Relative clauses (who/that/which/whose/where/why)

 Общая информация о Relative Clauses

Relative clauses – это опре­де­ли­тель­ные при­да­точ­ные пред­ло­же­ния, ко­то­рые на­чи­на­ют­ся с от­но­си­тель­ных ме­сто­име­ний (relative pronouns) или от­но­си­тель­ных на­ре­чий (relative adverbs) (рис. 1, 2):

who/that/which – ко­то­рый

whose – ко­то­ро­го

when – когда

where – где

why – по­че­му

Relative clauses

Рис. 1. Relative clauses

We can use relative clauses to join two sentences or to give more information about something. We use relative clauses to describe people, things, time, places or reasons. Relative pronoun comes after the noun it describes.


The boy who won the prize was happy.  

Those jeans which you want to buy are really expensive.

Relative pronouns and adverbs

Рис. 2. Relative pronouns and adverbs

Relative clauses can be identifying (огра­ни­чи­тель­ные) or non-identifying (рас­про­стра­ни­тель­ные). Identifying clauses give essential information. The sentence will not be complete without them. Non-identifying clauses are more often used in written English than in spoken English. They give extrai nformation we do not usually need to understand the sense of the sentence. They usually go between commas. Non-identifying relative clauses can use most relative pronouns but they can’t use ‘that’.

Identifying relative clause:

вы­ра­жа­ет важ­ную ин­фор­ма­цию;

без него пред­ло­же­ние не за­вер­ше­но по смыс­лу.


This is the new car that I bought yesterday. – Это новая ма­ши­на, ко­то­рую я купил вчера.

The ring which he bought for her is beautiful. – Коль­цо, ко­то­рое он купил для нее, пре­крас­но.

The book that you see on the table cost me twenty pounds. – Книга, ко­то­рую ты ви­дишь на столе, сто­и­ла мне два­дцать фун­тов.

Relative clauses

Рис. 3. Relative clauses

Non-identify ingrelative clause:

вы­ра­жа­ет до­пол­ни­тель­ную ин­фор­ма­цию, без ко­то­рой можно обой­тись;

от­де­ля­ет­ся за­пя­ты­ми в пред­ло­же­нии;

не ис­поль­зу­ет­ся с that.


The school, where I studied, is in the centre of the city. – Школа, где я учил­ся, в цен­тре го­ро­да.

The textbooks, which the students like, have lots of helpful examples. – В учеб­ни­ках, ко­то­рые нра­вят­ся сту­ден­там, очень много по­лез­ных при­ме­ров. 

John, who plays football, is always busy at weekends. – Джон, ко­то­рый иг­ра­ет в фут­бол, очень занят на вы­ход­ных.

Relative pronouns as subject and object

Relative pronouns can be either a subject or an object in relative clauses. When a relative pronoun is a subject, it is followed by a verb. When it is an object, it is followed by a noun or a pronoun.




Do you know the man who talked to me?

The peaches that are lying on the table are tasty.

We will stay at a hotel which is next to the beach.

That is the film which is very exciting.

Do you know the man who I talked to?

The peaches that you bought in the shop are tasty.

We will stay at a hotel which my friend has recommended to us.

That is the film which I like very much.

 Относительные местоимения

Read the sentences and underline the relative pronouns (Про­чи­тай­те пред­ло­же­ния и под­черк­ни­те от­но­си­тель­ные ме­сто­име­ния):

He met his teacher who was very strict. – Он встре­тил сво­е­го учи­те­ля, ко­то­рый был очень стро­гим.

He’s looking for a secretary that can use a computer well. – Он ищет сек­ре­та­ря, ко­то­рый хо­ро­шо умеет поль­зо­вать­ся ком­пью­те­ром.

You will see the house which is opposite the petrol station. – Ты уви­дишь дом, ко­то­рый на­про­тив за­прав­ки.

The camera that costs about 200 pounds has been lost. – Фо­то­ап­па­рат, ко­то­рый стоит около двух сотен фун­тов, был по­те­рян.

The little girl whose doll was broken is crying. – Ма­лень­кая де­воч­ка, чья кукла по­ло­ма­на, пла­чет.

The house whose roof is white belongs to my grandparents. – Дом, крыша ко­то­ро­го белая, при­над­ле­жит моим ба­буш­ке и де­душ­ке.








So, remember:

who – for people

which – for things

that – for people and things

whose – for people and things (рис. 4)

Упо­треб­ле­ние от­но­си­тель­ных ме­сто­име­ний

Рис. 4. Упо­треб­ле­ние от­но­си­тель­ных ме­сто­име­ний

 Relative pronouns as subject and object

Relative pronouns can be either a subject or an object in relative clauses. When a relative pronoun is a subject, it is followed by a verb. When it is an object, it is followed by a noun or a pronoun.




Do you know the man who talked to me?

The peaches that are lying on the table are tasty.

We will stay at a hotel which is next to the beach.

That is the film which is very exciting.

Do you know the man who I talked to?

The peaches that you bought in the shop are tasty.

We will stay at a hotel which my friend has recommended to us.

