Reported speech. Sequence of tenses

Вве­де­ние по­ня­тий пря­мой речи и кос­вен­ной

Кэт го­во­рит сво­е­му другу Бену:

“I will have a birthday party tomorrow.” Это при­мер пря­мой речи. Это имен­но то, что го­во­рит че­ло­век. Пря­мая речь за­клю­ча­ет­ся в ка­выч­ки.


Об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние на от­ли­чие ка­вы­чек в рус­ском языке «А» от ка­вы­чек в ан­глий­ском “A” или бри­тан­ский ва­ри­ант ‘А’.

Позже Бен рас­ска­зы­ва­ет о дне рож­де­нии Кэт сво­е­му другу Майку.

“Kate said she would have a birthday party the next day.” – Это при­мер кос­вен­ной речи. Бен пе­ре­ска­зы­ва­ет слова Кэт.


Пра­ви­ло со­гла­со­ва­ния вре­мен

Срав­ни­те эти два пред­ло­же­ния:

Каtе said: “I will have a birthday party tomorrow!” – Kate said she would have a birthday party the next day.

В пред­ло­же­нии про­изо­шли опре­де­лен­ные из­ме­не­ния при пе­ре­во­де из пря­мой речи в кос­вен­ную. А имен­но:

Pronouns (ме­сто­име­ния) – I из­ме­ни­лось на she.

Time expressions (на­ре­чия вре­ме­ни) – tomorrow из­ме­ни­лось на the next day.

Verb tense (время гла­го­ла) – have стало would have.

Эти из­ме­не­ния про­изо­шли в со­от­вет­ствии с пра­ви­лом со­гла­со­ва­ния вре­мен (Sequence of Tenses Rule).

Про­чи­тай­те еще несколь­ко при­ме­ров, ко­то­рые по­мо­гут вам по­нять это пра­ви­ло, об­ра­щая вни­ма­ние на из­ме­не­ния в пред­ло­же­ни­ях.

Max said, “I am ready.”– Max said (that) he was ready.

Mary said, “We went to school yesterday”. – Mary said (that) they had gone to school the previous day.

“You are wearing a nice suit,” said the girl. – The girl said (that) he was wearing a nice suit.

Jenny said, “I have broken his cup”. – Jenny said (that) she had broken his cup.

При пе­ре­во­де пред­ло­же­ния из пря­мой речи в кос­вен­ную, когда вы пе­ре­ска­зы­ва­е­те ко­му-то чьи-то слова и дей­ствие, о ко­то­ром вы го­во­ри­те, про­изо­шло ка­кое-то время назад, НЕОБ­ХО­ДИ­МО ПО­МЕ­НЯТЬ гла­голь­ную форму на шаг НАЗАД (в про­шлое). Пра­ви­ло – backshift

• Present Simple to Past Simple. 
"I come here every week." – She said (that) she came here every week.

• Present Continuous to Past Continuous. 

"I'm reading a book." – He said (that) he was reading a book.

• Past Simple to Past Perfect

"I bought some new chairs." – She said (that) she had bought some new chairs.

• Present Perfect to Past Perfect 
"I've seen that film twice." – She said (that) he had seen that film twice.

• Will becomes would.
"I'll come early." – He said (that) he would come early.

• Can becomes could.
"I can run fast." – She said (that) she could run fast.


Союз THAT не обя­за­тель­но ис­поль­зо­вать в пред­ло­же­нии, вы мо­же­те его опу­стить.


Из­ме­не­ние ме­сто­име­ний

При пе­ре­во­де пред­ло­же­ния из пря­мой речи в кос­вен­ную, необ­хо­ди­мо пом­нить и том, что МЕ­СТО­ИМЕ­НИЯ долж­ны ис­поль­зо­вать­ся ло­гич­но и, воз­мож­но, их тоже надо по­ме­нять.

He said, “I am busy.” – He said that he was busy.
She said, “I am unwell.” – She said that she was unwell.

They said, “We will go to the cinema.” – They said they would go to the cinema.

She said, “My house is big.” – She said that her house was big.



Пе­ре­пи­ши­те пред­ло­же­ния в кос­вен­ной речи.

Tom said, “I want to visit my friends.”

Jerry said, “I'm studying English a lot.”

They said, “We have lived in England for a long time.”

He said, “I want to go there.”

Susan said, “I can come to the party.”

They said, “We will do it.”

Marry said, “I like ice cream.”

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

Tom said (that) he wanted to visit his friends.

Jerry said (that) he was studying English a lot.

They said (that) they had lived in England for a long time.

He said (that) he wanted to go there.

Susan said (that) she could come to the party.

They said (that) they would do it.

Marry said (that) she liked ice cream.


