Сравнительная характеристика использования Present Simple и Present Continuous

 1. Повторение Present Simple

Present Simple (на­сто­я­щее про­стое время) упо­треб­ля­ет­ся для опи­са­ния дей­ствий, ко­то­рые про­ис­хо­дят ре­гу­ляр­но. Ис­поль­зуй­те Present Simple, чтобы рас­ска­зать о фак­тах из своей жизни, о тех дей­стви­ях, ко­то­рые по­вто­ря­ют­ся.

Об­сто­я­тель­ства вре­ме­ни, ко­то­рые под­ска­жут как часто дей­ствие по­вто­ря­ет­ся.

every day-  каж­дый день

always- все­гда  

often- часто  

usually- обыч­но  

sometimes – ино­гда

never - ни­ко­гда

Повторение Present Simple

Рис. 1.


 2. Повторение Present Continuous

Present Continuous (на­сто­я­щее про­дол­жен­ное) ис­поль­зу­ет­ся для опи­са­ния дей­ствия, ко­то­рое про­ис­хо­дит прямо сей­час, в мо­мент речи.

now -  сей­час

at the moment- в мо­мент речи

Повторение Present Continuous

Рис. 2.

 3. Разница между Present Simple и Present Continuous на примерах

This is Phil. He is a businessman.  He works in an office every day. (Present Simple)

Рис. 3

This is Phil. He is a businessman.  He works in an office every day. (Present Simple)


He is playing football now. (Present continuous)

Рис. 4

He is playing football now. (Present continuous)

Когда мы го­во­рим о том, что Фил де­ла­ет ре­гу­ляр­но, каж­дый день - ис­поль­зу­ем время Present Simple (на­сто­я­щее про­стое).

Когда мы го­во­рим, что де­ла­ет Фил в на­сто­я­щий мо­мент- ис­поль­зу­ем время Present Continuous ( на­сто­я­щее дли­тель­ное).

He works in an office every day. (Present Simple)

He is playing football now. (Present continuous)

 4. Упражнение

По­смот­ри­те на кар­тин­ку и от­веть­те на во­про­сы:

Разница между Present Simple и Present Continuous на примерах

Рис. 5

Does he work in an office every day? Is he working in an office now? Is he playing football now?


Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

Yes, he does.  No, he isn't.  Yes, he is.



 5. Разница между Present Simple и Present Continuous на примерах

По­смот­ри­те на кар­тин­ки:

Разница между Present Simple и Present Continuous на примерах

Рис. 6

Hello, I’m Molly. Hello, I’m Karen. We are singers.

They often sing. (Present Simple)


They are cooking at the moment. (Present Continuous)

Рис. 7

They are cooking at the moment. (Present Continuous)

Когда мы го­во­рим о том, что де­вуш­ки часто де­ла­ют, мы ис­поль­зу­ем Present Simple   (на­сто­я­щее про­стое время).  They often sing.  

Когда мы го­во­рим, что о том, что Молли и Карен де­ла­ют сей­час, мы ис­поль­зу­ем Present Continuous  (на­сто­я­щее дли­тель­ное время). They are cooking at the moment.

 6. Упражнение

По­смот­ри­те на кар­тин­ки и от­веть­те на во­про­сы:

Do they often sing?

Do they often sing?

Are they singing at the moment? Are they cooking at the moment?

Are they singing at the moment? Are they cooking at the moment?


Пра­виль­ные от­ве­ты:

Yes, they do. No, they aren't. Yes, they are.


Вопросы к конспектам

Вы­бе­ри­те Present Simple или Present Continuous


“Where are you going?”- “I_______ to the boutique.”

  go/ am going


I often _________to the radio.

am listening/ listen


We always _______ tennis at six.

play/are playing


She _________ ice-cream right now.

eats/ is eating


The weather is fantastic! It’s warm and the sun_________ . Let’s have a picnic!

 shines/is shining


 He _______ at the moment.

is skating/skates


They always________ their presents under the Christmas tree.

 find/ are finding


Shhh! Be quiet. Tom _________.

 sleeps/is sleeping


It ________ very often in this country.

is raining/rains

Последнее изменение: Понедельник, 2 Октябрь 2017, 03:46