Глагол «быть» “to be” в прошедшем времени

To be в на­сто­я­щем вре­ме­ни. To Be in the Present Tense (рис. 1).

To Be в на­сто­я­щем вре­ме­ни

Рис. 1. To Be в на­сто­я­щем вре­ме­ни

Утвер­ди­тель­ные пред­ло­же­ния с to be

Subject Am/Is/Are …

I am happy. – Я счаст­лив.

He is a doctor. – Он док­тор.

She is beautiful. – Она кра­си­вая.

It is delicious. – Это вкус­но.

You are a pupil. – Ты уче­ник.

We are smart. – Мы умные.

They are sad. – Они пе­чаль­ные.

Во­про­си­тель­ные пред­ло­же­ния с to be

Am/Is/Are Subject …?

Am I happy?

Is he a doctor?

Is she beautiful?

Is it delicious?

Are you a pupil?

Are we smart?

Are they sad?

От­ри­ца­тель­ные пред­ло­же­ния с to be

Subject Am/Is/Are + not  …

I am not happy.

He is not (isn’t) a doctor.

She is not (isn’t) beautiful.

It is not (isn’t) delicious.

You are not (aren’t) a pupil.

We are not (aren’t) smart.

They are not (aren’t) sad.

 Утвердительные предложения с глаголом то be в прошедшем времени

Про­чи­тай­те ин­те­рес­ные факты о про­шлом.

Britain was part of the Roman Empire for almost 400 years! – Бри­та­ния была ча­стью Рим­ской им­пе­рии на про­тя­же­нии почти 400 лет.

The first Olympic Games were for men only. – Пер­вые Олим­пий­ские игры были толь­ко для муж­чин.

Walt Disney was scared of mice. – Уолт Дис­ней бо­ял­ся мышей.

Coca cola was originally green. – Из­на­чаль­но Ко­ка-Ко­ла была зе­ле­ной.

Как видно из при­ме­ров, в про­шед­шем вре­ме­ни гла­гол to be имеет две формы (рис. 2):

To Be в про­шед­шем вре­ме­ни

Рис. 2. To Be в про­шед­шем вре­ме­ни

Об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние, что was ис­поль­зу­ет­ся с един­ствен­ным чис­лом, а were – с мно­же­ствен­ным.



1. I was

1. We were

2. You were

2. You were

3. He was

    She was

    It was

3. They were

I was the best pupil in my class.

He was happy to know this news.

She was ready to go out with her friends.

It was a good idea to go to the cinema.

You were so beautiful yesterday.

We were afraid of dogs in our childhood.

They were late for classes.

 Отрицательные предложения с глаголом to be в прошедшем времени

По­ставь­те от­ри­ца­тель­ную ча­стич­ку not ПОСЛЕ формы was/were



1. I was not (wasn’t)

1. We were not (weren’t)

2. You were

2. You were not (weren’t)

3. He was not (wasn’t)

 She was not (wasn’t)

 It was not (wasn’t)

3. They were not (weren’t)

I was not (wasn’t) in a trouble.

He was not (wasn’t) a hero.

She was not (wasn’t) tired.

It was not (wasn’t) a good idea.

You were not (weren’t) ready.

We were not (weren’t) inside.

They were not (weren’t) pleased.

 Вопросительные предложения с глаголом to be в прошедшем времени

По­ставь­те гла­гол форму гла­го­ла to be, was/were, перед под­ле­жа­щим.



1. Was I

1. Were we

2. Were you

2. Were you

3. Was he

    Was she

    Was It

3. Were they

Was he happy?

Was she there?

Was it good?

Were you rude?

Were they married?

Крат­кие от­ве­ты с гла­го­лом to be в про­шед­шем вре­ме­ни



1. Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t.

1. Yes, we were./No, we weren’t.

2. Yes, you were./No, you weren’t.


2.​Yes, you were./No, you weren’t

3. Yes, he was./No, he wasn’t.

Yes, she was./No, she wasn’t.

Yes, it was./No, it wasn’t.

3.​Yes, they were./No, they weren’t

Were they late for classes? – Yes, they were.

Was he afraid of snakes? – No, he wasn’t.

Was it easy to learn past forms of to be? – Yes, it was. 

Вопросы к конспектам

1. Choose was or were:

The teacher_____ nice.

The students ______very clever.

But one student______ in trouble.

We______ sorry for him.

He ______nice though.

Последнее изменение: Понедельник, 2 Октябрь 2017, 04:31