Noun (Gender/plurals/irregular plurals/compounds/only singular/Group nouns)
Существительное. Виды существительных
A noun is the name of a person, thing, place, or idea.
Nouns can be:
Proper (собственные) = specific names capitalized
Common (нарицательные) = names of things
cup, table, hand
Рис. 1. Первые слова – существительные
Род существительных
Formation of feminine gender
Formation of feminine gender (образование женского рода):
by using an entirely different word (e.g., man – woman, boy – girl, father – mother, horse – mare, husband – wife, cock – hen, gentleman – lady);
by adding a syllable -ess,-ine,-trix (e.g., actor – actress, hero – heroine, lion – lioness, prince – princess).
Gender of a noun
In English, most nouns do not have grammatical genders. So, they may refer to male or female people or animals.
Nouns Gender
мужской род
boy, lion, hero, man, brother, son
женский род
girl, lioness, heroine, woman, sister,daughter
средний род
neither male nor female
book, pen, paper, stone, tree, star
общий род
either male or female
parent, student, teacher, child, friend,cousin, neighbor
When you want to replace the noun in the sentence with the personal pronoun, you have to use he or shefor people (male or female) (рис. 2), it – for most other nouns.
This is the bravest I have ever seen. has saved my life!
This goes in for sports. goes for a run every morning!
This is very comfortable. is my favourite one.
Рис. 2. Женский и мужской род
Множественное число существительных. Исключения из правил
Plural nouns
car – cars, lamp – lamps, table – tables
box – boxes, dish – dishes, sandwich – sandwiches
calf – calves, knife – knives, loaf – loaves, shelf – shelves, wolf – wolves, wife – wives, leaf – leaves
chief – chiefs, handkerchief – handkerchiefs, roof – roofs, safe – safes
a sheep – twosheep, adeer – twodeer, aswine – severalswine, abison – fivebison, afish – twofish, ameans – severalmeans, aspecies – differentspecies, aseries – twoseries
Use these nouns with the singular verb (if they are used in singular) or with the plural verb (if they are used in plural).
A deeris a graceful animal.
There are three deer in the Zoo.
This is a big fish. My father has caught it.
Tropical fishare small and brightly colored.
Рис. 3. Множественное и единственное число
Irregular nouns
Man – men Woman – women Mouse – mice Foot – feet Goose – geese Tooth – teeth |
Person – people Child – children |
Ox – oxen |
Существительные, используемые только в единственном числе
Nouns only in singular in English
music, water, friendship, childhood, love, iron
advice (совет/советы)
information (информация/сведения)
knowledge (знание/знания)
progress (успех/успехи)
news (новость/новости)
She gave me some good advice. – Она дала мне несколькохорошихсоветов.
We have little information about it. – У нас малоинформации об этом.
I am happy to know some good news from him. – Я очень рад узнать хорошие новости от него.
mathematics, physics, phonetics, linguistics
Linguisticsis fascinating.
Существительные, используемые только во множественном числе
Nouns Plural Form
nouns ending in consonant and -y → -ies (e.g., baby – babies, gallery– galleries, city – cities,army – armies);
nouns ending in -o + -es (e.g., potato – potatoes, hero – heroes).
BUT: piano – pianos, photo – photos, kilo – kilos, zero – zeros.
Сложные существительные
Nouns only in plural
scissors, trousers, scales, glasses, gloves
These scissors are very sharp.
Where are my glasses?
Your trousersare too long.
Use these nouns with the expression “” if you want to count them (with singular/plural verbs)
a pair of jeans, a pair of shoes, a pair of slippers, a pair of gloves, a pair of earrings
This pair of earringssuits you.
These four pairs of jeansneed washing.
(одежда), (товар/товары), (содержание), (лестница/лестницы), (оружие), (окраина/окраины), (зарплата)
Your clothesare dirty.
Thesegoodsare very important to us.
Theseoutskirtsare very picturesque.
Рис. 4. Множественное и единственное число
Stress in compound nouns
Compound nouns are very common in English. So, you need to stress them correctly. In compound nouns both words are stressed. And primary stress is on the first word.
Пример:football, armchair, mailbox, writingdesk, highschool, swimming pool.
Compound nouns
Compound nouns consist of two or more words. They may be written separately (e.g., night club, full moon), written with a hyphen (e.g., check-in, forget-me-not), or written as one word (e.g., flashlight, toothpaste).
Plural for compound nouns
father-in-law – fathers-in-law, couch potato – couch potatoes
photocopy – photocopies, toothbrush – toothbrushes
workman – workmen
Собирательные существительные
Collective nouns
Collective nouns refer to a group of something as a whole unit (рис. 5).
army, class, company, group, team
Рис. 5. Собирательные существительные
These nouns are unique because they can function as plural or singular nouns without changing forms. So, they can go with singular or plural verbs. The choice depends on the following:
noun used as a singular one – if it is described as a single unit
noun used as a plural one – if it is made up of individuals
Every summer the football teamgoes on holiday. All members of the team are satisfied with the game.
Nouns people and police are always plural.
People say that the police are investigating the case.
Пример:The Russian peopleis hospitable. – Русский народ гостеприимный.
The peoples of this area have been living there for ages. – Народы в этой местности жили на протяжении веков.
Рис. 6.
Чтобы лучше понять и усвоить особенности употребления существительных, необходимо выполнить следующее упражнение.
Open the brackets and put the word in the correct form
They ate some (tomato).
Why do you need two (piano)?
You can put some (sugar) in your tea.
I need to wash my (hair).
They have a lot of (money).
How many (people to be) at the cinema with you?
Could you give me some (information) on your project?
Those (woman) seem to be very tired.
Why are these (child) crying?
I saw many beautiful (fish) in the Red Sea.
The police in our town (work) well.
These deer (to be) so graceful.
All members of our class (like) this teacher.
Ответы к упражнению:
They ate some tomatoes.
Why do you need two pianos?
You can put some sugar in your tea.
I need to wash my hair.
They have a lot of money.
How many people are at the cinema with you?
Could you give me some information on your project?
Those women seem to be very tired.
Why are these children crying?
I saw many beautiful fish in the Red Sea.
The police in our town work well.
These deer are so graceful.
All members of our class like this teacher.
Вопросы к конспектам
Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на число существительных:
а) Тарелки на столе.
б) Я дам тебе пару советов.
в) Эти штаны нужно укоротить.
г) Они насчитали три свиньи и десять куриц.
д) Многим мужчинам нравится футбол.
е) Её невестки всегда покупают ей подарки.
ж) Полиция арестовала опасного преступника.
з) Всем детям нравятся карусели.