Банк тестов по английскому языку ЕНТ бесплатно

Пройти бесплатный онлайн тест №10/2014

Пройти бесплатный онлайн тест №10/2014

от Kris Kim -
Количество ответов: 0

Translate: Does your friend have a large or a small family?
A) У твоего друга большая семья?
=B) У твоего друга большая или маленькая семья?
C) Какая фамилия у твоего друга?
D) Хочет ли иметь большую семью твой друг?
E) Какая семья у твоего друга?
Did you …. much work the day before yesterday?
=A) have;
B) had;
C) has;
D) make;
E) done.
Unfortunately, I … time to discuss this question with you.
A) have;
B) doesn’t have;
=C) have no;
D) hasn’t;
E) haven’t no.
Translate: Tы можешь отдохнуть.
A) You must give a rest;
B) You should make a rest;
C) You can’t have a rest;
D) You may do the rest;
=E) You may have a rest.
Please, give me … pen and … pencil.
A) the, a;
=B) a, a;
C) a, the;
D) the, the;
E) -, -.
What … article should we use … there?
A) the, a;
B) a, the;
C) a, the;
D) the, the;
=E) -, -.
Translate: На нашей улице находится очень интересный музей.
A) We have got a very interesting museum at our street;
=B) There is a very interesting museum in our street;
C) We has an interesting museum in our street;
D) There are very interesting museums in our street;
E) We haven’t any interesting museum in our street.
Their favorite singer is Sting, .... he?
A) wasn’t;
B) doesn’t;
=C) isn’t;
D) is;
E) aren’t.
She is fond ... classical music.
A) in;
=B) of;
C) in;
D) by;
E) at.
... always speaks in a loud voice.
=A) he;
B) we;
C) you;
D) they;
E) I.
There were many .... of the World War at the meeting.
A) man;
B) mans;
=C) men;
D) mannes;
E) woman.
Choose wrong variant of noun’s plural form.
A) geese;
=B) woman-doctors;
C) shelves;
D) plays;
E) oxen.
Choose wrong variant of noun’s plural form.
A) chairs;
B) armies;
=C) foots;
D) months;
E) girls.

Choose wrong variant of noun’s plural form.
A) tomatoes;
B) men;
=C) toothes;
D) lives;
E) forget-me-nots.
Choose wrong variant of noun’s plural form.
A) horses;
B) keys;
C) women;
=D) childrens;
E) women-doctors.
Choose wrong variant of noun’s plural form.
A) potatoes;
=B) mouses;
C) wives;
D) forget-me-nots;
E) oxen.
... character my father is a quiet man.
A) On;
=B) By;
C) For;
D) The;
E) At.
I’ve got good relations ... my mum.
A) to;
B) by;
=C) with;
D) at;
E) from.
She is always interested ... what I do.
A) at;
=B) in;
C) by;
D) on;
E) of.
Mary is very popular ... her classmates at school.
A) at;
B) by;
=C) with;
D) from;
E) of.
I am keen ... math.
A) in;
=B) on;
C) at;
D) with;
E) by.
My mother’s brother is my ... .
A) niece;
=B) uncle;
C) sister;
D) brother-in-law;
E) nephew.
son of my father is my ... .
=A) brother;
B) relative;
C) distant relative;
D) brother-in-law;
E) stepbrother.
My brother’s wife is my ... .
A) son-in-law;
=B) sister-in-law;
C) relative;
D) father-in-law;
E) stepsister.
Daughter of my sister is my ... .
A) cousin;
B) brother-in-law;
=C) niece;
D) nephew;
E) brother.

ЕНТ. Английский язык тесты с ответами онлайн бесплатно №10