Банк тестов по английскому языку ЕНТ бесплатно

Пройти бесплатный онлайн тест №8/2014

Пройти бесплатный онлайн тест №8/2014

от Kris Kim -
Количество ответов: 0

My friend’s … flat is … very comfortable.
A) the, a;
B) a, a;
=C) -, -;
D) the, -;
E) an, the.
Through ... window we can see … room.
=A) the, a;
B) a, a;
C) -, -;
D) the, -;
E) an, the.
I come from … pretty rich … family.
A) the, a;
=B) a, -;
C) a, a;
D) the, an;
E) -, -.
When my grandfather was ... young man, he studied … physics.
A) a, a;
B) a, the;
C) -, -;
D) the, an;
=E) a, -.
He is … wonderful teacher. He teaches … History.
=A) a, -;
B) a, the;
C) a, an;
D) -, -;
E) -, the.
… Russia occupies … eastern half of … Europe.
A) the, the, the;
B) -, the, a;
C) a, an, the;
=D) -, the, -;
E) -, -, -.
Several rivers run into … sea at … New York.
=A) the, -;
B) -, -;
C) -, the;
D) a, a;
E) a, the.
.. France is to … north of … Italy.
A) the, the, the;
=B) -, the, -;
C) -, -, -;
D) a, the, a;
E) -, a, -.
In … small town in … East there was … man who had … parrot.
=A) a, the, a, a;
B) a, -, a, the;
C) -, the, an, -;
D) the, the, a, -;
E) -, -, the, the.
One day … man decided to sell … bird.
=A) a, a;
B) the, the;
C) a, an;
D) -, the;
E) -, -.
… train stopped at … little station.
A) the, an;
=B) the, a;
C) a, an;
D) -, the;
E) -, -.
… weather was fine, … sun was shining in … blue sky.
A) -,-,-;
B) -, the, a;
C) a, a, a;
D) a, the, an;
=E) the, the, the.

… group of … farmers were sitting in … village house.
=A) a, -, the;
B) the, the, the;
C) the, a, a;
D) a, the, a;
E) a, a, the.
My grandmother … not nervous and she … rarely upset.
=A) is, is;
B) are, am;
C) was, were;
D) was, will be;
E) will be, is.
Art … long, life … short.
A) was, will be;
B) is, was;
=C) is, is;
D) will be, is;
E) was, were.
You … right. That … a lot of money.
A) is, is;
B) were, were;
C) is, are;
D) is, is;
=E) are, is.
Where … yours books now? They ... in my bag.
A) is, is;
B) were, were;
C) is, are;
D) is, was;
=E) are, are.
Where … your mother yesterday? - She … at the cinema.
A) is, is;
=B) was, was;
C) were, were;
D) is, are;
E) is, was.
When my granny … young, she … an actress.
A) is, is;
=B) was, was;
C) were, were;
D) is, are;
E) is, was.
… you … at school tomorrow? – yes, I …
A) is, is;
=B) will be, will;
C) was, were;
D) will be, am;
E) were, will.
He … with his family now. His sons … so much exited.
A) will be, will;
B) were, will;
C) was, were;
=D) is, are;
E) are, will be.
Yesterday he … in Geneva. Tomorrow he … in London.
A) will be, was;
B) are, will be;
=C) was, will be;
D) is, is;
E) was, was.
The students … in the Russian museum last night. Last month they … in the Hermitage.
A) are, was;
B) were, will be;
C) will be are;
=D) were, were;
E) are, were.
The children … not upset, they … very angry.
A) were, are;
=B) are, are;
C) will be, were;
D) is, is;
E) is, are.
The neighbours …not happy because her children … too noisy.
A) was, were;
B) will be, are;
C) was, are;
=D) are, are;
E) were, will be.

ЕНТ. Английский язык тесты с ответами онлайн бесплатно №8