That is the film which I like very much.

 Omission of the relative pronoun

A relative pronoun introduces a relative clause. But there are some cases when you can omit a relative pronoun.

Omission of the relative pronoun is possible if a pronoun functions as the object of a main clause.


Do you know the girl who he is talking to?


Do you know the girl he is talking to?

The film which/that I saw two days ago was very interesting.


The film I saw two days ago was very interesting.

I didn’t like the book which/that you gave me.


I didn’t like the book you gave me.

Where is the pencil which/that I lent you?


Where is the pencil I lent you?

 Упражнение 1

Чтобы лучше по­нять и усво­ить осо­бен­но­сти упо­треб­ле­ния от­но­си­тель­ных  при­да­точ­ных пред­ло­же­ний, необ­хо­ди­мо вы­пол­нить сле­ду­ю­щее упраж­не­ние.

Упраж­не­ние 2

Join two sentences using a relative pronoun (Со­еди­ни­те два пред­ло­же­ния, ис­поль­зуя от­но­си­тель­ное ме­сто­име­ние)

Example: I wrote to the friend. He had a birthday last week. – I wrote to the friend who/that had a birthday last week.  

I bought a house. It was nice.

Alice has got a friend. He dances well.

He received the letter. He was waiting for it.

Max has become an actor. You met him last year.  

I was happy to get a letter from my friend. He has been travelling around the world.

This dress costs a lot of money. It has a handmade embroidery.

I forgot to print the article. I wrote it yesterday.

The boy was sad. His bike was broken.

От­ве­ты к упраж­не­нию:

I bought a house which/that was nice.

Alice has got a friend who/that dances well.

He received the letter which/that he was waiting for.

Max who/that you met last year has become an actor.

I was happy to get a letter from my friend who/that has been travelling around the world.

This dress whose embroidery is handmade costs a lot of money.

I forgot to print the article which/that I wrote yesterday.

The boy whose bike was broken was sad.

 Относительные наречия

When (когда)

Рис. 5. When (когда)

Where – to talk about a place

Why – to talk about a reason

When – to talk about time (рис. 5)


This is the café where I ate a delicious cake yesterday. – Это то кафе, где вчера я ел вкус­ный торт.

Tell me the reason why you are crying. – Скажи мне при­чи­ну, по­че­му ты пла­чешь.

My favorite day of the week is Friday, when the weekend is about to begin. – Мой лю­би­мый день неде­ли – пят­ни­ца, когда вы­ход­ные вот-вот нач­нут­ся.

 Упражнение 2

Put the relative adverbs where/why/when (Вставь­те от­но­си­тель­ные на­ре­чия where/why/when)

We will visit the castle........​the kings lived.

Winter is the time of the year..........​many people suffer from flu.

I can’t understand the reason...........​you have been late for work.

Do you know the reason............​she is so upset?

This is the library...........​you can find even rare books.

The school...........I study is near my house.

This is the reason...........I never invite her to the party.

I remember the day............I went to school.

От­ве­ты к упраж­не­нию:

We will visit the castle where the kings lived.

Winter is the time of the year when many people suffer from flu.

I can’t understand the reason why you have been late for work.

Do you know the reason why she is so upset?

This is the library where you can find even rare books.

The school where I study is near my house.

This is the reason why I never invite her to the party.

I remember the day when I went to school.

Вопросы к конспектам

1. Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate relative pronouns.

a) This is the store..........​was robbed last week.

b) The bag..........I bought is blue.

c) She wore a costume...........​made her look funny.

d) The girl...........​door was open was waiting for the guests.

e) The boy............​rode a horse was very handsome.

f) This is the gadget...........​price is really high.

2. Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate relative adverbs.

a) The morning...........​you came to me was wonderful.

b) The café............​we went last Friday is really nice.

c) This is the place...........I can be alone.

d) Tell me the reason............​you are smiling.

e) The department store............​you work as a shop assistant gets a lot of customers every day.

f) Could you explain me the choice.............​you study this subject.

3. Пе­ре­ве­ди­те на ан­глий­ский язык, об­ра­щая вни­ма­ние на от­но­си­тель­ные ме­сто­име­ния.

а) Муж­чине, ко­то­рый живет по со­сед­ству, 60 лет.

б) Маль­чик, ко­то­рый по­те­рял свой днев­ник, очень невни­ма­тель­ный.  

в) Иг­руш­ки, ко­то­рые лежат на столе, мои. 

г) Книга, ко­то­рую я читаю, очень ин­те­рес­ная.

д) Я не знаю ни­ко­го, чьи ро­ди­те­ли были бы учи­те­ля­ми.

е) Мама вы­бра­ла про­дук­ты, ко­то­рые были де­шев­ле.

ж) Те люди, ко­то­рые мало спят, чаще под­вер­же­ны пе­ре­па­дам на­стро­е­ния.

з) Спортс­ме­ны, ко­то­рые много тре­ни­ру­ют­ся, по­беж­да­ют на со­рев­но­ва­ни­ях.

Последнее изменение: Воскресенье, 8 Октябрь 2017, 00:45