Предлоги времени ON, IN, AT, AFTER, BEFORE

Да­вай­те вспом­ним, как спро­сить, ко­то­рый час.

What time is it? – Ко­то­рый час? Сколь­ко вре­ме­ни?

Если вы за­да­ди­те такой во­прос утром, то, воз­мож­но, вы услы­ши­те:

It’s seven o’clock! It is time to wake up!

Если спро­си­те, ко­то­рый час, днем, вам могут от­ве­тить:

It’s half past one, your lessons are over.

А ве­че­ром, ве­ро­ят­нее всего, ро­ди­те­ли ска­жут:

It’s a quarter to eleven. You must go to bed!

Пре­жде чем го­во­рить о пред­ло­гах вре­ме­ни, вспом­ни­те, что такое пред­лог.

Пред­ло­ги ис­поль­зу­ют­ся в пред­ло­же­нии, чтобы при­дать ему смысл, они свя­зы­ва­ют слова. В ан­глий­ском языке много раз­ных пред­ло­гов, но на этом уроке мы вы­учим пред­ло­ги вре­ме­ни



In – в/ через

- month (in January, in March) // - с ме­ся­ца­ми

I will go to Italy in June.

- year (in 1978, in 2012 ,  in the 1990s )// - с го­да­ми

I will go to school in 2015.

- season (in winter, in spring, in summer, in autumn)// - с вре­ме­на­ми года

I will go skiing in winter.

part of the day (in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening)// - с ча­стью дня

 I will go to the cinema in the evening.

Об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние!

At night /at midnight/at noon/at midday

- something is going to happen after a period of time// - что-то про­изой­дет черезка­кой-то пе­ри­од вре­ме­ни

I will go to my friend in 2 hours.

On - в/ по

- days of the week (on Monday, on Wednesday, on Friday)// - с днями неде­ли

I will go to the birthday party on Friday.

- dates // - с да­та­ми

I will go to the dentist on the 15th of October.

At -в/на

- a very specific time (at 3 p.m. , at 7.30 ) // - с точ­ным вре­ме­нем

I will go to the gym at 2 o’clock.

- phrases // - со  опре­де­лен­ны­ми сло­ва­ми

(at night, at Christmas,  at Easter,  at the same time,  at once)

I will go to my friends at Christmas.

 Об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние!

 On Christmas Day - в день Рож­де­ства

Before -до, перед

- during the period of time preceding a particular event or time (before 9 o’clock, before you come)// - в пе­ри­од вре­ме­ни пред­ше­ству­ю­щий опре­де­лен­но­му со­бы­тию.

I will go home before it is dark.

After - после; через

- something will happen later// - что-то слу­чит­ся позже

I will go to the beach after 4 p.m.


 Упо­тре­би­те пра­виль­ные пред­ло­ги со сле­ду­ю­щи­ми сло­ва­ми:

… November               

… 10 o’clock

… 2013

… Monday 

… April 4th  

… Easter   

… winter 

… night  

… the  morning

… once

… a minute

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

In November/ at 10 o’clock / in 2013/ on Monday/ on April 4th / at Easter/ in winter/ at night / in the  morning/ at  once / in a minute

Вы­бе­ри­те пра­виль­ный пред­лог и вставь­те в пред­ло­же­ние:

1. George visits us … every Christmas. (at/in)

2. I do not have Music … Wednesday. (in/on)

3. It snows here every year …December. (in/at)

4. My birthday is  … 17th of November. (after/on)

5. You must brush your teeth … you go to bed. (before/at)

6. We have pizza… Saturdays.  (in/on)

7. It’s warm and sunny … spring. (at/in)

8.  The lessons start …9 o’clock. (on/a)

9. He rides a bike…the morning. (after/ in)

10. The teacher will come … half an hour. (before/ in)

11. You must have a rest … your classes. ( in/after)

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

1. George visits us at every Christmas.

2. I do not have Music on Wednesday.

3. It snows here every year in December.

4. My birthday is on 17th of November.

5. You must brush your teeth before you go to bed.

6. We have pizza on Saturdays.  

7.  It’s warm and sunnyin spring.

8.  The lessons start at 9 o’clock.

9. He rides a bike in the morning.

10. The teacher will come in half an hour.

11. You must have a rest after your classes.

Do not use prepositions of time.

Не ис­поль­зуй­те пред­ло­ги вре­ме­ни.

next - сле­ду­ю­щий  (month, year, Monday)

He will learn this poem next Tuesday.

last - про­шлый(week, month, year, Friday)

I went to London last June.

this - этот(week, month, year, Tuesday)

We have gone for a run this morning.

tomorrow - зав­тра, yesterdayвчера, the day after tomorrowпо­сле­зав­тра, the day before yesterdayпо­за­вче­ра

I must get up very early tomorrow morning.

every - каж­дый(week, month, year, Sunday)

We go to the cinema every Sunday.

all - весь(day, week, month, year, Wednesday)

You can play all day.

Вопросы к конспектам

Вставь­те про­пу­щен­ные пред­ло­ги, где необ­хо­ди­мо:

1. Some people rest ____ the afternoon.

2. We celebrate different fests ______ October.

3. This program is on only _____ Saturday.

4. We decorate a fir tree _____ Christmas.

5. They built this school ______ 2002.

6. The weather is usually cold _____ January.

7. People go to church ____ Easter.

8. The cartoon starts ______ 13:45.

9. The sun shines brightly _____ July.

10. I can meet you ______ Monday afternoon.

11. My cousin was born ___2005.

12. A week starts ____ Monday.

13. We did not work _____ last week.

14. I usually take my dog for a walk 12:00.

15. We work hard _____ the morning.

16. I do not work ___ night.

17. I will send you a letter ____ next month.

18. The beach party is _____ 4th August.

19. The train leaves____ 5:35.

20. We are usually tired___ the evening.

Последнее изменение: Понедельник, 2 Октябрь 2017, 17:58