Из­ме­не­ние на­ре­чий вре­ме­ни и ука­за­тель­ных ме­сто­име­ний

При пе­ре­во­де из пря­мой речи в кос­вен­ную об­ра­щай­те вни­ма­ние на на­ре­чия вре­ме­ни и ука­за­тель­ные ме­сто­име­ния this/these:

Каte said: “I will have a birthday party tomorrow!” – Kate said she would have a birthday party the next day.

Из­ме­не­ния про­ис­хо­дят так:

today– (on) thatday

She said, “I have been late for classes today.” – She said (that) she had been late for classes that day.

this morning/afternoon/tonight – that morning/afternoon/that night

He said, “I want to leave for London tonight.”

He said (that) he wanted to leave for Delhi that night.

Now – then

Peter said, “I am very busy now.” – Peter said (that) he was very busy then.

Tomorrow – the following day/the next day

She said, “I will leave for New York tomorrow.”– She said (that) she would leave for New York the next day.

next week/month – the following week/ month

He said, “I will be on holidays next week.” – He said he would be on holidays the following week.

In a few days – a few days later

They said: “We will see her in a few days.” – They said (that) they would see her a few days later.

Yesterday – the day before

He said, “I visited them yesterday.”
He said (that) he had visited them the day before.

last week/month/year – the week/ month/year before

He said: "I visited New York last year." – He said (that) he had visited New York the year before.

5 minutes/three days/a week ago –5 minutes/ three days / a week before

She said, "John called 10 minutes ago."

She said (that) John had called 10 minutes before.

Here – there

He said, “I am glad to be here this evening.” – He said (that) he was glad to be there that evening.

This – that

She said, “I liked this bag.” – She said that she liked that bag.

These – those

She said, “These flowers are beautiful.” – She said (that) those flowers were beautiful.


Если что-то ска­за­но и эти слова пе­ре­ска­зы­ва­ют СРАЗУ, на­ре­чия вре­ме­ни можно не ме­нять.

(He has said it today) "I will go on holiday tomorrow," he said.

(I report about it today) He said he would go on holiday tomorrow.

(She said it this week) "We painted the hall last weekend," she said.

(I report it this week.) She said they had painted the hall last weekend.



Ис­правь­те ошиб­ки в пред­ло­же­ни­ях с кос­вен­ной речью.

She said, “I have forgotten your name.” – She said that she has forgotten my name.

Jane said, “I will wait here.” – Jane said that she would wait here.

He said, “I can swim.” – He said that he can swam.

He said, “We were playing football yesterday.” – He said they were playing football a day ago.

Kate said, “I will buy a book tomorrow.”– He said that he would buy a book the day before.

Sam said, “She arrived last week.” – Sam said she had arrived a week ago.

He said, “I like this book.” – He said that he liked this book.

The teacher said, “We are doing exercises now.” – The teacher said that they were doing the next day.

Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

She said that she had forgotten my name.

Jane said that she would wait there.

He said that he could swim.

He said they were playing football the day before.

Kate said that he would buy a book the next day.

Sam said she had arrived the week before.

He said that he liked that book.

The teacher said that they were doing exercises then.


No backshift

Форму гла­го­ла можно не из­ме­нять в сле­ду­ю­щих слу­ча­ях:

1. Если гла­гол в глав­ном пред­ло­же­нии в на­сто­я­щем вре­ме­ни. If the reporting verb is in the present tense.

Bill says, "I am enjoying my holiday." – Bill says he is enjoying his holiday.

Sandy says, "I will never meet him again." – Sandy says she will never meet him again.

2. Если мы пе­ре­ска­зы­ва­ем со­бы­тие, ко­то­рое до сих пор про­ис­хо­дит. When we report something that is still true.

Steve says, "Asia is the largest continent." – Dan said Asia is the largest continent.

Anna says, "Moscow is the capital of Russia." – Emma said Moscow is the capital of Russia.

Pedro said, “I am from Brazil and I have three children.” – Pedro said he is from Brazil and he has three children.

3. Если пред­ло­же­ние вы­ска­за­но и пе­ре­ска­за­но в одно и то же время и со­бы­тие, ко­то­рое пе­ре­ска­зы­ва­ют, все еще ак­ту­аль­но. When a sentence is made and reported at the same time and the fact is still true.

Tina said: "I am hungry." –Tina said she is hungry.



Итак, когда вы пе­ре­во­ди­те пред­ло­же­ния из пря­мой речи в кос­вен­ную, об­ра­щай­те вни­ма­ние на три из­ме­не­ния:


place and time expressions and demonstrative pronouns

tenses to one step back

Последнее изменение: Пятница, 6 Октябрь 2017, 22:04