocking crime! It's terrible.


I was shocked when my co-worked admitted stealing some money.

It's surprising how many people don't want to travel to another country.

She was surprised when she arrived at her class and found the other students doing an exam. She'd thought it was a normal lesson.

What a terrifying dog! It's huge!

My little son is terrified of the dark. We always leave a light on in his room at night.

What thrilling music! It's some of the most beautiful music I've ever heard.

I was thrilled to win first prize in the competition.

My job is really tiring. I don't get home until 10 p.m. sometimes.

David's too tired to come to the cinema tonight. He's going to go to bed early.



Вы­бе­ри­те пра­виль­ную форму и вставь­те в пред­ло­же­ние.

1. interesting/interested

This exercise is ________.

2. exciting/excited

On Christmas Eve, many children are so ______ that they stay up all night.

3. annoying/annoyed

My friend has a very ______ habit.

4. tiring/tired

I had such a ______ day I went straight to bed.

5. relaxing/relaxed

We were_________ after our holidays.

6. disgusting/disgusted

Their hamburgers are ________ .

7. satisfying/satisfied

I'm not __________ with my job.

8. boring/bored

George always talks about the same things, he is so __________.

9. disappointing/disappointed

I like this actor but the film was _________.


English grammar can be________.


Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

This exercise is interesting.

On Christmas Eve, many children are so excited that they stay up all night.

My friend has a very annoying habit.

I had such a tiring day I went straight to bed.

We were relaxed after our holidays.

Their hamburgers are disgusting.

I'm not satisfied with my job.

George always talks about the same things, he is so boring.

I like this actor but the film was disappointing.

English grammar can be confusing.

Вопросы к конспектам

Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Participle and translate the expressions into Russian.

1. _______dogs (bark)

2. _______children (play)

3.________ girls (scream)

4._________ women (dance)

5. ________ducks (swim)

6.________ babies (cry)

7. ________water (run)

Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Participle and translate the expressions into Russian. 

1.________ watches (repair)           

2. ________сomputers (break)

3. _________students (bore)

4. __________doctors (worry)

5. _________boys (confuse)

6. _________exercises (write)

Последнее изменение: Воскресенье, 8 Октябрь 2017, 00:17